When He Saves you From a Bad Guy

EXO One-Shot Collection

By Kyungie


You were on your way home from work. It was 2AM And you were tired. You were working at a caffe called 'Sunshine'. Usually your work shift would end around 8PM, but today the caffe was oppened until midnight, because you held a birthday party. The party ended at 12PM, but it took you 2 hours more to clean the mess that was left behind. 

You were exhausted. That morning you had to wake up at 7 to finish your english project, and at 10 you left for school where you stayed 6 hours. At 4Pm  you arrived at your work place only to be welcomed by your boss, who told you there was a changing in that day's schedule, because it was the director's daughter 7th birthday. In an record of 30 min you finished decorating the whole shop with ballons, flowers, plushiers, and much more. You also had to bake a cake and arrange the presents. At  6Pm sharp the guests started to pour in. You had to supervise the kids, which were around 30 in number, while their parents would talk with the birthday girl's parents.

 You stopped at a the crosswalk and recalled that day's events. You took an C at history, you had to talk about machines, and your biology teacher talked with your class about "What is Love?"... * seee what I did here?? huh?huh???? XD* , had to prepare the whole shop, you tripped on nothing and had to take care of kids between the age of 4 and 8.

The light turned green and you slowly made your way on the other side. You passed by a creepy alley and fastened your speed. Suddenly....

" Hey babe~~~" a creepy drunken guy told you.

You ignored him and started walking faster.

"Babe...wait~" he screams after you and starts chasing you.

You fastened your speed and kept ignoring him. Suddenly you were pulled back and were pushed into the wall. You tried to get away but he kept a firm grip around your wrist.

" I told you to stop.....why were you ignoring me?...You were a bad girl......" He said and started to kissing you neck.

"S-s-s-stop....please!" you said as your tears started to fall on your cheecks.

" No... you need to be punished because you ignored me."he said and tried to take your blouse off.

Suddenly he was punched and fell on the ground. Your legs began to shake and you let yourself fall on the ground. Your savior kneeled in front of you and wiped your tears. You flinched at his touch.

"Are you ok?" he asked you" Don't wory I woun't do anything to you. "  You slowly nodded and looked up. He was handsome. He had plump lips, piercing eyes, and a poker face.

"C'mon, let's take you home" he said and gave you his hand. You looked at it and slowly you lifted your arm and grabbed his hand. You tried to stand up but your legs were numb so you fell back. Before hitting the ground, he catched you in his arms and lifted you up bridal style. He picked your bag up from the ground and walked away.

"Whe-where are we going?" You asked him.

"Since I don't know where you live, and I don't think It's a good ideea to leave you alone this night after what happened, we'll go to my place. If that's ok with you. Oh...and by the way..I'm Kris."He said and looked at you.

"I'm ________" You nodded and let your head rest on his shoulder.

After 10 min of walking you arrived at his place. He opened the door and put you down on the couch. 

"Wait here" Kris told you and went into his room.

While he wasn't around you took the oportunity to look around the apartment. It was white and black. A white couch, here and there a few photos, a large TV and a black table. He was tidy for a guy. He came back changed, holding some clothes in his hands.

"Here, go take a shower. The bathroom is on the left" Kris said and pointed out. "Don't worry I woun't try anything ok?" he patted your head and you nodded, heading for the bathroom.

You took a hot shower and changed into his clothes. Because he was so tall his shirt was covering your things. You tied your hair in a ponytail and went out of the bathroom.

Kris was walking to the couch with two cups in his hands filled with hot chocolate. 

"Oh...you're out. Come sit here" he said and motioned you to sit on the couch. You walked over and sat next to Kris.

"What were you doing out at this time?" he asked you calmly drinking his hot choco.

"I was coming back from work" You told him as you curled in a ball on the couch.

"At this hour? Where are you working?" Kris asked raising an eyebrow.

"At 'Sunshine' " you told him as you sipped out of your cup and then placed it on the table.

All of a sudden the power went out. You jumpped a little and started shaking. Kris sensed that and came close to you wrapping an arm arround you. 

"Shhhh...it's ok. Don't worry, everything it's going to be ok." Kris assured you. He placed you into his lap and started humming to something, patting you head and swinging from left to right.

"Sorry, but I can't sing, and I don't think my rap can help you right now." he said and smiled.

 "Don't worry oppa , you're doing great" you looked up and smiled.

"Oppa?" he said and looked down at you. You nodded and closed your eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute... and went through some weird things today or..."

"Or what?" You asked him lifting an eyebrow.

" I'd kiss you..." he told you with a poker face .


"Let's talk tomorrow...go to sleep now" he told you...*But..Yes....I'd kiss you* he thought.

"Pshhh~~ changing the topic eh?"

"Good night ______" he said firmly.

"Good night Kris oppa" you said and fell asleep in his arms.

This was  the beggining of you love story... ♥

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a Sweet Love Factory Production

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iluvEXOforever #1
Can we request one-shots? Or is it not available..
Can I request a oneshot?
BangHimShipper #3
Update soon, neh? ^^