Chapter 3: My First Day in the City of Love Paris

Me & The Prince of Fools

Evangeline’s POV (aka you)

“Bonjour beautiful.” I heard a heavy French accent to the side of me. I glanced to find my friend Pierre posing a very exaggerated y look in the seat beside me.

“You’re so stupid Pierre” I said as I laughed drinking some water to finish my ice cream.

“Aw that’s just mean Evangeline. You know you’re attracted to this y body.” He said as he kissed his so called “guns” for muscles. I simply rolled my eyes while I laughed.

“Totally Pierre. I’m totally telling Jake back in America you are a total dude magnet here.” I said cracking up at Pierre’s shocked face.

“Nooooo he’ll punish me if he’s even suspecting an ounce of cheating on my behalf Evangeline! You know that!” Pierre said as he squirmed in his seat causing for a few eyes to linger over to us. I loved Pierre and Jake they were the cutest and loving gay couple I knew (not that I knew many that is). Jake was in the same program as Pierre and I but he had to stay a few days in America to help his mom finish the final preparation for the kids who are in this program in France. Jake was the son of the school’s principal in France if you haven’t caught it yet. Pierre was just the cute childish best friend that fell for the principal’s son. I still laugh every time Jake blushes when Pierre kisses him.

“I was kidding Pierre. Relax I know you’re too scared to cheat on Jake especially since he specifically got every class with you the whole time we’re here in Paris.” I said as I chuckled. Pierre blushed in content.

“Student s involved in the America-France Business Student Program please come here to the megaphone. I repeat all students involved in the American-France Business Student Program please assemble here at the megaphone!” A loud voice came from a few meters away from where Pierre and I were at the café.

“That’s us. Let’s go Pierre! We might see our other friends!” I said as I grabbed his hand and my luggage and walked quickly to the person with the megaphone.

“EVANGELINE! PIERRE!” I heard a familiar low voice call out to me.

“HENRY!” Pierre screamed as I saw a familiar Chinese boy with chubby cheeks come into sight. I sprinted to hug him as Pierre joined.

“Henry you stupid Canadian!” I screamed as I laughed. I loved teasing Henry. He was just so adorable.

“Hey you stupid melting pot. Is that anyway to talk to your amazing friend?” Henry said as He laughed.

“ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME PIERRE FRANCOIS?!” I heard another familiar voice yell behind us as we broke our big hug to see who was yelling.

“JAKE! YOU’RE HERE! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!” Pierre screamed as he ran to Jake with tears already falling from his eyes. 

“Dummy I wanted it to be a surprise.” Jake said as he dragged Pierre to the boys bathroom a few feet away and came back with a very blissful Pierre. I raised my eyebrow at Jake completely knowing how he sent Pierre into a blissful daze.

“Evangeline! You’re as beautiful as ever! Stop seducing poor Henry here!” Jake said in a joking tone. I looked down and noticed I was still connected to the stupid Canadian. I quickly let go and attached myself to Jake.

“Jake you jerk! Why didn’t you say you were coming on the airplane?!” I said as Jake laughed hugging me back.

“HEY! Evangeline stop stealing my boyfriend!” Pierre said as he pouted like a cute little child.

“Whatever.” I said as I stuck out my tongue playfully. All of a sudden a face came smashing into mine as the familiar lips played with mine. I let go as I saw Ji Yong in front of me smirking.

“YAH!  Pabo! You scared me!” I said as I ran to hug him. (Yes I know my words hardly match my actions. It’s okay.)

“I can’t have my girlfriend stealing other people’s boyfriends now can we?” I heard Ji Yong’s voice chime as I laughed. I kissed his quickly on the lips as we finished reuniting with old friends and started walking along with the large group of other students in the program heading out the door.  Jake, Pierre and Ji Yong had to walk ahead of Henry and I due to their positions in the student council and had to report to the megaphone coordinator person.

“Henry love how are you darling?” I said in an exaggerated British accent.

“I don’t know love why are speaking this way?” Henry said in the same accent as me making me laugh.

“Beeeecause. TAG!” I said as I tagged him and made a run for it through the parking lot of the airport. Quickly I dashed but I could hear Henry closing in. Darn his quick running.

I suddenly bumped into a large group of people with cameras and microphones circled like a group of hungry sharks.

“YAH WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” I heard a middle aged man say in Korean as he struggled to get closer to whatever was in the circle. OH NO HE DIDN’T! American rule #11: Don’t mess with a homey who accidently bumped into you.  

I quickly got an idea as I got my ninja skills honed and ready. I quickly untied the rude guy’s shoe laces and retied them together in a nice triple knot and quickly knotted the rest of the crazy shark’s shoe laces (with the exemption of some heels without laces). I then got up and pulled down the rude guy’s pants for the finishing finale and quickly ran behind a thick pole to watch my small devilish act in action.

“Oh my gooosh Evangeline!” Henry said to me as he hid behind the same pole as me. I guess he witnessed me in the process of evil. Muahahaha.

We watched as the rude man looked down and freaked out causing himself to lose balance and hitting another man who also lost his balance and hit another until they all fell as well as the woman reporters there. It was a domino effect as I saw each of their cameras and microphones crash onto the concrete as it revealed three very handsome Asian men with dark clothing that seemed to spark my memory. The three guys looked down at the reporters with a flustered look as Henry and I cracked up from behind the pole. It was hilarious!

“YAH! It was that girl!” The middle aged rude man pointed to me as I noticed I was not behind the safety of my pole. I laughed a short nervous laugh as I spotted the group of students gathering into black escalades a few meters away. I grabbed Henry’s hand and made a dash for it. When I knew I was in a safe distance I paused and looked back.

“THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT AMERICAN STYLE OLD MAN!” I yelled in Korean as I stuck out my tongue in the direction of the people who were mostly trying to untie their shoes and the women reporters looking at me in disgust. I laughed at the three guys. How come they look so familiar? I shrugged as Henry and I made a run to the escalade before it left.  Well that was fun!

“Where were Evangeline? I was about to come for you and Henry!” Ji Yong said as he closed the door.

“We just had some fun with some other tourists right Henry?” I said cheerfully.

“Yeah” He replied as we got into Pierre and Jake’s debate over the beauty of Speedos.


“Rude brats these days” the middle aged man said as he stood up after retying his shoelaces.

“Hyung-wasn’t that the chick who stood you earlier?” Yoochun whispered into Jaejoong’s ear as Junsu cracked up silently beside him.

“She’s an interesting character all right. I feel wide awake now thanks to her.” Junsu whispered for both Yoochun and Jaejoong to hear.

Yoochun agreed cheerfully but Jaejoong stood there frozen as if the girl punched him physically in the stomach.  

BWOOOOHHHHHHHH????!!!!!! Jaejoong screamed in his mind as he curled his fist into a tight ball turning his knuckles white.

**INSPIRATION MUSIC:  “Gives you Hell” by American Rejects ;))


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Plmokn #1
Update soon
yay for Dara reading Pride and Prejudice :D .. just had to say that .. I love that book almost as much as Jane Eyre. I do kinda feel bad for Hiyori even though she was nasty to Eva. Jaejoong was so mean to dis her like that in front of everyone! I like Bommie and Henry :D
Why thank you Emberlyn^^ I am happy you like my story this far(; I also wanted to give Jaejoong a new but familiar personality here :D
Cute story :D love to see Jaejoong get abit riled up .. he's always so cool hehe :)