Welcome Back

Dr. Feel Good




The school bell rang loudly indicating that it was lunch time. Kyungsoo followed by a sleepy Joonmyun was walking their way to the school’s cafeteria. They reached their destination a jam-packed cafeteria full of students. It was the first day of school and a lot of students were hungry from telling tales of their awesome vacations.


Joonmyun lined up to buy their food. Remembering that he still owes the younger a meal, Joonmyun asked Kyungsoo to find them a seat which the younger complied easily. After a minutes of waiting Joonmyun arrives to the table where Kyungsoo was seated. With that the two eat their lunch peacefully.


“Hyung!” Kyungsoo shouted while his eyes where bulging out, gaining everyone’s attention in the cafeteria.

“What?!”  Joonmyun replied totally surprised of the younger’s high-pitched voice.

 “Today’s the day!” Kyungsoo said still his eyes were bulging out.

“Huh?” Joonmyun gave an odd look.

“Luhan hyung! He’s returning today!”




School ended quickly for the two teenagers. It was already three in the afternoon; the dismissal was earlier than usual because it was just the first day of school. With that, the two separated from each other and did their task according to what they have planned: one was going to a café to buy the Chinese man his favorite cake and bubble tea while the other one was going to the market buying ingredients for the food they’ll be preparing for the latter.


Kyungsoo arrived earlier at the Kim’s house. He went straight to the kitchen flipping pots and pans, chopping ingredients, mixing stuffs and running around, panicking that the Chinese man would arrive soon. On the other hand, Joonmyun was running around the corners of Seoul. He arrived at the café that was kilometres away from school. He ordered a box of Strawberry Shortcake and six taro flavoured bubble teas. After getting his orders he called a taxi and went straight home.


“I’m home!” Joonmyun shouted while removing his shoes.

“Hurry up hyung! Lend me a hand here!” Kyungsoo shouted from the kitchen.


Joonmyun walked his way to the kitchen. Right there was Kyungsoo wearing an orange apron with little Pororo prints. Not giving hyung any welcome and also shouting at me. Not even looking at me little Do Kyungsoo. You’re being a meannie to hyung again. He pouted upon seeing the younger.


“Hyung don’t just stand there. Can chop the vegetables for me? I can’t leave the sauce right now.” Kyungsoo bickered upon sensing the presence of the older.


Joonmyun sighed and went straight to the fridge to keep the cake and bubble teas cold. Like what Kyungsoo asked Joonmyun obliged with the younger’s order.


“Here.” Joonmyun said coldly to the younger after finishing chopping the vegetables.

“Aigoo. Hyung’s being grumpy again. Welcome home!” Kyungsoo replied while flashing a cute smile.


Hyung is just simply adorable. Kyungsoo knows that Joonmyun loves attention from him. Ignoring the older will give him a grumpy mood especially at times when welcoming home. Joonmyun likes it when the doe-eyed boy welcomes him when he arrives at the house. He feels that the house is not just a house but a home. 


Kyungsoo pecked the older’s cheek and gave him a cheeky grin. He likes teasing the older that much. He loves it when Joonmyun acts childishly about simple things. He just loves the older that much but not in a brotherly/bestfriend way






The plane to Seoul from Shanghai just arrived in Incheon airport. The Chinese intern sat by a near bench waiting for someone. A few minutes passed still no one arrived to fetch him. He called and texted someone but in return he got no response. The Chinese intern sighed deeply. That stupid angry bird forgot about me again. I’ll cut his throat when I see him! Luhan mentally cursed while walking his way out of the airport. Right before Luhan made his way out, he was cut away by a tall man with blonde hair wearing a similar outfit Luhan usually wears when he’s working at the school’s clinic.


“Luhan-ge! I’m sorry for being late.” The tall blonde man said panting a bit.

“Carry my things! I’m tired.” Luhan said coldly while handing out his two luggage bags and a box full of gifts for the two teenagers.

“What?! All of it?!” The tall blonde responded with a hint of irritation.

“Yes. All of it, this will serve as your punishment for being late so stop complaining Kris and let’s go.” Luhan replied with a smirk.


