Hidden Lies


In a city you've always been living at, yet can't remember anything about it,

Near people that seem to know nothing, yet they know you more than yourself,

Living a life trapped in the lying past, yet you can't step in the true future.




Kim Jihyun (OC- You)

''Whom smile can light up the world..''

18 years old

At the age of fifteen, she got into an accident which snatched away part of her chilhood from her memory. Few months after the incident, her parents had to move to another country, taking her away from any hint of past she could gather back. At the age of eighteen, she decided to go back to Incheon, the only place that seemed so nostalgic to her heart.

Visions of her as a child always playing with a cat keeps hitting her mind and seem to be the only memory she has left.


Jung Daehyun

''There is something behind that contagious smile... something he's hidding"

19 years old

Always seeking for you like he's seeking for food, Daehyun's the first person who came to meet you when you moved back to Incheon. Being someone you can't trust because of his mischievous looking self, he still likes to mess around and tease you like a kid.

Pretty good liar.  


            Himchan,                            Junhong,                           Yongguk


''Each one of them has a part of her memory in their hands..''

They were there when you still knew them and dissapeared when you forgot.


P.S: I know the characters look like nothing but you'll discover way more about them in the actual story $:

Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting, thanks for loving




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elifboz2 #1
Chapter 4: Hey this story line is really interesting, i am really looking forward to reading the rest of this!!!!! Good job :)