Bonjour Madame Paris: Chapter 2

Me & The Prince of Fools

(Inspirational music: Hands Up by Big Bang;;

“Bonjour guests, we’d like to give an extended thank you for choosing France International Flights to be your carrier today. We will land in a few minutes so please fasten your seat belts.” I heard the pilot say over the intercom as I drowsily clicked my seat belt and shook myself awake.

I looked over to my side to find a guy with a black hoody and shades napping against the window. Since when was he here? I sighed. I must’ve crashed before he came. I noticed that his seat was unbuckled and slowly tried to help him fasten it without disturbing him. I leaned over the seat and as I touched the belt buckle my fingers slipped when he scared me with sudden movement and touched him in such a disturbing area. I snatched my hand back and slowly prayed to God asking for forgiveness. I suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the other side of me as I saw two others dressed similar to the guy next to me cracking up hysterically causing me to turn red.

“YAH YOOCHUN WAKE UP!” I heard one of them say in Korean through his laughs.  The guy next to me began to stir in his sleep before finally stretching and yawning which totally reminded me of a bear just out of hibernation.

“We’re landing. Fasten your belt idiot.” The guy with a cute smile said in Korean to the guy next to me.

“Sorry my friend can be a heavy sleeper. Are you all right? You looked like you were having a crisis there.” The guy with the cute smile and chubby cheeks said to me in English. His navy blue hoody covered most of his head but I could see he had a small chubby face. His accent was really thick when he spoke English I had trouble not laughing. Should I pretend not to know Korean for the time being?

“I’m fine now. I didn’t mean to you know.” I said in English as I blushed. I couldn’t look at the guy next to me in the face.

“What the heck are you talking about with this chick?” I heard the guy next to me say in Korean to his friend. Hmm… this could be interesting.

“Nothing, you were just practically attacked by that cute girl next to you.” The guy with the chubby cheeks said as I pretended to look lost.

“BWOH?!” I heard the guy next to me scream but before they could continue we landed and people started to exit the plane.

“I can’t believe you let this girl attack me in my sleep Junsu!! Jaejoong do something!” He yelled in Korean. Well it’s official. I am now annoyed. How could they just talk normally as if I’m not even here? I reached for my carry on above me but my stupid arms were a little short to grab it. Shoot.

All of a sudden an arm appeared above me and grabbed my carry on then bringing it down to me. I looked up to find the other guy who was next to the chubby cheeks dude.

“Here’s you’re bag.” He said in a soft voice as I gazed at his pale creamy skin beneath his dark sunglasses and his black hoody. His face turned into a smirk as he handed me a piece of paper.

“Call me if you want to go further than what you did a few minutes ago.” He said in English as he tried to look cool by getting his carry on.

“In your dreams! Screw you hobo creeper!” I yelled in Korean as I stepped on his foot and quickly ran away, hiding in the crowd. Yeah, I know it was immature to call a person a hobo creeper but that dude was a jerk! Darn these kids these days.

3rd person POV

All three of them were frozen in shock.

“Jaejoong Hyung, that was your first rejection ever from a girl!” Junsu said in oblivious as Jaejoong was too much in awe to punch him.

“She knew Korean!” Yoochun finally chimed in as Yoochun and Junsu broke into laughter as Jaejoong’s fist began to tighten.

“Shut up, let’s go.” Jaejoong said with anger seething in his voice causing the other two to laugh silently among themselves as they exited the plane.


All the meanwhile, Evangeline is smiling to herself eating a chocolate ice cream cone in the airport’s café after a stressful morning.

“Yummy ice cream never fails to cheer me up! I better not see that jerk face ever again! Bonjour to Paris!” Evangeline said to herself angrily before turning happy again after another bite of ice cream.

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Plmokn #1
Update soon
yay for Dara reading Pride and Prejudice :D .. just had to say that .. I love that book almost as much as Jane Eyre. I do kinda feel bad for Hiyori even though she was nasty to Eva. Jaejoong was so mean to dis her like that in front of everyone! I like Bommie and Henry :D
Why thank you Emberlyn^^ I am happy you like my story this far(; I also wanted to give Jaejoong a new but familiar personality here :D
Cute story :D love to see Jaejoong get abit riled up .. he's always so cool hehe :)