Kris, the tall blonde man didn’t budge to reply. He didn’t want to argue with his cousin. He led the older to where his car was parked. After placing the older’s  things at the back portion of the car, Kris drove smoothly to the house where Luhan lived. Asking a bit questions on how his trip to China went, Kris let the older have a little rest. Though the plane ride to Seoul from China was just a bit short he knew that the older was a bit stressed out from work and family problems.  After an hour of driving they soon arrived at their destination.


“We’re here!” Kris said while parking his car.

“Thanks for the ride. Stay over for dinner; I’ll introduce you to the kiddos.” Luhan asked calmly while smiling at the younger.

“Thanks for the offer Ge. But I made plans for tonight, how about on the weekends?”

“Sounds like a plan.”




After placing his stuffs and Kris leaving his house, Luhan made his way to his neighbor’s house. He was excited to see the two teenagers. Feeling giddy inside, he skipped and hummed a cheerful song while holding the box full of gifts.


Right when he was infront of the door, things were unusual. The lights are off and there’s no noise coming from the house. It’s already 7:00pm, I’m sure they should be home by now. Luhan held the door knob and turned it. To his surprise the door opened. He quietly entered the house and used his phone as a light to find the switch. When the lights opened a loud sound suddenly infiltrates the Chinese intern’s ears.



Paaak! Taaak!



Luhan jumped in surprised throwing the box to the ground. Then there he saw the two boys, Joonmyun and Kyungsoo smiling brightly while holding party poppers and big banner with words written ‘Welcome back Luhan hyung!’. Luhan ran up to the two boys tackling them to the floor. He tickled the two from scaring him to death.


“Luhan hyung stop! Please! We’re sorry!” Joonmyun mouthed while laughing out loudly.

“You should have seen your face hyung! You look like you’ve been shot by a gun!” Kyungsoo added still laughing.


With a few more laughter the three rested on the floor with smiles on their faces. Joonmyun and Kyungsoo stood up and led the older to the dining room where the food was already set up. They ate their dinner happily with Kyungsoo’s excellent cooking and the previously bought bubble tea by Joonmyun, their stomachs were full. Having as the dessert, Joonmyun served the Strawberry Short Cake.


“You didn’t have to do this for me...” Luhan said forcing a smile.

“Why not hyung? You didn’t like it?” Joonmyun replied quickly.

“Is my cooking getting bad hyung? Does it taste awful hyung?” Kyungsoo added.

“No… I loved it and the food was splendid. You just prepared a lot for me. Thank you. I do appreciate everything. Thank you!” Luhan responded while letting out a bright smile.


After having their dinner Luhan showed his present to the two. There were clothes, foods mostly chocolates and small figurines made out of glass and wood. The two was happy to receive a lot from the older and with that they end the night with more stories and laughter.






Tada! Chapter 2 is up. Sorry for being a bit crappy and for the grammatical errors. Luhan is now introduced and same as to Kris. That's all. I made Kris as Luhan's cousin and Kris will be having a major role in this fic. So stay tuned! I'll work on the next update and probably post it next week. Thanks for reading. :)


Credits to the owner of the photo above. :)




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2440 streak #1
Chapter 10: too bad this was not continued... i enjoyed reading the available chapters, this would've been awesome!
kenxdesooin #2
Chapter 10: I was enjoying so much....want more
aquatic_guardian #3
Chapter 2: Update please !!! XDD
Chapter 9: I AM TORN BETWEEN KYUNGMYEON AND KRISHO/CHANSOO. OAO I iz a hipster shipper. Onesided!Kaisoo is so nice. eue
Chapter 9: Awww...so cute..krisho..chansoo n kaibaek!! Dun wan kaisoo n baekyeol coz its ad boring..
jadeasuncion #6
AshXIII #7
Chapter 9: (claps both hands onto Kyung Soo's shoulder) Hun, I hate to tell you this, but it's better if you just move on from Jun Myeon. (nods sagely) I'm afraid he's a total bottom in this story....as are you. The math doesn't add up to a 1.5.

I shall await more from you in the next chapter. (blows air kisses)
luvkpop #8
Chapter 9: chansoo and kaibaek please... Krisho are so cute
IAmShosho #9
Chapter 7: I still think kaisoo deserve a chance here :(