Chapter 2: Preparing for the Big Date

Tried To Walk


“What do you think of this? Do I look okay? Do you think I’m overdressed? Do you think I need to change?”

Yuna scanned me up thoroughly as she looked deep in thought, her expression bored.

“So?” I fidgeted, pulling down on the yellow summer dress that I find was short.

When there was still no answer from her, I turned back into my closet and search through my clothes again to find the better attire for the date.

“Stop it, Ae-Rim. You look fine now. You don’t need to change no more.”

“But from your face—”

“You changed for the ninth time within the hour, and I have repeated to you a lot of times that you look fine in all of the clothes you wore just now. You can’t expect me to still keep a smile on my face when you are not even listening to me, don’t you?” Yuna folded her arms with a pointed look on her face.

“Sorry, but I’m just—”

“Nervous? I get it. I can see it from your face.” She sent me an even bored look.

I gave out a sigh and nodded.

“Come, sit here on this chair.” Yuna gestured me to sit in front of my mirror and I silently obliged her. The moment I sat down, she began working on my hair, sending me a kind smile through the mirror.

“Don’t fret about it, Ae-Rim. You look absolutely fine. I bet if your luck hasn’t run out yet, you might even score yourself a boyfriend tonight.” She winked at me and I rolled my eyes at her.

“They are idols, Yuna. Idols don’t date normal people like us. Actually, they aren’t even allowed to date for five years. It is stated so in their contract.”

“Well, a little rebelling would do them good. It will make them look manlier.”

Instantly, I elbowed her and glared at her through the mirror as she grunted from the unexpected attack.

“That was painful! What was that for?”

“You asked for it. I told you numerous times; no one insults B1A4.”

“Alright, I’m sorry but you don’t have to hit me like that.” Yuna grumbled while making the finishing touches on my hair.

Once done, she pulled me up so that I could have a full look of myself in the mirror. With a satisfied smirk, she folded her hands and sat back at the edge of my bed.

“Now you’re done and pretty, you are ready to go.”

I swivelled to her direction and gave her the most worried look I could put on my face.

“What?” Yuna questioned.

“I don’t think I’m ready to go. I don’t think I will ever be ready to go and meet them face-to-face alone.”

My eyes must have shown the fear I was feeling since Yuna were clutching on her tummy as she started to laugh uncontrollably.

“Don’t laugh, it’s not even funny! I feel so jittery that I think I’m might pass out soon.”

“Stop being dramatic, Ae-Rim.” Yuna breathed in between her laughter. “You’ll be fine. I’m very sure those B1A4 guys you very much adore won’t ravage you or something.”

“I know they won’t but what should I do, Yuna? I-I think I should just pull away from this thing.”

“And what? Miss the chance on having a solo date with them? No way girl! You have been idolizing them ever since their debut, I’m not letting you let go of this chance.”

I glanced down silently at Yuna and pursed my lips. Yuna must have seen the hesitation in my eyes as she stood up and held my shoulders.

“I always believed that you have a good judgement on characters, Ae-Rim. You once told me you like them because of their personality so I trust that they are really good people that won’t hurt you. Besides, if it is what you think they might think of you that are bothering you, the more you need not worry about that. You are a nice loving friend I have ever known, they must be foolish if they don’t like you or God forbids it, even hate you.”

Hearing that from my best friend almost made me tear up. Feeling so grateful for the words she had said, I pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you so much Yuna. You are such a best friend. I don’t know what I will do without you.”

“Well, you can’t. That is why I am here for you.”

“Tsk. Show off.” I punched her lightly as we both laughed.

“Now, stop worrying already. You only have this one day to convince them that you are a worthy girlfriend. So, go get them girl!” Yuna make a sound almost similar to a cowboy and I can’t help but roll my eyes again.

“It’s just an idol date, Yuna. I’m not going for a matchmaking date.”

“You will never know your luck until you get one of them, Ae-Rim. You will never know.”

I let out a laugh at Yuna’s wild imagination as I straighten out my dress.

“What? You are sometimes very lucky after all. Look what your luck had given you.”

“Yes, I know. A date with my idols and it is just an idol date, in other words, a fan-meeting.”

“It could be a real date if you believe in it.”


“A girl can dream, can’t they?”

I sighed as I felt that I can finally smile with little to no worry. I suddenly felt so much better after talking to Yuna. She always had that effect on me. Glancing at the time, I realized I would be late if I didn’t leave soon. Yuna seeing that, she pushed me out of the door and waved at me goodbye.

“Don’t forget to call me once you’re done, yeah?”

I nodded. “Sure will.”

“Have fun!”


“And don’t forget to take their numbers!”

Once again, I rolled my eyes at her as I turned and headed out to the train, not knowing that the date I was going to have might change the way I would ever look at my idols.


A/N: Hey! I hope you have enjoyed reading that. I know this might seem a litlle draggy and I know in all your thoughts, "When will B1A4 comes out?" Well, be patient because in the next chapter, they will definitely appear, I promise. I just want to emphasize the friendship she has between Yuna and her. I want to show how greatly Ae-Rim views a friendship because it might actually be essential for the future chapters. 

Anyway, if you are wondering what exactly Ae-Rim is wearing, you can see the pic below. The girl in the picture is not really the Ae-Rim I had in mind but if you need something to have a memory of whenever you think of Ae-Rim, you can feel free and think the girl in the picture as her.

Asides from that, please don't be a silent reader and please leave some comments. I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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caramelios #1
Hello!! ^^ new reader here and the story is so cool! :) I'm a fan of Baro~ hehe. Hope he'll appear more along with Gongchannie!
Chapter 1: I am both a dedicated ELF and BANA, so that conversation between them hurt me. Lol