What a Fateful Concert! ♥


"Fly high, so fly high, so fly high go to the sky ~ " SungYoung, JinAe and HaeRin were singing happily to SHINee's fly high while they were on their way to the airport.

JinAe and HaeRin had stayed over at SungYoung's house after their mad shopping spree as they geared up for their upcoming holiday which included stalking their bias in SHINee, memorising the fanchants and not forgetting the tourism sites in Korea. They were deemed to make the best out of the 3 weeks holiday before returning to Singapore where stress would come along easily. 

"JinAe, stop dreaming about fried chicken and walk faster will you? We're going to miss the plane if we don't check in now!" SungYoung nagged at JinAe who had been drooling over the newest set of KFC meal as she dragged along her pink luggage lazily. 

"Aiish, you're as naggy as Key! No wonder he's your bias in SHINee; you two would make the perfect naggiest couple ever!" JinAe joked and laughed as she saw the look on SungYoung's face.

"Okay let's hurry up else we would really be late for the check in! There's a KFC restaurant right up ahead after we check in so ppali ppali!" HaeRin said in a singsong voice, dragging her two other friends along with her.

The trio picked up their pace and hurriedly went for their lunch at KFC after they checked in. Just as they were about to grab their luggage and head over to the boarding section, a shocking announcement was made over the speaker system, leaving the three girls at the restaurant, mouth hanging wide open.

"WHAT SORCERY IS THIS!!!!!" Sungyoung, JinAe and HaeRin screamed in unison, scaring the other customers in the restaurant.

"I repeat, flight number AKB14 has been canceled due to certain circumstances. Refunds would be made and we apologize for the problems caused. Please proceed to the customer service and information counter for enquiries or any form of help. Thank you." With that, the announcement was over.

"I can't believe this is happening. Omo I'm going to faint. I'm going to faint. My blood pressure..." SungYoung started stumbling back as the announcement was made. She nearly tripped over the chair which was behind her when HaeRin and JinAe caught her just on time.

"What are we going to do now? Ahhhhhh ottoke? The concert tickets would be useless since we won't be able to go over to Korea right now!" JinAe exclaimed, horrified at the thought that they were going to miss out on SHINee's concert.

"Why not we get a transfer? It's not like there's only one way to go to Seoul's airport right? We can always take a plane to another airport and find some other means to get to our hotel or to Seoul's airport," HaeRin suddenly spoke up.

After hearing what HaeRin had said, JinAe and SungYoung immediately stood up, grabbed their luggage and made their way towards the enquiry counter.

"Aish, these two are forever like that." HaeRin mumbled as she giggled quietly at their reactions. She then quickly caught up with her other two friends.

Just when they were about to reach the counter, SungYoung's phone started vibrating in her back pocket. "You guys go ahead, my mum is calling me. Have to  answer it before she kills me!" She told her friends animatedly before picking up the call.

"Yeah mum? Why're you calling me? Huh? Private jet? WHAT?!!!" SungYoung quickly ended the call as she sprinted to where JinAe and HaeRin were.

"We are asking if there's any flight to Korea cos we're kinda in a rush." "Oh I think there is, but there would be an extra cost of 600SGD per ticket since you're making a change to the ticket." "Oh, okay. Then we'll make -" "WAITTTTTTT!!!"

Stopping her friends from making any changes to the tickets, SungYoung caught her breath first before asking the lady at the counter politely, "I'm sorry but do you know where is the boarding section for the private jets? We're taking the private jet instead of changing the tickets." 

When Sungyoung finished her sentence, JinAe and HaeRin looked as though they got a terrible surprise that was too extreme for the weak heart of theirs. Smiling at the 3 girls in front of her, the lady at the service counter gave them the directions to where they were supposed to go before going back to whatever she was doing previously. Bowing to the lady in appreciation of her help, they made their way to the boarding section of the private jet slowly, as JinAe and HaeRin recovered from their shocked state of mind. 


"Okay girl, now spill. How did you manage to get us THIS?" HaeRin asked, emphasizing on her words as she gestured to her surroundings when the 3 of them finally boarded the jet. 

"Oh, the private jet... Well, my mum arranged it for us cause she said she didn't want us to make up excuses to extend our stay here so yea here we go..." SungYoung mumbled out the last part while looking down at her feet, slowly scratching her head, waiting for her friends' reaction.

"Actually it doesn't matter that much now right? The most important thing is that we're going to Korea and still be able to attend SHINee's concert!" JinAe concluded happily before yawning a little. "I guess we should sleep before we actually arrive at Seoul airport, especially when we didn't sleep all night and to be honest, dragging a luggage that's about half of our height is energy draining!"

Laughing in agreement, SungYoung and HaeRin went to take their seat after JinAe had comfortably rested herself on one of it. Before they knew it, the three tired girls had already fallen into slumber, dreaming of meeting their bias in lalaland. 

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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 7: AUTHOR-NIM!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!! Can't wait for your next update.. Heheheh
HOYYYY Faster updateeeee! Don't cliffhang meeeee huhuhuhuhuhu T^T How can youuuu???