Chapter 4: The Awkward Silence

Tried To Walk


“B…B1A4?” I breathed out as my eyes trained on the five guys that were still standing in front of me. My hands shakily reached up to cover my mouth, taking another step back behind involuntarily.

The five guys said nothing as they looked at me as though expecting me to say something but nothing could come out of my mouth as my throat feel constricted like the air had been knocked out of me. Even if I could say something, what should I say? What could I say? I stay silent as my mind tried to dig up something to say.

 Laughter broke me from my thoughts and I turned to see that it was Lin with an amused look in her face as she glanced between me and the guys.

“All of you could stop staring at each other now.” Lin stepped up and gestured the guys to come closer. “Boys, let me introduce to your fan, Park Ae-Rim. Park Ae-Rim-sshi, this are your idols you have been waiting to meet, B1A4.”

I nodded absent-mindedly as I gazed up to them once again. Now that they are closer to me I could finally see them clearly. One thing is for sure, all of them are taller than me that I need to strain my neck a little just to see their faces. I almost could not believe my eyes when I see how smooth the skin on their faces was. Figures. They are idols after all so they must had taken care of their faces ever so carefully. One after another, I took the time to take in all of their faces. Gongchan. Sandeul. Jinyoung. Baro. CNU.

They look so perfect that it was almost too good to be true. I didn’t realize I was staring at them for such a long time that Lin had to nudged me.

“Park Ae-Rim-sshi?”

“Huh?” I turned to Lin questioningly.

“Are you okay?”

“I-I, well, yeah. I’m okay. Of course, I’m okay. Why did you ask?” I stuttered.

Lin gave me another amused look as she pulled me towards the boys that must have started to think that I’m a creepy stalker fan since I had been ogling over them for too long just now.

“Should all of us get going now?” Lin asked.

When I nodded enthusiastically, Lin let out a small laugh as she led us out the building. Without a moment delay, I followed right behind her steps as I could feel the five guys following from behind. I knew I should have just slower down a bit and follow their pace so that I could talk to them but my heart was beating so fast that I don’t think I could survive another look at them. I know I’m being dramatic but I’m sure if any other fans were to be in my shoes, they would do exactly the same as me now.

“Gongchan, go.” I heard CNU whisper from not so behind me.

“What? Why?” Gongchan sound a little panicked.

“Because you are the maknae and maknae should listen to what their hyungs had to say.” Sandeul stated matter-of-factly.

“But I don’t know what to say. Why not Baro-hyung talk to her first?” Gongchan whined.

I could feel my sweat dropped as I realized they were actually bickering about who to talk to me first.

“You know, I’m type B and letting me talk to her first wouldn’t really be a good first impression.” Baro fought back.

“Excuses!” Sandeul piped in.

“Since you are talking so much, why not you go talk to her, Sandeul?” I could almost see the smirk on Baro face as he said that.

“Don’t push it on me! CNU-hyung, I trust you! Go!”

“What? You can’t order your hyung around!” CNU grumbled.

“But you sometimes order Jinyoung-hyung around too.” It was Baro this time who piped in.

“We are of the same age.” CNU defended himself.

“He is still our leader. Excuses!” Sandeul piped in again.

“Why, you…”

“Enough, you guys!” Finally, Jinyoung stepped in, successfully silencing all of them. “You guys are so loud, I think she could even hear us.”

Bingo! I thought as I could not stop myself to smile from their antics.

“How about the one who loses in Kawi Bawi Bo be the one to talk to her first?” Gongchan suggested.

All of them must have agreed since when I discreetly glanced behind, all of them stopped mid-way and started throwing out their hands.

They were playing for quite a while as Lin and I were already standing by the van, looking over at the five guys who stood by the entrance, engrossed in their game. After some time, one by one dropped out from the game and skipped over towards me. Gongchan being the first to reach me, followed by Baro, Sandeul and lastly CNU along with Jinyoung.

Once every one of them had reached the van, Jinyoung glared at Gongchan while the latter just shrug off.

“I don’t even know why I agree to play that game when I know our maknae will always win and I will lose almost all time.” Jinyoung grumbled.

“Relax, my friend, we all have our days.” CNU patted Jinyoung by the back and Lin gestured all of us to get in the van.

“Where are we going?” I blurted out the question before Lin was able to get into the vehicle.

“To the barbeque restaurant that we would always go to when there is a special event.” Jinyoung beat Lin to answer my question, still smiling ever so kindly at me.

“Oh.” I instantly blushed, feeling a little ashamed that I hadn’t even attempted to start talking to them first.

“Here, let me help you get in.” Jinyoung handed me his hand as I shyly grab hold of it to climb up the van that was quite high.

“Thank you.” I muttered as I quickly released his large warm hands and took the seat that was at the extreme corner seeing that there were only two rows of seats that were facing each other.

Jinyoung then came in after me as he sat on the opposite of me, followed by Baro and CNU. With Jinyoung’s side all filled; the only places that were left were by my side. I discreetly observe Gongchan who had settled down quietly beside me while Sandeul took the last available seat. Once everyone was settled down, the van started to drove off and we all fell into silence.

With five big boys sitting in a relatively closed up space, it makes the big van somehow looked smaller. I scooted over to the side even more, wanting to make sure than Gongchan and Sandeul were comfortable sitting at their places. Gongchan sent me a grateful look as he leaned back comfortably with his shoulder almost touching mine.

I look up to see all of them were like having a silent conversation with their eyes without me, clearly probing Jinyoung who had lost the game earlier to strike up a conversation with me. Jinyoung gave them a panicked look as he clearly was struggling to find something to talk about.

Alright, let’s put him off his misery. What is wrong with me anyway? I have been waiting almost over a year to get this chance with them and here I am not even talking with them. This cannot go on. I must say something.

I breathed in and let it out, just to prepare myself. Feeling that I was ready than I could ever get to be, I opened my mouth and say out the very first thing that comes in my head.


A/N: Huhu! Finally a scene filled with B1A4. I know the chapters are quite short but it's the only way I could update them as fast as I could but not to worry, I will update as frequently as I could. I hope you like the chapters. 

Anyway, Y U NO ANSWER MY PREVIOUS QUESTION? It makes me so sad that no one wants talks to me. ( T ^ T ) Well, the question still stands. What is the question you ask? Easy. Who is your bias in B1A4? Tell me and fill in the comments below. I would like to know which lucky member will get more appearance in this story.

Before I go, I would like to thank the people who had subscribed to my story! I am really grateful to you guys. You guys make me cry happy tears! To the others, please don't be a silent reader, and do leave your comments below. I will answer to them definitely. Also, don't forget to subscribe if you like the story. So go on now, click on those buttons and get your fingers moving. Thank you!

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caramelios #1
Hello!! ^^ new reader here and the story is so cool! :) I'm a fan of Baro~ hehe. Hope he'll appear more along with Gongchannie!
Chapter 1: I am both a dedicated ELF and BANA, so that conversation between them hurt me. Lol