When You Cook With/For Them (EXO K)

EXO One-Shot Collection

By Kyungie



It was a sunny Sunday, and you had the rest of the day off. Luckyly for you, your Boyfriend, Suho also had the day off. So you decided to sleep in the morning and go on a picnic in the afternoon.

You were securely wrapped in his arms. Messy hair, lips slighty parted, chest slowly moving up and down, his angelic sleeping face... You studied them all. Why? Well you woke up a few minutes earlier and couldnțt go back to sleep, so you decided to just stare a little bit at your handsome boyfriend. 

*It looks kinda creppy. I should stop hanging around Chanyeol so much*  you thought and lightly chuckeld. Suho stirred in his sleep and his grip around your waist tightened.

"Morning oppa!" you said running your fingers thru his hair

"Morning beautiful" he said in his husky sleepy voice

"We should start preparing" you said and pecked his nose

"Mhhhmmmmm...why don't you start while I'll go change?" Suho said and smiled

"Ok" you said and left to prepare the basket

You put inside a bowl full of fruits, made a few sandwiches, the cupcakes you baked last night and a box of juice.

"Ready?" Suho asked as he come out the bedroom

"Got to change " You said rushing past him. In 15 minutes you were ready to leave. You took the picnic basket and left for the car. As you were about to exit the building, the rain started to pour.

"Looks like we'll have an indoor picnic" Suho said grabbing your hand and pulling you back inside 

You laughed and followed him to your apartment

"You know....I think the rain read my mind" he said in the elevator

"Why is that?"

"The original plan was to cuddle with you all day, and never leave the house" Suho said smiling at you interlacing your hands

"I think we can now" you said resting your head on his shoulder



It was your 2 months anniversary, and Baekhyun decided to prepare a surprise for you. He looked up a lot of recipes until he found it.

Carbonara Spagetti and Pancakes with coconut and apricot.He notted down all the ingredients he needed and left for the supermarket.  He spent  one hour looking for all the ingredients, expecially looking for the bacon. Who knew the shelf was right behind the milk one?

He arrived home, sorted the ingredients and started cooking. He boiled the pastas with salt and then washed them under cold water. He fried the bacon, and added over it the mixture made from egg yolk and cream.

He placed them nicely on the plate, and added cheese above. *One done. Another one on the way* Baekhyun thought and smiled to himself.

The PANCAKES!!!! He had tried in the past to make pancaked but ended up burning them, so he just gave up, leaving the cooking to you. 

He opened the flour pack and went  to read the recipe once again, but tripped over his own feet and ended up spreading flour all over the kitchen and himself.

" Chill out Baekhyun, it's for _________ . You can do it" he said to himself "Byun Baekhyun, hwaiting!!!" Baekhyun added pumpung his fist in the air.

He opened another pack of flour and carefully mixed it with the coconut, sugar and salt, and slowly added milk, mixing all the time. He poured the mixture in the hot pan and started baking the pancakes.

While Baekhyun was busy in the kitchen you arrived home. You slowly took off you shoes and went to see what your boyfriend was doing. Baekhyun was flipping the last pancake when a pair of arms were encircled around his waist.

"_________?" he asked turning his head

"Annyeong oppa! " you said and kissed his cheeck "What are you doing?"

"Hehehehe.....Happy Anniversary?" he said giving you his adorable smile

"Awww...Happy Anniversary  oppa! Now...should we taste these?" you said pointing to the pancakes

"Wait for me at the table"

"Yes, sir!" you saluted him and left the kitchen

"This girl....." Baekhyun said shaking his head with a smile on his face, following you with the plates.



There was only one day until the Valentine's Day, so you decided to make home made chocolate for Chanyeol and Exo. You made a mental list to what to buy and went to change so you can go and buy the ingredients. You entered the bedroom and found Chanyeol sleepping soundly on the bed  with the remote control in his hand and the tv on.

* This babo...how can he fall asleep like this?....Tsk tsk tsk....and he's complaining his back is hurting* you thought as you shook your head. You took the remote from him, turned the tv off, and moved him so he could sleep in a more normal position. You changed and left for the supermarket. In half an hour you were back and already started on the cooking. While you were melting the sugar, Chanyeol woke up and come into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" he asked you half asleep as he sat down at the counter.

"Hello to you too. Well...you do remember what day is tomorrow right?" you asked turning around to face him.

"No.....is it special?" He said tilting his head to the left, slighty pouting. He looked adorable.

"Kinda." you said focusing once again on the sugar. You put in another bowl flour and turned around to take the cocoa powder, when you saw that Chanyeol was eating it.

"Hey..I need that!" you said taking the cocoa from him.

"But...... but..... but...." he said pouting.

"NO but's mister!" you said and went back to the mixture,  adding the cocoa that was left and butter and mixed them together. 

"Chanyeol, can you give me the honey?" you asked without turning to him. One minute passed...2....3....4...5....

"Chanyeol?" you said turning around only to see your lovely boyfriend finishing half of the honey."YAH!!!!"

"I'm hungry..." Chanyeol simply said.

"Arasso...I'll make you something...but don't eat my ingredients!" you said making him quickly a sandwich.

You added the honey to the mixture and then poured it over the sugar, mixing it continiously.

In 5 minutes the chocolate was ready. You dipped your finger in to taste it. It wasn't sweet enough, and it didn't taste at all like chocolate.

"Chocolate? You were making chocolate? For who? For me? Wae? Is it for tomorrow? What is tomorrow? " Chanyeol keept asking you.

"Yes, I was making chocolate, for you and Exo because it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. But you ate half of the ingredients so it tastes nothing like chocolate." You answered pouting, tears started forming.

