The Beggining

Silly Love


"RING RING" The sound of the alarm clock echoed through out the house of Mina , as Mina would then throw the alarm clock , as she would fall down "Aaaah!!" She yelled then a large "THUMP" was heard then her mother yelled "Mina you okay up there!?" her mother would scream downstairs "Yeah I'm fine don't worry!" Mina would scream to her Mom "Get dressed you have school today!!" Yelled her mom , she would then go to the bathroom and take a bath after that she brushed her teeth, she fised her hair and combed it and changed into her uniform. She would go down the stairs ready , carrying her bag "That took long enough , so now eat you're breakfast" Her mom said "Okay Mom" She'd go to the table and look at her food "Yay.. Ramen... Again." Mina would fakely smile , she'd then eat her breakfast , and when she finished.. She went to her mom and kissed her goodbye "See you mom going to school now" Mina said "Okay then be nice" her mom said "Thats what you always tell me" Mina would then wave goodbye and leave.


Mina walked to her school , She went in the school gates and off to her class. She would see that the class is empty yet , She would look at the time and she would see its only 6:00 A.M in the morning "Wow I went here too early I guess" Mina would take her bag out and take out her notebooks , she proceed to study while she would hear something "CREEK" She would then look at the Classroom door and see her friendns walk in "Hyuna!! I didn't know that you come to school this early!!" Mina would smirk "and I didn't suspect that you come to school this early!!.. So.. Have a Boyfriend yet?? Huh? Huh?" Hyuna would laugh a bit as Mina will too "Not yet, Don't be like that!!" Mina would smirk as Chully would walk in the classroom "Chully!! You come this early too?" Chully would then sit down as he won't look at Mina "Errr.. Chully!! Hey Chully you there??~~" Chunny would look to where Mina is "Hi Mina..." as he would yawn then he'd close his eyes suddenly he opened his eyes quickly "wait.. Mina?!?!?!" the two girls would chuckle "Hyunnie~? OH!! Hyunnie<3 Mina!!~~" He would then go sit beside Hyuna even tho that was not his seat he would then give Hyuna a surprise hug on the back and both of them would smirk "You guys!! You make me so jealouuss~~!! Don't do that infront of a Single girl~~" He would then laugh such as Hyuna "GET A BOYFRIEND!!" Hyuna Said "Nobody even likes me.." Mina would mumble "Don't be like that someone will!! Oh I know I will hook you up with someone!!!" Mina would raise an eyebrow "Seriously?? Naah I want to be "solo" for now" Mina said "Okay as you wish" Then they heard something "RIIING RIIING RIING" They would hear the school bell ring and they're classmates barging in the classroom.


"RIIING RIING" "Class dismissed" The teacher would say as they're classmates would walk out so as them , The three friend Hyuna, Mina and Chully would walk to the field and chat about the whole thing about Mina getting a boyfriend and Hyuna hooking her up with someone.. "Come on!! I know tons of guys that will like you!!" Hyuna will say and then Mina would say "No" Mina would blutter , it would be silent for a while Chully would fake a cough "Ehem.." as Hyuna would blurt out "Chully is there a problem??"  Chully would then pout "Aww <3" as Hyuna would peck his cheeks gently "What about my lips?" Chully would do puppy eyes on her "Okay then" as Hyuna would peck his lips gently , Chully would jump with Joy like a little kid as Hyuna and Mina would laugh but Mina would just fakely laugh because she is Jealous about them dating and her being single.. she think (No Mina don't think about that be happy for yourself) After that they all said Goodbye and went to they're home


Mina would walk home all by herself as she is 16 now and she is in High school and almost turning to a College student she can do anything she want when she reached her house she would change into her Pajamas, brush her teeth and comb her hair , as she would then walk to her bed she would open a drawer and there it is a picture of SHINee she would then kiss the picture and whisper "Goodnight my Oppas~~" She would hide the picture and she would turn off the lights and she would then sleep peacfully.



[A/N] Heey~~ So sorry guys for the VERY Boring and SHORT chapter I'm just so new here x3 Sorry~~ I'll make the Chapter 2 Right away and again Mianhamnida<3 #PEACE

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Silly Love


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ShineeFanficManic #1
Chapter 5: I'm so bad at this I can't bare to look at my own Fanfic o.O LMAO x33
pom101 #2
Chapter 4: Wow they are weird! But UPDATE SOON PLEAZE!!^^
Chapter 3: Please update soon ~~~
pom101 #4
Chapter 3: You are not all that bad!! And just to let you know I'm loving this story! Update soon!!^^ FIGHTING!!!❤
pom101 #5
Chapter 2: I'm sure this story would turn out to be awesome!!^^ Update soon! 사랑해!!❤