Chapter 2 : Together----Elope~~

To fulfill what i had to......[Slow Updating Story]

JunHee and JongHyun were sent to the orphanage. Although their parents left big sums of money for them, they are unable to get the money until they reach the international age of 18(korean age : 19). 

At the orphange, Jun-Hee and Jong-Hyun's talents were being neglected, as the orphanage were unable to train them due to limited budget.

Being from a wealthy family, both JunHee and JongHyun are more well groomed than other children in the orphange, soon....VERY soon, they will be adopted by wealthy families.

Weeks later, they heard news from other children that two couples are going to adopt children from the orphange, and Both JunHee and Jonghyun will most likely be adopted, both the couples are looking for children who are talented.

With both of them being adopted, they tought they woudn't be separated, but luck was not on their side, after the meeting with the two couples(their future parents),instead of adopting both of them, the couples decided to adopt one child each.

This means that JunHee and JongHyun will be separated.

........Both their new parents had completed the formalities...and in a few days time, they will be back to fetch JongHyun and JunHee.......

But JongHyun and JunHee did't want to be separated. But as children, what can they do...............




......................*i will take Junhee and escape*..............*i don't want to be separated from JunHee*......*run*...yes,i must *run away with JunHee*.............



On the day before they will be separated, JongHyun and JunHee secretly ran away, bringing very little things along.........

Being talented and good in every aspect, Both JongHyun and JunHee were able to hide away from people who are searching high and low for them.

They found a small abandoned amusement park after walking for long hours, JunHee was very tired and they decided to rest there, as no one rarely went there.

They hid there for the next two weeks.



JongHyun secretly went for street performance when JunHee was sleeping, and was able to earn some money for them to buy food...

..They took turns to do street performance and earnt enough money for them to travel to another place.......

They started moving from place to place, but beacuse of their age, they were unable to rent places to live in....

They had no where else to go and finally went back to the abandoned amusement park.....

....Just when they thought they can continue their lives together peacefully.........................



------------------ Sorry for the short Chapter ~~ .... This is before Editing~~^^---------------------

This is Author Chunnie_L Here!!~^^~




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shineemadune #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^