Chapter 5: Very Close

Tried To Walk


“The weather is quite nice, don’t you think?”

“I hope we all will enjoy the day today.”

Both Jinyoung and I spoke at the same time. Realizing that I had interrupted him, I placed my hands on my mouth before apologizing.

“I’m sorry I had interrupted you.”

“What were you saying just now?”

Once again, we both spoke at the same time. Our eyes began to widen and we both had a smile curved our lips.

Jinyoung cleared his throat before speaking this time. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you were saying just now. Could you repeat?”

“I-It was nothing actually. I’m sorry I had interrupted you, you were saying something?”

Jinyoung shook his head hastily. “N-No, mine wasn’t important at all. I was just—”

He stopped mid-sentenced as he glared at the other members, giving the ‘Help me’ look that I was so familiar of since I would always give that to Yuna whenever I’m in a tight position myself. Then again, staring at Jinyoung’s beaten puppy look, I just could not hold back my laughter.

That earned the attention of everyone and I just had to mentally slap myself for that. Well, that just means that I would need to try again right? And seriously, Ae-Rim, what were you thinking striking a conversation with a weather talk? Come on, say something different…

“Uhm… I’m sorry I had made all of you feel awkward. How about we do this all over again?”

Without waiting for their reply, I flashed them my most confident look and bowed at them. “Annyounghaseyo, my name is Park Ae-Rim, 19 years old and I am one of your fans, a BANA. It’s really a pleasure to get to meet all of you up close.”

They seemed to be caught off guard for a moment as they all sat there staring at me but fortunately, Jinyoung was the first one to snap out of it as he too started bowing down at me.

“Well then, I am Jung Jinyoung, leader and composer of the group. It is great to finally meet you, Park Ae-Rim-sshi.”

“Uhm… Then I’m CNU, the vocals and rapper of the group. Well, nice to meet you.” He followed after almost softly.

“I’m Sandeul! Lee Sandeul, the main vocal of the group. It’s really great to finally meet you, Ae-Rim-sshi!” Somehow, I find his greeting loud as compared to CNU before him.

“I think you already know, but I’m Gong Chansik, the maknae of the group. Since we are of the same age, I guess we are friends. Right, Ae-Rim-ah?” He bowed and winked at me.

“Yeah, so I’m Cha Sunwoo. I meant Baro!” He quickly corrected himself. “I’m mainly the rapper in the group. So yeah, I guess it’s nice to meet you.”

CNU nudged at Baro.


“You guess?” CNU whispered incredulously.

“I—” Baro was cut off the moment Jinyoung spoke up.

“How about we introduce our group, guys?”

All of them nodded and exactly on cue, both of them shouted.

“Let’s fly, B1A4! Annyounghaseyo! B1A4 ibnida!”

Instantly, I smiled and look at all of them. “Now that wasn’t that bad, isn’t it?”

That got them to laugh and just like that, our conversation started flowing smoothly.


“We are here!” Lin announced as my eyes instantly stray to see the view outside the window.

It seems that we had arrived into the steak house that they had told me about earlier. I was expecting the place that they were bringing me to was somewhere very posh and expensive but from what my eyes was seeing; it was quite a reasonable looking steak house that I think that any other people who have something to celebrate would go to. The barbeque restaurant stood among any other building in the stretch of shop houses but with the restaurant signs being particular big and bright, it was hard to miss it.

“Finally we are here at the steak house.” I heard Jinyoung say as my eyes were still trained outside the window.

“This seems to be a nice place.” I breathed.

“It is the best steak house that we can find so far! We don’t really eat meat outside often but when we do, this is the first place we would go to. So I would really appreciate it if you don’t tell anyone else about this place.” Sandeul explained with glitters in his eyes as he looks longingly at the restaurant.

So what we see in the variety shows is true after all. Sandeul really loves food. I laughed lightly and nodded to him. “My lips are sealed.”

I act out zipping my lips, locking it and throwing away the key. Sandeul made a serious look and saluted me like a commander before we all laugh together.

