Chapter 3: The Schedule

Tried To Walk


“You must be Park Ae-Rim.” A lady dressed in a plain aqua shirt with slim-fit jeans greeted me with a kind smile the moment I had stepped into the small building that was supposedly the agency’s building.

“Yes, I am.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Lin. Please have a seat here. I will need to talk to you about some important things first before meeting the boys.” The girl ushered me to the nearest couch. When I had settled down, she swiftly moved to the opposite of me and sat down.

For a moment, she was shuffling with some papers in her hands while I silently take in the view of the office I was in. It was fairly simple. The walls were all painted in white and at the centre of the room was the reception counter. Behind it, a beautiful tall lady was standing and was busying herself with a call. I glanced at her back and saw the words ‘WM Entertainment’ hanged there in silver. I silently smiled at myself as I realized that I really wasn’t in a dream and soon enough, I would be able to meet my idols face-to-face.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Park Ae-Rim-sshi. These papers were shuffled quite a lot and it took some time for me to rearrange it.” She smiled apologetically at me before shifting herself so that her body would face me. “Now let’s get to work.”

I nodded as I eyed the papers that she was holding. What could possibly be so important for her to tell me first before meeting the idols? It was just a date after all and that seems to hold a lot of paperwork for just a simple one day date or in better words, fan-meeting.

“Right, so let me tell you this first, to tell you the truth, this date wasn’t exactly planned.” Lin said the words slowly and softly, cautiously looking at me.

“Not planned? What do you mean?” My face scrunched in confusion.

“The one who had posted the news about this date was actually someone who had managed to hack our company site. The moment we found out about this, a lot of people including you, I’m sure, had already started pouring in their names and had requested us to hold out a private meeting between one fan and our boys. Well, we tried to explain it to the public and clear things off but the boys insisted that we should not let down their fans hopes.”

“Oh, that was kind of them.” I muttered, not knowing what more to say.

“Yeah, because of this, we were forced to push back a series of their schedules just so that they could still be able to meet one of their fans.” Lin momentarily stopped and I tilted my head questioningly.

“Okay…?” I prodded her to continue.

“I know we have promised you a whole day with them, but on behalf of our agency, I will need to ask you a favour.” Lin gave me a pleading and apologetic look.

For a moment, I was confused to what she was trying to get on but as it slowly registered in my mind, I could feel my heart sinking. So that was what the papers were for. It was their schedules that they need to push back or cancel and seeing how thick it is, it must have been a lot.

“So you are saying that you want to cancel the date?” I asked her, not hiding my disappointment.

“It isn’t exactly that.”

Relief undeniably washed over me. That means would still be able to see them but right before my happiness could go any further, she broke my thoughts

“That is why we need to ask you for a favour.”

I look up at her and she slowly finishes what she had to say.

“We did promise you the whole day with them but we can’t really afford to lose a whole day of them practicing and recording. And while we did have a talk with them a couple of days ago, they don’t like the idea of us cancelling today’s meeting with you. They had even said that if we cancel the date with you, they would still not go for the day’s schedule so that’s when you come in.”

“I come in? How can I help with that?”

“Since they won’t listen to us, we thought that maybe, you as a fan would be able to make them listen.”

I laughed inexplicably. “I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. If you as their agency can’t get them to listen to you, what makes you think that I as a fan, that they don’t even know I exist before, I might add,  will be able to make them listen to me?”

“That’s the very point. You are their fan. They value their fans more than you could ever think of. They will do anything not to disappoint them. So if you were to tell them that you want to spend an hour freely with them and then for the rest of the day you want to see them ‘in action’ while they are doing their schedule, I think they will definitely agree to you.”

I took her words in carefully. The way she said it, it means that I will still be able to see the boys anyway. Though I will only get them all for myself for an hour, I don’t mind letting them continue with their schedule if I could still them at work.

After concluding that it won’t be as bad as I thought it could be, I nodded in consent.

“I’m not sure if they would really want to listen to me but I will give it a try.”

Lin suddenly jumped up and grabbed my hands. “Thank you! Thank you for agreeing to help us Park Ae-Rim-sshi.”

“I don’t think I’m even helping…”

“You definitely are helping. They will listen to you, I’m positive of that.” Lin released my hands happily as she started calling people who I’m sure was affected by today’s schedule.

I glanced at the clock that showed it was already 10:47AM. It was agreed that the date or fan-meet will start at 11AM. I started fidgeting anxiously, my fingers fiddling on my bright yellow sundress as I continued to stare at the clock. Lin must have sense my nervousness as she paused from her calls as she looked kindly at me.

“I forget to mention it just now but I like your dress. It’s very refreshing and it looks very pretty on you. I bet the boys would like it.”

I blushed at her compliment and lowered down my head. “Thanks.”

She laughed lightly and I just couldn’t help but took a glance at the clock again. Following the direction, I was looking at, she turned back at me.

“The boys should be coming back soon. They told me earlier that they want to buy something for you before meeting you.”

“They did?”

“Yeah, they went off together saying they want to—” Lin stopped mid-sentence as she looked over behind me and smiled. “Oh, now there they are.”

My back instantly stiffened the moment she had announced their arrival. I had heard some silent whispers behind me and so I was very sure there are some people standing right there. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turn my head around and I couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped from my mouth.

There standing in a straight line was five tall guys smiling brightly at me. I stared wide-eyed from one guy to the other, making sure that they were who I really thought they were. None of us said a word and as I stiffly stood up to face them. Their smile widens and as if on cue, all of them bowed at me.

“Let’s Fly, B1A4! Annyounghaseyo! B1A4 ibnida!”

Instinctively, I took a step breath and drew my breath. Oh God, they are really here!


A/N: Yay! Finally the appearance of B1A4! I know their appearance is kinda short on this one but good news to everyone, after this chapter, I could safely say that B1A4 are the permanent characters that will appear very frequently.

Anyway, before the next chapter is uploaded, how about you guys share with me your bias in B1A4? Maybe the member with the highest vote I will have them consider to have more appearance than the other members? :D

Alright then , so don't be a silent reader and fill in the comments below. Please do subcribe if you like it! Thank you! 


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caramelios #1
Hello!! ^^ new reader here and the story is so cool! :) I'm a fan of Baro~ hehe. Hope he'll appear more along with Gongchannie!
Chapter 1: I am both a dedicated ELF and BANA, so that conversation between them hurt me. Lol