Angel/Beautiful Stranger

EXO One-Shot Collection

By Loou

Your POV:

"Yes! Finally!" you shouted as you left the airport. "No school! No worries! Just vacation!" you shouted again, this time gaining some gazes from the people around you.

You were finally in your well deserved holiday in the beautiful city of Shanghai! You have been stressed for 2 or 3 months because you had your finals (First year of college can be extremely stressful!) so you decided to take a vacation after you find your results. Good or bad, it didn't matter because you were exhausted as hell.

*First let's get a taxi and get to the hotel. It's still lunch-time here so I'll take a shower and then start visiting/shopping .* you thought for yourself.

You got in a taxi and gave the piece of paper with the name of the hotel to the driver who seemed quite nice. He nodded and then gave you back the paper. As he was driving the atmosphere was extremely weird because you knew zero chinese so you just put your head on the window and watched the beautiful city.


You finally arrived at the hotel. The first thing you did when you checked in was to take a shower. You changed your clothes and went out to eat something.

*I'm so lucky that my hotel is in the center of the city. I can do lots of thing here!* you thought as you waited for the elevator to come.

You went to a restaurant with traditional chinese food and then went to shops, small boutiques and stands spending money on stupid things. The most important thing is that those things made you happy and you were slowly forgetting about all the stress you had.

"Omo! It's so late!" you said as you looked at your watch. "I have to go back to the hotel...Hopefully I'll find a taxi."

You were walking trying to find a taxi but there was none!

"Aish! In a very populated city you can't find a taxi! Seriously!?" you shouted. You saw a bench so you decided to rest a little and maybe a taxi will appear. Then you realized that the street was awkwardly empty...But then you heard some voices!

*Phew! People! Ha ghosts! You won't do anything to me tonight!* you thought feeling like a boss. Soon, your confident moment was coming to an end as a weird, I think drunk, man was walking behind you.

*People! Where are you? If I scream, will you hear me?*

Unfortunately, the crazy guy whispered something in you ear, in chinese. You almost puked because of the smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. You tried to say something, but he already put his hands on your shoulders.

*Do you want me to play hard? Ok! Pepper spray here it comes!*

As you took the pepper spray from your pocket the drunk guy saw you and tried to snatch it from you. You were also fighting for it so he stopped the fight by slapping you...Hard...Making you land in the cold asphalt. As your head became dizzy you heard some punching and screaming. You reopened your eyes and saw an angelic figure in front of you then you drifted back to the dizziness and all became black.

*Angel? Am I in heaven?*

LuHan's POV:

You heard someone fighting and a girl's scream so you ran where the sounds were coming from. You saw the guy slapping a girl so you immediately ran to him and punched his face. He fell instantly and then run. You saw the girl on the ground, lifted her to sit on the bench. She mumbled something about and angel in korean and then fainted again.

"I better get you to the hospital!" you said as you saw some blood at the back of her head.

Your POV:

You finally opened your eyes and saw a white ceiling in front of you. You then looked left and right and saw that you were in a hospital. Then you looked at your left again and saw the angel...sleeping. 

"Otokhae? What is he doing here? If he wakes up I can't speak to him!!!" you said to yourself, waking him up in the process.

"Hello! I see you woke up!" he says in fluent korean.

"How do you know korean?" you asked quite dumbfounded.

"It doesn't matter now! You should be more careful when you move. You hit your head when that guy slapped you." he said and then all the things that happened then hit you like a hard wave.

You put your hands to the place where it hurt and you groaned because of the dizziness and the pain.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

" said as you came back to reality.

"The nurse said we can leave after you wake up, but if you don't feel well I'll tell her to stay more." he worriedly told you.

"Don't worry! It's normal to feel dizzy when I hit my head." you said as you met eyes with him.

*OMG He's perfect! Just like an angel...* you thought while staring to him.

"Are you ok?" he asked for the nth time as he waved his hand in front of your eyes.

"Yeah..."you answered blushing. "I have to go back to my hotel. Thank you for helping me. I'll handle it from now on." you said as you got up and when you tried to walk your legs gave in and you thought you'll fall, but at the last moment the angel caught you by your waist and you landed on his broad chest.

"I don't think you'll manage it!" he laughed but still being worried. "Where is your hotel?" he asked as he helped you sit on the bed. You gave him the paper with the complicated chinese characters that had the name of the hotel on it. "Ok let's go!" he said as he lifted you bridal style.

"Yah! What are you doing? Let me walk on my own feet!" you screamed.

"Stop shouting! We're in a hospital and it's night. People are sleeping and you'll get dizzy again if you scream!"

"Ok!" you gave in. "How are we going to get to the hotel? There are no buses and the taxis seem to disappear when night comes here." you said as you tried to find a comfortable and still appropriate position in his arms. 

"Don't worry! I have my car!"

"Oh...ok." you nodded.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name?"

"______...." you answered but then got caught bu his perfect looks.

*Oh God! I think I'm falling for him and I don't even know his name....*

"Nice to meet you! I'm LuHan!" he said as he tried to put you on the passenger's seat.

"It's okay. You can let me down now."

"No! You're gonna fall again!"

"Stop being so worried! I'm stronger than I look." you tried to joke but he didn't let go of you and finally put you on the seat, but he lost his balance and he almost fell over you but, he deviated himself to the left making only your ears and cheeks touch each other.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled as he went to the driver's seat.

You were still in shock so you just stayed there with a lost look on your face.

"Do you want me to sing something for you so you can feel better?" he finally broke the silence.

"Yeah...." you said awkwardly.

He started singing. His voice was angelic, the same as his looks and his personality. How can you care so much for a stranger?

*Such a beautiful stranger...* you thought as you fell asleep.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^