“Don’t give her the wrong idea, Sandeul. She might think you as a pig, right now.” Baro joked as Sandeul instantly tried to bite him but Baro was really fast as he pulled Jinyoung in front of him and hid behind his hyung.

“Ha! You can’t touch me!” Baro mocked Sandeul who was glaring daggers at him right now. Jinyoung must have seen this scene every day since he calmly smiled and gently push Sandeul back while covering Baro with his arms.

“Alright, guys. Let’s get down now.” Jinyoung announced.

“I will get you later.” Sandeul warned Baro as he opened the sliding door of the van and stepped out.

One by one they got out and Gongchan who was letting his hyung went out first turned to me.

“It had always been like that with Sandeul-hyung and Baro-hyung but I hope you know that they are not serious. They are always fighting around like that but I must tell you they are actually very close.” Gongchan assured me, emphasizing on the word ‘very’.

Huh. So BaDeul really exist.

“I can see that. My best friend and I always fight like that too and both of us know that we are not serious.”

I look out to see Sandeul trying to get Baro but Baro always manages to hide behind either CNU or Jinyoung. When Sandeul finally manages to catch Baro, Baro yelped as Sandeul began to tickle him.

“Stop it! Stop it!” I heard Baro shout in between his laughter, trying to wriggle out of Sandeul’s hold.

“This is for embarrassing me in front of Ae-Rim-sshi!” Sandeul continued on tickling him.

I heard Gongchan chuckled beside me and I smiled at the scene.

“Let’s go down too. All of them must be waiting for us.” Gongchan gestured me to go down first as he followed right behind me.

Seeing that I was stepping out of the van, CNU and Jinyoung helped me down while Gongchan supported me from the back. The moment everyone was out, Lin locked up the van and all of us started to head to the restaurant.

“Bulgogi! Bulgogi! Yeah! We are eating Bulgogi!” Sandeul cheered.

“Lower it down, Deul-ah. You are attracting everyone’s attention.” CNU scolded the excited boy who was literally skipping towards the restaurant.

Sandeul just pouted but Gongchan rushed to his hyung and jumped on him, earning him a laugh from Sandeul but a tired look from CNU.

“What a way to keep a low profile.” CNU muttered.

“Cut them some slack, Dongwoo. It’s been quite some time since we came here after all.” Jinyoung patted on his friend’s back.

“You are too kind to them Jin-ah, that’s why these kids are acting this way.” CNU looked over at the two ‘kids’ skipping around who were now joined with Baro.

“As long as they still listen to me when I want them to, I have no problem with it.” Jinyoung gave him the eye smile and I, who was looking at him from a far, instantly felt my heart melted.

“Enjoying it so far?” My thoughts were pulled out by Lin’s question.

“Of course, I am. They are exactly like that how I thought they would be.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Good. Definitely.” I beamed at her and saw that Sandeul and Gongchan were waving at us at the door of the restaurant, extremely eager to go in.

Before I took a step forward to walk faster, Lin pulled my ears to and whispered, “Don’t forget about what we talked about earlier. I’m afraid we have only until 12:40 until their first schedule starts.”

She showed me her watch and saw that it was already fifteen minutes over eleven. So I have only one hour and a half left. I guess that’s good enough.

“I will tell them.”

“Good, I will catch up with all of you later. I still need to make some calls so you go on first.”

I nodded and turned to see all the five boys were already waiting for me at the door.


A/N: I'm back in a week! I can't really update as daily as the previous week since my term break has just ended and now that my exams are near, it will be updated slower than I intended it to be but not to worry, it will still be updated and even if I don't, I will continue writing. Anyway, thank you for the new subscribers! You really are the ones that are making me update this. 

And really, I'm sad no one is commenting on this story. No one wants to talk me? Oh well... I'm still here and will be awaiting for all of your comments. Please subscribe if you like and do comment, I will really appreciate them. Thanks!

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caramelios #1
Hello!! ^^ new reader here and the story is so cool! :) I'm a fan of Baro~ hehe. Hope he'll appear more along with Gongchannie!
Chapter 1: I am both a dedicated ELF and BANA, so that conversation between them hurt me. Lol