When You Cook With/For Them (EXO M)

EXO One-Shot Collection

By Kyungie



You opened your eyes only to see that Kris already woke up. You smiled and thought *Where is he?*. You got up, made the bed and opened the window to let fresh air come in.  You headed to the kitchen and stopped in the door frame admiring Kris. He was wearing sweat pants and a singlet, and he still had his bed hair. He was looking good even like that. *How the hell does he manage to look good with bed hair and sweat pants? Never mind....he's not called Man God for nothing*. Just when you were about to call him he dropped a frying pan.

"S***" Kris cursed and picked the pan from the ground " I hope this didn't woke her up" he said to himself.

"Who to wake up?" you asked him as you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"My gir---...._________!!!" he said turning around to face you "Did I woke you up? Sorry..."

"No you didn't....but what are you doing?"

"I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed." Kris said smiling.

"Hmm....it won't work now that I'm awake..so let's make it together. Does it sound good?" you asked him smiling

"Ok...call.... You fry and I cut." Kris said turning to the fridge.

"No....I cut and you fry..remember what happened last time you cut a vegetable..."  you pointed out 

"Right..." Kris said and kissed your cheek "By the way.... 'Morning!"

"Good morning!"



"Oppa!! What else do we need?"you asked Luhan as you took out the eggs from the fridge.

"Flour, sugar, oil, yogurt, lemon, baking powder, chocolate, icing and sweet's to decorate the cupcakes" Luhan read the list.

"Ok....the sugar, yogurt, and the baking powder, are here" You said putting them on the table

"The flour....is here." he said taking the pack from the counter.

"And, the oil, lemon, chocolate are here." you said bringing them

"Let's  start!"

You put the sugar and the eggs in a bowl and mixed them. 

"How much flour?" Luhan asked you. 

"Half of it I think..." you told him.

You two added the rest of the ingredients and put them in the oven. Half an hour later you took them out and placed them on a plate. You took one to taste it.


"Mwo? " he said blinking innocently at you.

"How much lemon did you put in the mixture?" You said as you put the cupcake down

"All of it. Wae?" He said taking the cupcake and tasting it.." Ok....it doesn't taste good. In the future I think we should just buy them..."

"I was thinking the same way..." you said laughing  "Now let's start cleaning the mess we made here..starting with your cheek." you said brushing the flour off his cheek.



You were watching a movie with your boyfriend, Xiumin, in your apartment. In the middle of the movie, Xiumin's stomach rumbled.

"Sorry..." he said with a shade of pink crossing his cheeks.

"Are you hungry?" You asked looking at him. He pouted and nodded, just like a 5 years old kid.

"So you want me to make you something?" He nodded again.

"What do you want?"

"Whatever you can make" he said smiling.

"Arasso.....wait here!" you told Xiumin as you got up and headed to the kitchen. You took out a package of ramen and put the water to boil. A pair of arms hugged your waist.

"Jagi-ah...What are you making me?" Xiumin said, his head resting on your shoulder


"NO.....it'll take to long... a sandwich will do."

"Then what should I do with this water?" You asked Xiumin 

"Hot chocolate????" Xiumin smiled


You made him a sandwich and hot chocolate for both of you, and headed back to the couch

"My jagy-ah ...is the most wonderful person!" Xiumin said as he sat you on his lap.

"Only when I make you food..."You pointed out

"Annya~ " he said shaking his head "Every single day since I've met you!" he added kissing your cheek

"You too oppa!" you said and kissed him.



Lay was still asleep when you got up, so you decided to make him breakfast.

You took out the rice, and washed it well and then put it in the rice cooker. You got the vegetables from the fridge, washed them and proceeded to cut them.

You took two eggs, cracked them into a bowl and mixed them, adding some salt to it.

You opened the cupboard to take the fry pan out, when another kettle fell down. Just as you were about to pick it up, Lay come's into the kitchen, messy bed hair, in his pajamas, rubbing his eye, still half asleep.

"What are you doing?" Lay asked you opening his eyes fully now.

"Cooking?" you said as you picked the kettle from the ground and put it back.

"What did you do until now?" he asked, now fully awake.

"The rice, and cut the vegetables"

"And you want to make egg roll?" Lay asked as he aproached you.

"Yup" You said nodding like a choding.

"Ok let me do it!" Lay said as he took the frying pan from you.

"I want to learn how to make it too!" you said pouting.

"Arasso....come here." he motioned you over. You went next to him and he hugged you from behind placing his hand over yours.

"Let's do it together!" Lay said flashing you his smile, and the faimous dimple. You nodded and concentrated on the egg roll.



You came home from work, tired. The boss made you work over the working hours to finish a project, and on the way home, your heel broke. Not to mention that it started raining the moment you got off the bus. 

So now you were tired, angry, and wet. You entered your apartment, and a strong smell of burn reached your nose.

"What the.....?" you said to yourself and went to the kitchen to see the culprint behind this

"Noona...." Chen said, wearing a pink apron holding a spatula, oblious shocke that you were home

"What are you doing?"

"Well...I finished practice earlier and I wanted to surprise you. But noona...what happened to you? You're soaked to the skin!" he said helping you take off the cardigan you were wearing.

"Well duh..outside is pouring!"

"Go change..and I'll call you when dinner is ready." Chen said and motioned you to leave.

"Remember...don't destroy my kitchen." You warned him before you left. You took a hot shower and came out looking fresh, in warm clothes, which were shorts and Chen's hoodie.

"Noona..Dinner is ready!"  Chen shouted from the kitchen. Like magic the smell was gone and on the table were two plates with chicken s and spagetti.

"I'm going to be poisoned right?" You eyed him then the food.

"No silly. Exo said it's good!" Chen said smiling

"I'll take your word!" you said and took a bite of the spagetti. Strangely they were good.

"How is it?" Chen said holding his breath.

"Nah....it's not good...it's delicious...jjang!" you told him.

"NOONA!! Don't scare me like that!" Chen faked a tear.

"But still...next time you want to cook...at least try not producing that kind of black burnt smell cloud, ok?" you told him as you got up.

"Arasso...where are you going?" Chen said taking the D.O face ...O____O

"To give you your reward." you said as your lips crashed on Chen's.



You were cuddled on the couch with Tao, watching randomn TV shows. Your legs were tangled under the blanket. Outside was raining and the atmosphere was gloomy. You streched your arms, and yawned.

"Sleepy?" Tao asked you. You nodded and blinked to shake the sleepy feel away. 

"Come on" he said lifting his arm to make you stay on his chest

"Where?" you asked playfully and leaned on his chest.

"Sleep, I'll wake you up later" he said brushing your bangs away from your face.

"Gomawo oppa!" was the last thing you said to him before drifting to sleep. You both took a 2 hours nap, until Tao woke up, due to his stomach.

"I should cook something!"he said to himself, lifting you up and laying you on the couch so you woun't woke up.

He went into the kitchen took a pack of ramen out , teared the bag and poured the inside into the water. During this time you woke up and rubbed your eyes sleepy. Got up and went to the kitchen to look for Tao. He was is front of the oven, mixing the ramen, only is his sweat pants. His back was broad and his tattoo's were seenable. You went up to Tao and back-hugged him.

"You woke up?"

"Mhmmmm" you said nodding your head on his back.

"Wait a little longer and the food will be ready." Tao said looking at you

"Ok. Thank you oppa!" you said and kissed his shoulder

"What for?"

"For being 'Omma' for a day!" you said smiling

"Anything for you." Tao said turning around and kissing your forehead .

                                                                                                                                                                                                               a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^