Girl Time

Silly Love

It was morning and it was Sunday , Mina woke up and she remembered yesterday , She thaught of something and then she look at the time "Mwo? 9:00 ALREADY! Wow!" She went to the bathroom and took a bath when she finished she did what she always does .She then heard something "RING DING DONG RING DING DONG" She then heard her Cell ringtone of SHINee's Ring Ding Dong  .She then took her phone she saw a text from Hyun

From: Hyuna 

Hi Mina , Goodmorning!! I was just wondering if you would like us to have a Girl only time.. I just want us to go to the Mall or somewhere.. are you free???

Hyuna would reply shortly from the text

From: Mina

Hi Hyuna , Goodmorning to you too!! and sure we can have our Girl only time :D How about we just go to the Mall and do some shopping for a bit?? Sounds good?

From: Hyuna

Okay then!! How about I'll just pick you up at you're house?

From: Mina

Yeah sure! I'll get ready! I just woke up tho!

From: Hyuna

Really?? I just woke up too , so okay then!! Bye

Mina would laugh "Really she would say "Bye" at a text? Wow Hehe"  She would reply shorty

From: Mina

Wow.. Really? Saying "Bye" at a text? Kekeke x3 Well okay then , Bye xD

Mina would then change to a more fancy kind of dressing as she would take her bag and look in the MIrror [She looks Just like Below]

"This would look okay<3" She would say , as she would walk down the stairs and eat her break fast as her mom would ask "Where are you going Mina?"  Her mother would look at her with an eyebrow raised "Me and Hyuna will have a girl bonding time just the two of us tho , we're going shopping.. Oh and can I have money?? Please Umma<3" Mina would do the Puppy dog eyes will eating ramen "Okay then.." Her mother would then give her money just for shopping as then Mina would hear something "BEEP BEEP" "Oh Umma I got to go! Hyuna is here! Bye!"  Mina would say as she would run out of the door and step in Hyuna's car.

They had finally arrived at the Mall Hyuna and Mina both went out of the car and rushed to the Mall gates as they would walk inside the Mall and looked around for a good place to shop as they would then walk in the shop and they would see a bunch of beautiful clothes they would see a rack of beautiful clothes and they would get some of it when they're hands we're full they tried them on when they finished trying them on and paying them they head out of the store and went to Starbucks for a drink of coffee and rest for a bit..

They finally finished drinking when suddenly a Man wearing a black mask stole Mina's bag "HEY!! YAH!! HELP HELP!!" as Mina and Hyuna both screamed for help a Man wearing a Hoodie chased after the Snatcher and alas the man in the hoodie caught up with him and snatched the bag out of its hands as then the police came and handcuffed the man the Man in the Hoodie would give Mina her bag again "Thank you so much!!" as then Mina would see its eyes under the hoodie as it was the eye in the Cafe! Mina would sigh "You!" as then the Man ran as fast as he can. Mina would then see his eyes again when he ran she then looked at him running as Mina would then have thoughts in her Mind of who is that familiar Man.. She would then pout as then Mina and Hyuna would go out of the Mall and into the Car and drove off.

Mina arrived at they're house and said Goodbye to Hyuna she went in her house and went up the stairs and into her room she then changed into her Pjs. [Just like from below cause you haven't seen what her Pjs. are yet x3]

She finished changing and then she still can't forget about that man wearing a hoodie , Mina would then think "Who is that man? I need to know him! I've been getting curious about him! UGH! I'll just think of him tomorrow I should just rest for now" She would then turn off the lights and sleep peacfully in her bed.


[A/N] Anyeong!! Mianhamnida for the Boring Chapter again ToT and Ne I am a rookie thats why Im bad at this fanfic stuff .... and again Mianhamnida<3



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Silly Love


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ShineeFanficManic #1
Chapter 5: I'm so bad at this I can't bare to look at my own Fanfic o.O LMAO x33
pom101 #2
Chapter 4: Wow they are weird! But UPDATE SOON PLEAZE!!^^
Chapter 3: Please update soon ~~~
pom101 #4
Chapter 3: You are not all that bad!! And just to let you know I'm loving this story! Update soon!!^^ FIGHTING!!!❤
pom101 #5
Chapter 2: I'm sure this story would turn out to be awesome!!^^ Update soon! 사랑해!!❤