... Is that your name?

My Better Half...

Now, the playground was full. If earlier, still, the school looked like a place in the middle of a curfew, then, it was swarming about life. At the game stalls, at the food stalls, little bunches were hurrying. On the stagee, in the back, different contests were doing extremely well and sometimes getting a way through the crowd was difficult. This year, once again, it was a true success. And among all those, the girls percent was nothing to neglect. They were rushing in there from any corner of the city, all hoping to meet a pretty boy at the every turn of an animation.

Strategically, Yoochun has settled in the middle of the playground, next to the basket ground which, for the occasion, was the place where food breaks were taken. They were a lot to sit on the clay to snack on the little something prepared in the school, while chatting. It was a place where the people traffic was heavy and when he has been chosen by the others to lure cute girls for their stall, he immediately has thought about settling here.

And if he has been the one chosen by them it was no random. His friends naturally have decided he was the one with the biggest success with girls and most of all, the sweetest talk and so, in conclusion, he was the best choice for this task. Did he accept with dragging feet? Not really... Indeed, talking to girls was his specialty and he had no pain tackling them. He only had to get the good look and to spot the ones who could be interested by the proposed prizes. When they were passing him by, in a skillful trick, nine time on ten he was able to convince them to get to the stall which his friend and himself were responsible of.

Two Young girls were, indeed, coming his way, apparently lost among all the proposed activities. It was perfect... One of them was wearing a uniform and the other one was dressed in a pretty way, with her hair dyed blonde. What an odd duet! No matter, they were cute and that was all he could see. Patiently, Yoochun waited for them to make their way through the closer from him and once they were close enough, he stopped the dyed hair girl by grabbing her forearm with a charming delicacy. Soon, he was rewarded by an equally charming smile. The other girl, dressed in uniform, looked more timid. But she was cute too, in her own way.

"Hey, you... I'm sure you like cuddly toys, don't you?"

His voice was smooth and at the look of the young girl's smile, he knew right then he had won the big special prize.

Jessica was not surprised by the way he had approached her. In the US, where she has grew up, boys were pretty explicit. It didn't bother her, the opposite. She was not faint-hearted and liked when people were not with her as well. However, it was sad for Juhyun. She was the one loving cuddly toys... He should have asked her the question instead. She glanced at her friend. In the back, Juhyun didn't dare talking... For her, it was, oppositely to Jessica, something a little frightful, that some random guy would approach them this way.

"My friend here, she likes cuddly toys a lot..." The lovely blonde girl answered with a head sign.

Immediately, Yoochun changed his target. Yes, this girl looked interesting but for now, it was not the most important thing to him. He had to bring people to the stall. He stepped to Juhyun and almost thought she would have stepped back. But she stayed where she was. She was not scared of boys, not scared at all, but at the sight of how well it was going on between Jessica and him, she was clearly feeling she was out.

"If you really like cuddly toys, you have to come to our stall. You can win some... It's very easy and cheap. Do you want to try?"

"Please, I hope this is no swindling..." Jessica asked in a mischievous way.

Yoochun turned his face to her and blinked conniving at her. Really, he knew how to do that... His trick was working quite well on girls like Jessica but Juhyun, though she thought he was nice, thought as well that she would never have a crush on such a sweet talker!

"Not at all, sweetheart. I can swear on my life. It's oh so simple and it only costs 1000 won a game. Come on and take a glimpse at it, I know you will like it."

Once again, he has talked to Juhyun for the last sentence but Jessica couldn't help but arriving. It was nothing mean, but just because with all the girls surely ready to lure him, she didn't want to lose his attention. And like that, he would remember her when she would be back to ask him his phone number... It was her plan.

"And are your friends as cute as you are? If they do, count me on it."

"This..." Yoochun added with a slight laughter. "I'm not the one able to judge about. I like cute cheeks in your kind better... What's the most important is the stall. It's for a a good cause with it..."

"Well, alright. Let's go..." Juhyun finally finished, shrugging.

In reality, there was only one thing on her mind : to fly away from the both seduction game. Too bad if she got lost, she would meet Jessica again at one moment but it was pretty unbearable. They both had that same dubious method to talk together. A real cliche of dyed-in-the-wool pick-up artists!

