Hellooo new Home Sweet Home :D

Me & The Prince of Fools

During the same day now at school:

[Inspirational music: "A Yo" ShiNee!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fyv6F1J45Q ]

“Whoa this is a huge dorm! Where in the world do I stay?” I said in a cheery voice looking at the beautiful school.

“Dorm assignments are already posted on there. We only have thirty students from America on this program but the school has about a thousand students overall. As you can tell, this school is mostly for the well connected and rich students of famous CEO’s and multibillionaires all around the world.” Jake informed me in his usual happy tone as Pierre clung to his arm.

“To think you are one of them and hanging out with me is shocking.” I said as clung to both Henry and Ji Yong’s arms.

“Awww don’t be like that Evangeline. You know I love you more than most of the spoiled kids here.” Jake said as he pouted. I laughed and nodded.

“Are we in the same dorm babe?” Pierre asked Jake.

“Yeah I told my mom. She was completely fine with it. I had a master room to myself anyways.” Jake said as I smiled. How cute.

“Oh there I am!” I said as I found my name on the dorm assignments. I was roomed with a girl named Park Bom. Sounds Korean all right.

“Omo. You’re roomed with Bommie! She’s really nice.” Ji Yong chimed in happily in Korean as I laughed. I felt reassured. I could use some more girl friends (you know what I mean).

“I’m roomed with a person named Donghae and Dong Young bae.” Ji Yong said as I laughed.

“How many Koreans go here?!” I said in a joking exaggerated tone.

“Apparently a lot. I see JYP’s son and daughter enrolled here. AH! And the daughter of Lee So Man!” Pierre said as he looked through the dorm assignments.

“Woow. You know all of their names? Stalker much?” I said as I laughed.

“Whatever. Little Miss Unconnected.” Pierre said as he stuck out his tongue playfully.

“Henry who are you roomed with?” I asked him when I noticed his slightly flustered face.

“A person named Jaejoong. It seems so familiar.” He said as pondered longer.

“Doesn’t ring a bell to me.” I said as I shrugged.

“OMG Evangeline. How could you not know Jaejoong?! He’s in the newly formed band JYJ! He’s famous in Korea for DBSK and now America too for JYJ! He’s like a prince almost in the streets of you’re homeland!” Pierre exaggerated as I sighed.

“Then why haven’t I heard of him?” I said as I thought about all the Kpop bands I knew. 2NE1, 2PM, Super Junior, ShiNee, Mblaq, Girls Generation, SNSD, Kara, noooope…nothing like JYJ…or DBSK. Or maybe that’s just because I’m always behind when it comes to Korean entertainment stuff although I plan to do my music label there I got busy with working my off for this trip.

“Jaake you must let me meet JYJ!” Pierre whined as Jake squirmed. He was trapped between being jealous of JYJ and making his lover happy. It was clearly written on his face which made me snicker. In 5…4…..3….2….1….

“All right, I’ll let you meet them but you better not abandon me afterwards.” Jake said in frustration as Pierre smiled happily in content. Man Jake was totally chick whipped…or should I say dude whipped.

“Well I’ll go unpack now.” Henry said as I nodded and waved good bye.

“Let’s get together afterwards and eat before the induction ceremony later tonight all right?” I yelled to Henry as well as the others to hear. We all nodded and said our good byes as I took my map out and circled the dorm I was in so I could guide myself there.

A few minutes later….

BAD MISTAKE. I, Evangeline Min Lee…was lost. Darn these maps. It LOOKS easy but yet it’s so different from what I’m seeing!

“Omo..omo…omo..omo..where the heck am I?!” I mumbled to myself in frustration as I passed yet another tree that looked like the one I passed before. WHY IS THIS CAMPUS SO FREAKIN HUGE?! I sighed. I looked at a bench before but there was a person laying on it. YES! MY SAVIOR! I ran over with my luggage at hand as I came closer to the person.  

“Excuse me?” I said in French guessing it was a student that already went here.

“What?” a guy’s voice said in a sleepy tone.

“Do you know where Dorm 6B is?” I said in my best French possible.

“YAH! LEAVE ME ALONE IF YOU DON’T WANT ME TO KILL YOU’RE SOCIAL LIFE!” The guy mumbled angrily in a mix of Korean and French without even looking at me once as he turned his back to me.

OH NO WAY. American rule #5: Don’t be rude to a girl! BROKEN. What is up with all these crazy rude Koreans I’ve been meeting today?!

I sat there on the concrete looking at his back thinking about a plan. When BAM! It came to me! I quickly got out my handy Sharpie from my bag ready for disaster to strike. I glanced over his shoulder to find an amazing creamy, soft skin with prominent features that made me almost blow a bloody gusher. I looked away as I caught my breath.

“FOCUS EVANGELINE. THE HOT JERK JUST DISSED A GIRL. REVENGE IS THE PLAN!” I thought to myself as I hit my head for extra emphasis. I got my ninja skills in order as I quickly drew freckles, sweet looking sideburns, a mustache and the words “Jerk!” in a few minutes without as much of a sneeze out of him which proved my plan successful. I snickered quietly as I got back up and started to walk away. A few meters farther I bumped into a timid looking girl with huge eye glasses.

“Bonjour! Do you know where Dorm 6B is madame?” I said politely as the girl looked at me shyly over the book (or should I say Encyclopedia because dude that thing was huge!) and pointed to a beautiful peach building with big windows and dark colored ivy grown on the side. The feeling of heaven seemed to glow upon this place. I couldn’t help but let a tear fall from my eyes.

“Thank you!” I said in English forgetting myself as I skipped happily to my new home for the next year.

