

Being alone isn't something that I take pride in but its just easier than having meaningless relationships that won't amount to much in the end. Every friend that I have decided to have as my own have left after witnessing my home life, after seeing for themselves how broken I truly am and most importantly after I hold out my hand asking for help. Therefore I just walk alone. I glide past everyone else in hopes of leaving this hell I am in for a heaven, a utopia so much better.


This isn't a story about who ends up with whom nor is it just a pity party but an actual look into the lives of those whom are less fortunate than you not just money wise, but in relationships; not just love but also in remorse and the adoration that humans tend to need. Between two people faults will be realized, words will be spoken and kisses given that aren't just merely embraces but hope for a cold closed heart to slowly warm up and open again. Given chances that will never come back for a second time in hopes that things can be done right at first.











thank you all for reading my story he is another chapter!


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