"The stall is straight behind you, at the left corner. Many cuddly toys and four guys... With a lot of girls around."

Juhyun started to go to the place he has showed her, thinking Jessica would stay and try to keep on seducing her babe. She was really surprised when, a few seconds latter, her friend caught her back, smiling, wrapping one arm around hers. Apparently, she was especially motivated by the discovery of the other four Yoochun's mates. It was not hard to guess that, for sure, he was what she liked. This girl was incredible! In a pure male matter, she was never overwhelmed! It was a true passion, after all, just like Juhyun had a passion for nice outfits and she never get bored to look at the same fashion editorials for days.

The stall was not hard to spot. From afar, the back wall filled up with various size cuddly toys was easy to see. Already, Juhyun noticed one she particularly liked but the size was pretty impressive... If she came back with such a cuddly toy, her parents would obviously wonder where she has been. Unless she told this was a reward from her piano lessons teacher... What made the stall easier to spot than the others was one special thing : girls were rushing at it in a great number. Boys who were behind might have been damn pretty...

By her side, as they were going forward, she could feel Jessica's excitation increase. She was almost hopping to the destination. The two young girls first had troubles going to the front of the stall, since the other contestants were jostling but Jessica had her own way to pierce. With strategical shoulder blows, firmly holding Juhyun's hand, they quickly made their way through to where everything was happening.

Here... Didn't he say four friends? Why were they only three?

"Sorry... Is that the stall with..." Juhyun started.

"...Pretty boys and cuddly toys to win for a good cause?" Jessica finished with a pleased broad grin.

Juhyun couldn't help but blushing furiously as the three boys were glancing at each other, amused. One talked to Jessica, smiiling in an adorable way. He had a mischievous smile and a soft voice.

"Prett boys, I don't really know... But cuddly toys, that's for sure."

"What shall we do?" Juhyun asked, while watching every detail of the stall, now intrigued...

She didn't really understand the rules of the game. There were some kind of wood tables, with holes, some have circles with colors around, some not. She never have seen anything like that... Another boy came closer to Juhyun. He was very tall, board shoulders. It seemed like she never have seen anyone with a so small face yet... He was very handsome and she noticed how Jessica was glancing at him. His smile was caring and his Olympian calm contrasted with the one of the boy who seemed to take care of the cashier, a handsome hunk with fine features and deep dark eyes.

"It's very simple, you've got four balls... You throw it on the pool. If one balls enters in a hole with a colored circle around, you win a small cuddly toy, if you got all your balls into a hole with colored circles around, you win one of the biggest cuddly toys... See? Nothing easier!"

"Alright, then. I would like to play. Jessica, are you playing too?"

"I do... I'm taking the middle pool..."

Obviously. The one of the shady handsome hunk. Juhyun should have known. The only spot left for Juhyun was the one at the end. Seeing her eyes, the very handsome boy who explained the game to her smiled again and she heard some of the girls behind, who never was there to play but to watch, melting from happiness. Just like knocking on a door, he knocked above the stall... on what seemed to be one head. Juhyun opened surprised eyes...

"Hey, Changmin, you will fix that up latter! There's someone for your pool."

Previously, he has heard the hustle but he was so busy trying to fix up those feet which were not straight that Changmin has forgot to check out whether someone was interesting by playing at his table or not. He gently rubbed his head, frowning. While getting up, he was decided to give Yunho a - nice - good telling off for the flick but he was stopped in his tracks when he saw the young girl in front of him.

Her uniform was perfect... Her long black straight hair was delicately rubbing her shoulders. She had that adorable fringe which length was perfection too and the face of an angel. From his own point of view, he has never had the chance to meet a cuter girl yet... He saw she was slightly blushing when their eyes met and couldn't help an embarrassed smile, especially when Junsu added he just has found a fan, setting both in a discreet shame. If they kept on this way, they would scare her...

Clearing up his throat, Changmin turned and grabbed four balls in the basket behind him, giving it to the young girl who stretched out her hands, shy. Her skin was soft, just to bursh one of her fingers when transferring the necessary into her palms, he has felt it. The smile she gave him finished from alluring him. She was an angel... He was sure about that.