“HOME SWEET HOME!” I said as I ran into my room and finally settled my luggage beside a bed that wasn’t taken. I looked around and the room was huge! It was like two master bedrooms fitted into one! One half was taken with a king sized bed covered with light pink satin and drapery while on the other half had a more street edge. It was already changed into a black satin comforter with matching drapery with cute neon colored stuffed animals scattered among the bed. I laughed as I saw a cute half pony half dinosaur plushie placed under a Domo plushie. It was so adorable!

“Bonjour?” I asked waiting for a person to pop out of nowhere.

“Bonjour! Are you my room mate?” A cheery street looking girl popped out from a closet. She was just adorable herself! (no homo) She was wearing a black neon colored splattered flat cap New York Yankees hat layered on with her black hoody that went with her awesome neon colored Nikes. Her hair was a pretty velvet color. I had one of those giddy girly reunion moments although I didn’t know her. Ha Ha.  

“Bonjour! I’m Evangeline Min Lee! I am you’re room mate!” I said in French not sure if she knew Korean or English.

“EH?! You’re Korean?! I’m Park Bom! People call me Bommie though! I’m so happy to have a Korean room mate! Wait do you speak Korean?” She asked in French quickly which reminded me of an excited bunny rabbit.  >.<

“I do! I’m so glad! I hope we can be good friends this year! I love you’re decorations and you’re style!” I said excitedly in Korean as Bommie and I had a squealing moment.

“Omo! Are you in that business program Evangerine?” Bommie said with a cute accent on my name. I laughed.

“You can call me Minnie if that’s easier.” I said as Bommie nodded enthusiastically. She reminded me so much of my little three year old niece when she was taught something new.

“Minnie, are you in that business program starting this year? I’ve never seen you around the whole five years I’ve been here.” Bommie said as I felt my eyes widen. I knew this school was an elite private school starting from Elementary to High school but DANG! I shook off the shock for a moment.

“Ah. Yeah I’m in the business program for the year. I just can’t believe you’ve been five years! Oh but I guess it’s not that long but I’ve moved a lot when I was younger so I never went to a school more than two years tops. Do you like it here?” I said bluntly to Bommie.

“It’s pretty nice here. The only thing is most students here are very exclusive of who can become part of the school and who are socially exiled. It’s to the point where there’s like an official social ranking among the students. I’m a four star so I’m fairly popular and liked among the students. Out of a total of 6 stars who are the most elite and popular students of the whole school. There are only 3 who have this ranking and they just skipped the whole school year last year so they are here for the new semester. I’m proud to say they are Korean!” Bommie summarized enthusiastically as I nodded. I was proud too.

“So what star ranking am I?” I asked as Bommie gave me a flustered look.

“You are new as well as the other students who transferred here. You are all what we call ‘no stars’. You need to get your social ranking up by being accepted first by the 6 stars or slowly move up with the help of other star rankings.” Bommie said sadly. I knew there was to be more.

“The only bad thing is… you have to go through an initiation. The initiation is insane. It varies among students but they all end up having to do something so risky they may get expelled but if you succeed you will be welcomed into the system.” Bommie concluded as an awkward silence came.

“What the heck is wrong with rich kids these days?!” I yelled as I suddenly fell off Bommie’s bed.

“AH! Are you ok Minnie?” Bommie said as she helped me off the floor.

“Not including you Bommie. I’m just saying.” I said in Korean as I rubbed the back of my head. We shared an awkward silence again as we suddenly burst into laughter.


“Yah Jaejoong you shouldn’t be sleeping on a bench pabo. The creepy fan girls are slowly coming back from their vacation homes. I don’t need a scandal happening.” Junsu said to the sleeping figure on the bench. He too, was not in the mood of talking but Yoochun sent him to fetch Jaejoong for an early photo shoot.

“Later Junsu.” Jaejoong mumbled. He was too tired from getting pissed at the crazy chick he met two times earlier that day.

“Nooo…Jaejoong we have a photo shoot.” Junsu whined as Jaejoong slowly got up from his position and sighed.

“FINE! Let’s go!” Jaejoong yelled as he got up Junsu’s eyes widened and burst into laughter as he held his sides from exploding.

“BWOH?!” Jaejoong yelled in frustration. He hated not knowing what people were laughing at.

“Y-you’re face! Ahhhhh!” Junsu breathed in pain as he continued laughing.  Jaejoong started to freak out as he quickly got out his cell phone and looked at his reflection. Within a few seconds, his face turned a crimson color as he screamed all kinds of bad Korean words with no one in sight.

“WHO DID THIS?!” Jaejoong screamed as Junsu got frightened and immediately shut up.

“I don’t know Hyung but today is just not your day is it?” Junsu said as he held in another laugh. Jaejoong shot him a warning look and Junsu automatically became quiet. They both glanced around and noticed more and more people were coming on campus and were looking for their dorms. They silently walked to their dorms across the path as Jaejoong mumbled curses to whoever wrote on his face all the way there.

Evangeline sneezed.

“Bless you! Are you all right?” Bommie asked in concern for her new found friend.

“Yeah I’m fine Bommie. I think someone is thinking loving thoughts about me.” Evangeline answered as they both giggled in Bommie’s bed and continued to talk some more before unpacking everything.

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Plmokn #1
Update soon
yay for Dara reading Pride and Prejudice :D .. just had to say that .. I love that book almost as much as Jane Eyre. I do kinda feel bad for Hiyori even though she was nasty to Eva. Jaejoong was so mean to dis her like that in front of everyone! I like Bommie and Henry :D
Why thank you Emberlyn^^ I am happy you like my story this far(; I also wanted to give Jaejoong a new but familiar personality here :D
Cute story :D love to see Jaejoong get abit riled up .. he's always so cool hehe :)