"I'm sorry. ______, I didn't know. Awww...I missed the chance of eating my honey's chocolate...too bad...maybe next year..." Chanyeol said winking and kissing your nose, wipping the tears away.

"You're one incurable sweet talker..." you told him smiling.

"Only for you!" Chanyeol said and kissed your forehead.



Only one strawberry and the cake was done. It was his present for your 17th birthday.

"Perfect!" he said and wiped the flour of his forehead with the back of his hand. It took Kai 5 hours straight to make the perfect cake. *I hope ______ will like this*...he thought smiling as he put the cake in the fridge.

He looked around the kitchen and gasped. It was beyond recognition. The cupboard was full of flour, the cooker hood had icing on it along with chocolate, in the oven was a burnt cake, and the bin...well the bin...was full of egg crust, and the kitchen sink was white from all the flour in it.

"I'd better clean this up before ______ comes and freaks out!" Kai said and started cleaning

He took the burnt cake and tossed it in the bin, washed the cooker hood, and the sink, all in 2 hours, he washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen floor.

"Finally done!" Kai said and wiped the sweat on his forehead. "Now let's rest a little bit!"

You arived home at 6pm and found Kai sleeping on the couch. You sat next to him and patted his head.

"Oppa? oppa...~" you whispered in his ear.

"Oh...____ you're home?" he said in his sleepy voice. You nodded and smiled. "Then wash up!" he pushed you to the bathroom. You smiled and agreed.

Kai took the cake out and waited for you to come out of the bathroom

"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday my love~ Happy birthday to you!" he smiled as he sang for you.

"Thank you oppa!" you said happy tears forming. Kai took one step to let you blow the candle when he tripped over your bag and the cake gave you a sweet 'hug'.

"Aaa......miahne.....miahne.....this was not supposed to happen!" Kai said on the verge of crying.

"Don't worry...." You said as you the cake on the back of your hand. "Mhmmmm....strawberry and chocolate." you added smiling.

"Sorry Jagy!"

"Forget it...right now the thought matters!" you said kissing his cheek. "Now I have to wash, or else I'll be sticky..."

"Need help?" he said lifting his eyebrow.

"No thank you.... you should clean that up first!" you said laughing as you entered the bathroom



"Uhmmmm.....Babe?" you called from the kitchen sink.

"What?" Sehun said from the knife board.

"I don't think you're cutting them right..." you said poiting to the vegetables.

"What is wrong with them?" he said looking at you with his big eyes.

"Well.....they are way to small..." you said showing him the recipe.

"But how should I cut them?" he said pouting. You took the knife from him and showed how to cut the vegetables. He nodded and went back to cutting.

You smiled and focused on the boiling water. You added the pastas and let them boil. Half an hour later the jjajangmyeon was ready.

You put them nicely on the plate and went to bring some chopsticks. While you were in the kitchen, Sehun came and added some soy sauce to the pastas, not knowing you already did earlier. After you both sat down at the table, you started eating. After the first bit, your eyes went wide and you looked at Sehun who was looking at you as in waiting for a praise.

"Babe....this is delicious...and you know that I love you very much right?" you told Sehun as you placed the fork down.

"Yeah.....what is wrong?" he said getting worried.

"Have you...by any chance......added some more soy sauce?" you said looking at him.

"Uhmmm...yeah....2 full spoons." Sehun said innocently. You face palmed yourself and put the chopsticks down . "Why..is it too much?"

"I've also added 2 spoons." you said laughing "We should order something because this is no more edible..." you said and took the plate from the table.

"I'll go call the chinese restaurant." Sehun said laughing and going to get the phone.

"What should we order?" He said entering the kitchen. " Jjajangmyeon?"

You nodded and went to sit on the couch. 

"Let's hope this woun't be as salty as ours..." Sehun said plopping next to you and placed his head on your lap. You laughed and continued to watch the TV, playing with your boyfriends hair.



"Yeobo~~~~?" Kyungsoo carefully called your name.

You were a total mess. You had a bad day at work, the boss kept screaming at you because he thought you switched the files between them even thought it was Yubin's fault. Then, your supervisor spilled coffee on you, and to make the matter worse, as soon as you stepped outside the office the rain started pouring. After running through the rain, you arived home drenched. And also caught a cold.

"_________-ah" Kyungsoo said and sat on the couch next to you.

"What *sniff* did I *sniff* do *sniff* to deserve *sniff* this?" *cough cough* you said as you pulled the covers up.

"Don't worry, jagi, you just had a bad day that's all..." he said as he pulled you closer. You nodded and cuddled closer to his chest.

*cough* *cough* "Sorry you have to,......*sneeze* ....see me like this" you said wiping your nose.

"Don't worry, now...why don't you just rest and I'll go make you something hot and healthy?" Kyungsoo said as he kissed your forehead. You smiled and closed your eyes. Soon enough you fell asleep. 

Kyungsoo made you some lemon tea and hot poridge. He was about to bring them to you when he saw you were fast asleep, and he didn't had the heart to wake you up.

He put a lit to the poridge and slipped under the cover next to you, hugging you tight. 

Two hours later you stirred into you sleep and woke up. Kyungsoo next to you also woke up.

"Slept well?" he said in his sleepy voice, smiling sweetly at you. You nodded and hugged him. You stayed like that for 5 minutes when your stomach grumbled.

"Let me go and heat up the poridge" Kyungsoo said slipping out of the bed.

"Wait..." you said and caught his arm. You got up and kissed his cheek." Thank you for taking care of me!" you said smiling.

"Everything for you, my love!" Kyungsoo said and kissed you lightly on the lips.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^