However, maybe because meeting him has confused her a little, Juhyun could try to throw her balls on the pool more or less powerfully, none ever reached a hole with colored circles around. In a very short time, her game was over and she has won nothing at all... She took a glimpse at Jessica. The handsome hunk just gave her a small pink unicorn shaped cuddly toy. Even her friend has won, though she was the most able to stay focus with all those beautiful boys around! Ashamed, she looked at Changmin with a completely defeated face which was nothing like her...

"Why can't I win? He said it was easy..."

"But it's easy!" The guy of the beginning replied, the one with the soft voice.

"Can I... play again?"

Once again, she took a glimpse at Jessica. She looked in the middle of a conversation with the handsome hunk, so she surely had enough time to start another game. But, against any expectations, Jessica told her she was leaving and, not letting her time to add anything, she has disappeared in the crowd. Though she hid it, Juhyun was upset. She was the one who have begged for her to come here with her and as soon as she could, she left her on her own... Fine. If that was how it was, she had plenty of time for another game. She paid the thousand won asked and received four more balls from Changmin, who was a very nice... and pretty boy.

One more time, she was not able to win. So, she tried again and again and again. It was not a whim nor an excuse to stay at Changmin's pool. She targed one special cuddly toy, the one she has noticed from the very beginning. It was a Keroro cuddly toy, obviously, one of her favorite cartoon. And, she didn't know where Jessica was and hesistated to leave from here without her. But after a few more trials, she felt some kind of vexation coming from the shady handsome hunk whose name she finally have learned, just like the others. His name was Jae Joong and he was very popular with girls. They all were popular, in reality, and, selfishly, somewhere, she hoped Changmin was less than the others... Even if she had very little faith he would be into her. Boys never liked girls like her. Good girls...

"You're squattering the same spot for too long, others are waiting too!" Jae Joong finally told her with a blaming voice as he collected money from another contestant sending langourous smiles at him.

"As long as I'm paying, where's the problem?"

Usually, she was never disrespectful but he has crossed the line. Alright, she has played a lot, but that was no reason to talk to her this way. He would really got her upset...

"The problem is that meanwhile, the girls waiting behind you are leaving."

"Jae Joong hyung... It won't change anything special, you know..." Changmin tried to rescue her.

As an answer, he quickly glanced angrily at him and shrugged. Changmin looked at her, he was sorry... but he couldn'y help a lot. It was true that a lot of girls, deceived not to get the chance to play had left and with them, their friends who could have take part at the game as well. They were doing it to get a lot of money for an orphenage and the cause was pretty dear to Jae Joong... In some kind of way, Changmin understood his reasons. Since his parents were dead, he could do nothing but realizing how hard it was to live without that support...

He knew by looking in her eyes that Juhyun has decided to give it up and despite it all, his heart ached. He would have liked to see her win and to see her smile brightening up her face as he would have gave her the cuddly toy of her choice.

"Well, so... I'm leaving. Thanks for everything..."

Juhyun was feeling like a horrible person, at the sight of how Jae Joong has told her off. Head low, she left the stall by making her way like she could through all the admirers who rushed to get her place. She was feeling low and blue... She had took a big risk to be telling off by her parents, upsetted her best friend, skipped her piano lessons, this all to come to this festival and the result was a disaster. Jessica was gone, she has lost all of her pride in front of the cutest boy she has ever met and she was leaving without anything with it.... It really was some dirty end of a day!

"You were too much, honestly, Jae Joong..." Junsu scolded him. "She was so cute and has spent a lot of money. You could have been nicer... Like you've been to her friend...

"Well... It's too late, right now."

Among all things, he hated to be lectured, especially when he knew he has done something wrong. But Jae Joong was like that, someone who never let his emotions see easily, and it costed him to be nicknamed "the ice prince" by some of his comrades, nickname he didn't really like either, besides...

Changmin looked at Juhyun leaving, his heart still aching. He was not really sure about what to do. He wanted to follow her and apologize for his friend but he couldn't leave his position like this. He was still staring at her when he felt Yunho placing something between his hands. He lowered his eyes to discover a middle-size Keroro cuddly toy...

"You really like her a lot, don't you? Go and give it to her. She couldn't stop looking at the bigger out there." He finished with a head sign to the cuddly toy Juhyun has longed for so much.

