Our Baby (Chanyeol)

EXO One-Shot Collection

By Kyungie


An insuportable pain crossed your stomach. You got up from the bed and put a hand over your tummy. 

* Shhhh....baby it's okay...Mommy is here. Please be quiet and let daddy sleep* You told your kid.

You smiled and looked to your right. Your husband was sleeping so peacefully. His bangs were covering half of his face, his lips were slighty parted as his chest moved up and down. You want to know who you were married to?...Wel it was none onther than Exo's Happy Virus Chanyeol. Yes, him, the one and only. You two were married for two years now. He proposed to you during their first world tour, in front of 50.000 fans. They already knew you two were high school sweethearts, so they didn't really opposed....some of them even made a fanclub for you called Happy Couple, because both of you were hyper. And here you were, nine months later, having birth cramps. 

The pain was insuportable so you let out a scream. Chanyeol shoot up and stared at you.

"Yeobo, gwenchana? *= Honey, are you okay?*" he said as he rubbed his eyes. In normal circumstances it would have been adorable and you would pinch his cheeks, but the only thing you were thinking about was the pain.

"Do you....think....I'm....ok?" you told him through gritted teeth.

"It hurts that bad? Do you need something? Should we go to the hospital?" Chanyeol keept asking questions. You gripped his hand.

"Can you just calm down? You're more stressed than me and it won't help!" you told him letting out short breaths. The pain lasted for about 2 minutes and then it faded away.

You kept having these short pain periods until 3am, when your water finallly broke.


"What? Is everything ok? Are you still in pain? What can I help you with?" Chanyeol said sitting next to you holding your hand

"First of all, stop panicking, and second, I think my water broke...."


"You pabo..I'm going to give birth sometime soon, and you only say 'sooo?'"

"Ok...uhmmm...to the hospital... let's go!" Chanyeol said and helped you up and went to the door, forgeting the bag, where you had what you needed for your staying in the hospital.

"Yeollie?" you asked him from the door frame giggling.


"The bag." you told him pointing at the bag next to the couch.

"Ooo..oh....oh yeah!...Hehehe...sorry..." Chanyeol said and turned back for the bag.

You got in the car. Half way to the hospital the pain came back, this time the contractions were stronger. 

"Hang in there honey, 5 more minutes..." Chanyeol said, glancing from time to time to you.

"You should concentrate on the road."

"You know I can't....I'm going to be a dad in less than 4 hours... and I'm freaked out. What if I drop the kid, what if I'm not a good dad...what if..."

"You'll do fine, stop worrying. Now focus on the road" you told Chanyeol and gripped the seat belt, letting out rithmic breaths.

5 more minutes and you were on the hospital bed in the active stage of the labour. You were shaking uncontrolably, and the pain was stronger than ever.

"It's okay baby, It'll be fine." he said holding your hand so the nurse can give you medicine, so the pain would go away.

You nodded and started breathing in and out. Around 5 am you entered the last stage of labour. The pushing...

"Push baby push...."

"This...is...what..... I'm doing....." you said between pantings and screams.

One hour of pain, and screams passed and the baby was finally born. It was a beautiful baby girl. After all that effort you fell asleep, with Chanyeol beside you.

"Honey....______.....our baby girl is here" Chanyeol gently whisperd strking your cheeck.

You opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was that little creature. It was wrapped in a pink blanked, it had chubby cheeks and had his fathers eyes.

"Hi there sweetie...You gave mommy a hard time these 9 months" Chanyeol whispered and you took her into your arms

"Now...what should we name her?" Chanyeol said and kissed your cheek and took the baby's hand in his.

"What about Eun Mi?" you said looking at Chanyeol.

"Hmmm...Park Eun Mi?....I like it." Chanyeol said grinning.

"Then...Hello Eun Mi. This is Omma and Appa." you told your daughter and kissed her forehead.



"Saranghae!" he said looking at you lovingly.

"Nadoo saranghe!" you told him and kissed his cheek.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^