My Savior Has Amnesia (Part 1)

EXO One-Shot Collection

By N.Ana

You where there, crying your heart next to him in the hospital room.

"Miss, calm down please!" the nurse said.

"Just go away!" you screamed at her.

"I think you need…"

"TO GO AWAY!! I want to be alone with him!" you screamed again at the nurse. 
And with this she left. You wiped your tears and looked at your boyfriend. He looked so peaceful. It seemed like he was sleeping, but in fact he has been in a coma for one day.

You caressed his cheek.

*So cold* you thought.

His face was pale and lifeless, actually his entire body was lifeless. On his left arm he had a perfusion, an oxygen mask covered his mouth and nose and also his body was connected to many devices. The beeping from the devices was the only sound heard in the silence of the room. 

You took his hand in yours and put your head on the left side of the bed. Maybe you would calm down. Suddenly he gripped your hand. You looked up at him and saw he was blinking.

"Luhan! You’re awake! OMO! Doctor! Somebody call the doctor!" you screamed.

The same nurse came in followed by the doctor.

"Please, wait outside." she said and you did as she said.

Half an hour later you were allowed to come in.

"Is he ok?" you asked the doctor.

"Yes. But…"

"Can I see him?" you asked and the doctor nods.

You looked at him and saw he was a bit dizzy.

"I was so worried." you said while hugging him.

"YAH! Get off! Who are you?" Luhan asked. 

"Huh? What are you saying! I’m your girlfriend." you said dumbfounded.

"Sorry, but I don’t remember you."

"What happened with him?" you turned to see the doctor. 

He motioned you to come with him.

"I wanted to tell you earlier, but you didn’t let me. He has amnesia." the doctor said. 

"H-How? He will be ok, right? He will regain his memory."

"That depends on him. It would probably take days or weeks, maybe months, maybe years. We have to wait and see. Until then he still has to stay here for some tests." the doctor said and left.

"Thank you."

*What should I do to make him regain his memory?… Hhmmm… Maybe our photo book will make him realise that I’m his girlfriend* you thought.

So the next day you came again ready to regain his memory. You went straight to his room and entered. He was watching something on TV.

"Don’t you know how to knock?" Luhan asked.

"Hi to you too." you sarcastically smiled.

"Why did you come again?"

"Because I’m your girlfriend and it’s my job to check you." you answered. 

"Last time I cheked I don’t have a girlfriend." he said.

"Because you have amnesia. And I…"

You were cut off because you heard the door opening.

"NOONA!!" Tao hugged you. 

"Tao…. I-I c-can’t breath." you said.

Luhan didn’t know why but when he saw Tao hugging you a strange feeling of jealousy came.

"Oops… Sorry noona. How is it to have Luhan again?" Tao asked you.

Then the rest of EXO came in.

"Hi ______!" EXO greeted you.

"How do you know her?" Luhan asked Exo.

"What do you mean? She’s your girlfriend, we all know her." Kris answered.

"Not you too."

"What’s hapening with him?"

"He has amnesia, and he can’t remember me." you lowered your head.

"Ooo… So that’s why he didn’t say anything when I hugged you. He normally will go so over protective."

"Yeah… But I have the proof." you showed them the photo book.

"What’s this?" Luhan asked.

"Our photo book. The one that you gave me 2 months ago for our 2 years anniversary. Just look at the photos. I hope it will make you remember."

He opened the photo book and saw the first photo. A photo that was taken at one of your birthdays. You were sad cause your friends threw almost all the cake on your face and Luhan was laughing at you. He looked at the next page and saw a photo with you two kissing lovely in a tree at night. That one was from your one year anniversary. He then looked at the next pages so you sat on the chair next to his bed and showed him several photos with you two.

Seeing you interact with each other the boys decided to leave you alone so they left without you notice.

"See? I’m not lying. Now, can you remember?"

"No. These photos could be edited to make me believe you. How do I know that you aren’t using my amnesia like an excuse to get closer with me?"

"I-I can’t believe! Look in my eyes and tell me if I’m lying! Just look!" you said while crying.

"I dunno… But… I’m dying to know something. If you say you’re my girlfriend you should know how I ended here."

"It was my fault!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                              a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^