Chapter 5: Continuation of First Day in Paris

Me & The Prince of Fools

(A/N: HELLOOO READERS/AWESOME(R) Readers who care to subscribe! Thanks for reading this fanfic. It's my first so yeah.. Don't be afraid to comment and send some love<3)

**Inspirational Music: "Lullaby" by LaTeeya (Random but yes I'm addicted to it so here it is! :D>>> 

Anyways on with the story....

“Hey what happened to eating after we unpack?” Henry said as he pouted outside our dorm door. I laughed.

“Sorry Henry. I forgot. I got absorbed into my conversation with Bommie. Bommie this is Henry-my Canadian/Chinese friend!” I said cheerfully as I noticed something change in Bommie’s expression.

“Nice to meet you Henry.” She said more shy than before. I raised my eyebrow at her as she blushed.

“Nice to meet you Bommie.” Henry said as he gave one of his signature chubby cheeks smile.

“Let’s go eat. Bommie where’s a good place to eat?” I asked as I began to dial Ji Yong, Pierre, and Jake.

“Well my favorite place to go is a cute little French pastry shop on the southern end of the campus.” Bommie informed me as I nodded.

“Yah Ji Yong meet me at the southern end of the campus in 10 minutes.” I said as I heard a quick reply and hung up.

“Ji Yong?” Bommie asked as I nodded. “Kwon Ji Yong-do you know him? He recognized your name when we were at the dorm assignments.” I said.

“OMG! JiJi (Pronounced Gee Gee) is here! No way! He’s my old childhood friend!” Bommie gushed as I smiled. I dialed Jack and Pierre.

“Hey are you guys still coming to eat with us before the induction ceremony?” I asked when Pierre picked up. A soft moan was heard on the other line as my eyes bulged.

“YAH! Pierre! Are you guys doing what I think you’re doing?” I said in parental tone.

“Hang up baby.” I heard Jack’s faint voice say as I sighed.

“Pierre and Jack. Be prepared to receive a punishment when I see you two again.” I said harshly only to be replied with the dial tone at the end of the phone call.

“It’s only 5PM for goodness sakes.” I thought as I shook my head and came back to reality.

“Change of plans. It’s only Bommie, Henry, Ji Yong, and me.” I said but just before we left I received another call.

“Evangeline-ah mianhe. I can’t come. I have to help my room mate with his love problems. Mianhe.” Ji Yong said in an apologetic tone. I sighed.

“Yah, Ji Yong you owe me next time.” I said.

“Arraso. Love you!” Ji Yong added cheerfully as I laughed.

“Saranghae.” I said in Korean. It was the usual. Ji Yong and I always had mixed French and Korean conversations since the day we found out we were going to be in this program. You could say it was an effective way of studying.

“Wait! You’re dating Ji Yong?!” Bommie asked as I blushed. “Yeah.” I answered as we finally walked out of the dorm.

“So Henry… do you like France so far?” Bommie asked Henry as I gaped. Bommie likes Henry?! I thought to well screamed to myself in my head.

“Um.. yeah. I like the weather. It’s still warm here and there’s a lot of things to see unlike Canada.” Henry said with his usual oblivious tone. Man why doesn’t all guys have a girl’s intuition. Geez. Makes everything so much easier. I suddenly blinked and realized the situation and groaned mentally.

“Um.. guys I just remembered that I had to go call my parents. You guys go ahead of me. I’ll meet you at the induction ceremony all right?” I said in French so that both Henry and Bommie could understand. I winked at Bommie as I saw her blush slightly. Henry just nodded like his normal oblivious self. “You have a ways to go Bommie. Fighting.” I thought to myself as I went in the opposite way making it look like I was going back to the dorm. The sound of their steps drifted out of my hearing range as I sighed.

“What now Evangeline? You’re hungry and you just let your guide go flirt with your best friend. Hmm..” I pondered aloud as I saw a familiar sight.

“Bonjour madame!” I said to the timid girl with a large (ENORMOUS) book in her small pale hands. I sat beside her on the bench as I watched her continue reading while every so often steal a glance at me. I giggled.

“Is it an interesting book?” I asked the girl who was sitting in front of me but seemed so far away.

“Yes… it’s a book of romance. Have you ever read, ‘Pride and Prejudice’?” She asked in a soft but angelic sounding voice. I was shocked. I could see it now. Beneath her thick, fat glasses and mousy long layered hair was an angel.

“Oh I’m sorry. I was just shocked by your voice. It’s really pretty!” I said in awe as I saw her blush slightly. “Can I do something to you?” I asked as I pondered about what laid beneath her thick glasses and thick mousy hair.

“Um… I don’t know…” she said in a faint whisper as I laughed.

“No worries. I won’t attack you!” I said as I slowly lifted her glasses and took a few pins from my hair and pinned her bangs up into a nice puff.

“Wait! I can’t see!” She said in faint panic as my eyes widened when I saw the way she looked.

“EHHH?!! You’re so pretty! Wait are you full French?” I said in excitement when I saw that her face was mostly flawless, creamy, and accented her beautiful golden brown eyes.

“Um no I’m pure Korean.” She said as she looked out at the trees as if she were truly blind which she probably was with these huge glasses.

“EH?! But you have golden brown eyes I’ve never seen before in a pure Korean!” I said as I saw her face smile a bit at my compliment…I think.

“I was the one in a million recessive traits in my family genes of all dark brown eyes.” She said as I laughed. Whatever she said sounded really scholarly like to me and this made me laugh because I was used to ‘ghetto talk’.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Sandara Park.” She said as I felt my eyes bulge out yet again. Man that’s been happening a lot today.

“You’re Korean too?!” I said as I laughed.