Out of the five, Yunho has always been the most observer one. He often saw things before the others... He never talked to say nothing at all and always analyzed everything with a lot of sharpness. He was an essential balance for their little group and most of all, he was the big brother Changmin has always dreamed of.

He hesitated a few seconds more and then told the girls in front of him he was exiting from the stall. Slipping himself between the feet holding the pool tables, he parted  the canvas sheet hanging on the ground and hiding their shoes, getting among the piled up fans...

"I'm taking a break! I'll be back soon!"

And he already has disappeared among the crowd. First, he thought he definitely lost her track but quickly, he saw her in front of him. She was tall and slender and she wore that uniform like no one else. He could have recognized her figure like one in a million, already, since he has watched her a lot in discretion, as she was playing. Walking faster, he quickly joined her and grabbed her forearm as delicately as possible, to call her out.

"Hey... Juhyun...?"

The young girl was very surprised to feel this hand grabbing her elbow softly and she recognized the voice of the cute guy from the stall immediately. Juhyun tried to hide the fact her cheeks were slightly flushing... How did he know her name? Oh yes, Jessica has told it before she left... Slowly, she turned around, doing her best to seem as natural as possible.

"Yes...? Did I... forget something?"

"No, you didn't..."

He stretched out his hand and put the cuddly toy in hers, under her stunned gaze, that she couldn't hide.

"Here, that's for you."

"But... Why?"

"You have spent a lot, how pity you couldn't win anything. So this is a gift..."

"Thank you. But... Your friend will not be please. I don't know if I should accept it..."

"Jae Joong? He's not mean. He's just nervous about the stall because that's for an orphenage and... He's an orphan too, you know."

"In this case... I can't take it. It's bad."

She put the cuddly toy back in his hands. Changmin couldn't understand. It was a gift, why was she refusing? What he didn't know was that Juhyun was never joking about misery. She had been taught to feel glad with what she had since others had nothing at all so, obviously, when he has talked about the orphans, she had scruples. So many scruples she couldn't accept such a present which should have been useful to get needy ones' lives better.

"Consider this as if you have won it by playing so much, alright? I would really like to give it to you..."

"Well... Alright. Thank you. How did you know I loved Keroro ones?"

"You were looking at the biggest cuddly toy all the time..."

Yes, it was a lie but Changmin knew Yunho wouldn't hold a grudge against him for having dressed up the truth so that one pretty student he liked would be impressed. To see her embarrassed smile, it was worth the lie.

"You... Your name's Changmin, isn't it?"

He nodded. Juhyun was embarrassed in advance for what she was about to do. She didn't know whether that was him and that it seemed like they could talk naturally to each other or the fact she has been alone with all those handsome boys and it have made her rash but she made up her mind to ask him something, something which was the opposite of what she was used to... and of her parental advises!

"Are your friends waiting for you or do you have a little time? I have seen a place over there where they sold tteokbokis and kimbaps... Would you go with me?"

He was quite surprised by the invitation, far from what he was expecting but Changmin was flattered she asked him. And he was quite happy, inside. Since the beginning, he has hoped for something like this to happen. By spending time with the pretty Juhyun, he would be able to get to know her better...


Phew! That was one of the longest chapter I ever wrote! I'd never thought it would be so long! Hope despite the length, you would like it!^^ If you did, please let me know.

Thanks for any kind of support!^^

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Chapter 1: update soon please
please update soon... please...
Chapter 6: That was so cute i really loved it, especially how changmin would do things to please her plz update soon
Chapter 6: They're more fond to each other day by day.
Hope they realize it soon.
Chapter 5: They are both so very shy i like it
dinadomino #6
Chapter 4: i dont like seohyun's character showing her to be a bit unlike her. haha
Chapter 4: Such a cute chapter really good
seohyunkyute #8
Chapter 4: kyaaa, they exchanged their number :)))
authornim, please ad your tag (changmin, seohyun). so people can easily find your fanfic :)
Chapter 4: They exchanged their numbers :D
Lol Jessica collected the guys' numbers. ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: Sweet :)
Changmin gave Seohyun a Keroro-doll.
And they will get tteokbokki and kimbap :)
Hope they can get along well :D