Episode 7

Codename = HOLLIC

That laugh... really.. irritated me, I was doing some action maybe.. to fight this and I win! well.. luckily I won puahaha, uhmm okay so I succeed to get out.. and uh.. how should I describe this "car" maybe? psh.. well yeah something like that okay.. so I went to the back and.. woah.. no kidding, so many wires and monitors... and.. uh.. oh look! i'm wayy out from for.. and.. I weally weallyyy "BOOM!" ouch..... okay who the did that? when I turn myself  and holds ma head.. since It's getting hit.. by an.. iron stick.. wait..! that .. ouch.. why ish my vision getting darker? .

I opened my eyes and I realised that.. it was just a.. dream? is that what happened last night? but who's that anyway? is it krystallic? maybe? aish.. I looked at the window beside ma bed well It was already evening, I get up and get myself clean since last night I was kidnapped? tch.. Kidnapped my . okay so I cleaned myself after that I was in the kitchen make dinner well.. since I haven't eat since.. Last night? That not only hurt me, but also made me starve to dead.. I am chewing my meal right nao.

I'm starting to thinking about last night again, well.. is it really krystallic? Think Narsha! think! 


"I guess you already heard about the news huh?"

--Flashback end--

okay.. okay nao I remember!! I remember the face!! omo omo omo! okay that is deffinitely Krystallic! gosh have to tell Kris immidiately! I grabbed my phone and call Kris,


"yeoboseyo kris!"

"wae--" "Kris! I think I just meet Krystallic last night..!" I cut him immidiately

"whut?! seriously noona?" he says with a surprised tone. "yesh! nao I remember what happened last night!" I say

"okay! I'll be there 5 minutes! okay? 5 minutes!" he says "yes okay!" I says, He hung up the phone.

Kris is already sit across you. "so.. what happened last night noona?" He says while looking at me with a serious look.

I tell what happened last night without missing any details..

"so.. Krystallic kidnapped you? but why?? you saw my name and Suho's??!" Kris says. "yeah I guess? well I don't knoww, Yes I did!! but you know.. glad that you're fine until nao" I says. "wait.. I didn't see Soyou too last night, well I visit her place just want to talk but there's no answer when I knocked the door so I went back to my house.. crap.. I'm so stupid.. How can I fell for that trap?" Kris says and he messed his hair and he is pissed of himself.

"no.. no.. no.. don't do that.. we still haven't know if Soyou is Krystallic.." I says..

"noona... I can't take it anymoree!! everyone was pushing me too hard, they keep telling me that Soyou ish Krystallic!! ARGHH!" Kris says. "Krisseu~ just hang in there! just a little long? please?" I says. "urgh.. molla noona! aish" He says.

Kris spent the evening in my house and I'm trying to calm him down and after what happened at that night, Krystallic never ever even come to that town, She never bothered Kris, or me, or Suho, she never bothered again and she just went missing, In the end Kris broked up with Soyou, and but Soyou is still in the town, and until now I'm still don't know if Krystallic ish Soyou or not.. well.. Let's just say the case is closed.







Finally!! this fanfic has already come to an end.. well Yeorobunn~~ I'm sorry if you still didn't get the story! uhmm and sorry for making the ending not so good >< 

But! I really reallyy want to say thank you for all of you that read my story till the end and I want to say thankyou to playthepiano! keke thanks for subscribing me keke ^^

Well that's all from me! and for the last time! uhmm sorry if there's any typoz in the story! and Thankyouu Yeorobunn!! *bows*

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Chapter 8: You left it hanging :( but afterall i did enjoy this story
Chapter 8: YOu are welcome. ^.0
Chapter 5: I want to know moree!!!!
Chapter 4: I still have no idea about the khristallic think. I am looking forward to your next chap :D
Chapter 2: It is still difficult to understand the story (like what Kyristallic is and so whats going on :D ) so I will be waiting fir the next chapters. I am looking forward to ittt!! :D
me too :D I will be waitingg :D
DBSKmarula #7
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^