“Yes. What’s your name?” She asked me in a faint whisper.

“I’m sorry for the late introductions. My name is Evangeline Min Lee. They should seriously call this place a second Korea than a French school man.” I said as I laughed. I earned a small laugh from Sandara as I smiled.

“You should get some contacts Sandara-sshi and let me do your hair everyday. You have the potential to be some fancy eye candy on this campus.” I said in Korean as Sandara shook her head enthusiastically earning a laugh from me.

“Sandara… your name seems to long. What if I gave you a nickname of ‘Dara’ instead? It has a cuter sound to it.” I said as I saw her blush yet again.

“All right. You can call me ‘Dara’ but you have to give me time about the make over part.” She whispered as she held out her hand. I sighed in defeat and gave her the dinosaur glasses.

“Well I’m glad we’re friends now Dara! Where do you stay?” I asked her as Dara turned back into her timid girl look.

“Dorm 6B” She said as she pointed to the dorm where I was living.

“AWESOME! We’re dorm buddies; even better!” I said in content with making yet another new friend since coming here.

All of a sudden a large noise of screaming girls echoed through the campus as I saw a crowd of crazy girls with their signs circling around a group of guys. I had a weird déjà vu moment. This reminded me of this morning but instead of middle aged men and women it was now replaced with young, really skimpy looking spoiled girls.

“JUNSU I LOVE YOU!” I heard a girl scream as she flashed the poor boy with her very ahem… fake… bosoms. (Yeah I said bosom. I can be an old timer if I want. Gesh.)

“Dara what the heck is going on over there?” I asked as I pointed to the direction of now moving crowd of girls and the poor boys that I couldn’t quite get a good look at yet.

“It’s JYJ. They’re the 6 stars who attend here periodically. They just came back from their debut in America.” Dara informed me in a monotonous voice which meant she was already absorbed in her book.

“JYJ? I heard that earlier. What a stupid name.” I said as I heard a gasp among the group of girls who were now a few feet away.

“GIRLS STOP!” A girl with blonde highlights, white tube top, short (really short) denim shorts, and fake well…everything glare at me. All of a sudden the girls all froze and lined up behind the girl who yelled the command which I guessed was the Queen Bee of them all. The now vanished crowd revealed three very handsome but exhausted looking Korean men whom looked VERY familiar. My head started to pound hard as I tried to remember from where.

“Aish having a bad memory .” I mumbled to myself as I just sat there while I felt Dara gently tug at my skinny jeans.


“WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING B*TCH?!” Bimbo follower #1 said as I kept laughing. Is it me or do all of the Bimbos have this hilarious squeaky voice?!

“FIRST YOU INSULT JYJ BEING A RETARDED NAME AND NOW YOU MOCK ME-THE PRESIDENT OF THE JYJ FAN CLUB?!” The Queen Bimbo announced as I continued laughing until my sides began to ache.

“MOUSE VOICE! AHHHHH…. SO SQUEAKY!” I yelled through my laughs as I rolled on the floor.

“Evangeline! Come on.” I heard Dara’s voice whisper beside me as I automatically stopped.

“Well little Miss Queen Bimbo. I must take my leave. Awaay from this mouse land.” I said in my joking tone as I skipped away with Dara walking quickly by my side.

3rd Person POV

Some of the girls in the back began to giggle at their leader before the leader screamed out in outrage scaring them back into silence.

Junsu, Yoochun, and Jaejoong just stood there in utmost surprise. For Junsu and Yoochun they just found their new amusement for the year but as for Jaejoong… he found the new toy he was going to break.

“Jaejoong! Did you see what that girl did to me?!” Hiyori whined as she put her head against his chest.

“Hiyori… you are nothing to me. Get lost.” Jaejoong said as he simply walked away planning his revenge for the new transfer student that had caused him so much grief and shock already.

“NOOOO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS! YOU TOOK MY INNOCENCE KIM JAEJOONG!” Lee Hiyori screamed at the distant figure down the path as the girls and Junsu and Yoochun followed.

“Haha you’re a ‘no star’ now b**ch.” My old friend Minzy said to me as I fell to the ground in anguish.

“They all were never my friends were they?” Hiyori thought to herself as she sobbed endlessly in the middle of the path. Her high ranking was now stripped to that of a ‘no star’. A mere piece of trash left behind. Her rage began to boil as the image of the girl who embarrassed her and brought this upon her burned in her mind as she cursed.

“I, swear as the daughter of Japan and Korea’s Media CEO I will avenge myself and gain Jaejoong back as my lover.” She swore to herself as she laughed maliciously.

“With every friend there is always a foe.” Dara read from her book as Evangeline ran after a butterfly down the path.

Meanwhile… (aka after story:D)

Pierre: Jake I just received a malicious voicemail from Evangeline. I think she heard us.. you know.

Jake: She will never take us alive!

Pierre: OI! Don’t glomp me!

Jake: It’s not like we were doing anything. We were just playing yoga on Wii. What did she think we were doing?

Pierre: I don’t know but I do know that child has some wild erted imagination.

Jake: True that.

*They burst into laughter as they continue to play Wii*

(OH YEAH 3 UPDATES IN A DAY. I think. Haha.)

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Plmokn #1
Update soon
yay for Dara reading Pride and Prejudice :D .. just had to say that .. I love that book almost as much as Jane Eyre. I do kinda feel bad for Hiyori even though she was nasty to Eva. Jaejoong was so mean to dis her like that in front of everyone! I like Bommie and Henry :D
Why thank you Emberlyn^^ I am happy you like my story this far(; I also wanted to give Jaejoong a new but familiar personality here :D
Cute story :D love to see Jaejoong get abit riled up .. he's always so cool hehe :)