letting go

i love you

dara's pov

it's raining and i don't feel like going out 

but i found myself in the playground 

remembering the time were jae and i talking, laughing even chasing one another and i miss it badly 

i miss when we go out to see a movie ,, 

i miss the way he walk, the way , he talk , i really miss him badly especially if it's raining ,,

but i have to get over him for my sake ,

i have to move on ,, and let my heart fall deeply to seunghyun .. 

and starting to day i should let you go without hesitation

this is the last time... i will cry and say your name ,,, jaejoong

end of dara's pov



everyone's taking their time to bid a good bye to their school and welcome their college life ,

seunghyun wasn't interested because he don't like going college, he believe that  he already know so much and it doesn't make sense at all. but his father want him to study in YGU taking business administration ., and because he don't have any luck her auntie also want dara to study there . 


auntie -- seunghyun have you ready your requirements fro the admission in YGU?

seunghyun-- not yet why auntie??

auntie-- ohh good,, amm can i ask a favor?

seunghyun--- anything?

aunty -- ohh dara,,

dara- hi auntie ... 

auntie-- it's good that your here amm have you choosen a school yet?

dara-- not yet auntie, why?

auntie-- amm seunghyun about the favor , i would like you to go with dara,,

seunghyun/dara-- what???

auntie-- don't you think it's good.. you can depend with each other

seunghyun-- but auntie

dara-- it's ok auntie i can manage myself

auntie-- please seunghyun shii ,, jebal ,,, 

seunghyun-- ok ok ,,, yah (pointing at dara) fix your thing we will leave early tomorrow 

dara--  ne!!!

end of flash back

now you know why im too down these past few days,,

as planned i take business administration while dara take medecine ,, i don't know what's running in her mind. i know she's smart but medicine i don't think so 

dara-- seunghyun ahh let's go im done.. you??? have you passed the entrance exam?

seunghyun- ne you?

dara-- of course , but are you really sure your taking Business administration

seunghyun-- i don't have any choice, do i , but how about you why do you want to  study medecine??

dara-- hmmp simple , i want to save life,

 the time that she said that ,, my heart suddenly raise ,,  and i don't like what im feeling right now 

dara-- are you ok ??

seunghyun -- don't talk to me

dara-- ehh !!


first day in class

auntie-- seunghyun take care of dara , ok  

seunghyun-- ne

dara-- ok auntie,, see you tonight take care


on their way 

seunghyu was silently walking when dara bumped him at the back

seunghyun-- yah!!!

dara-- miane ,,, i don't look where i going..

seunghyun--  aist ... 

dara-- seunghyun what's your first class?

seunghyun-- different from you .,

dara-- aist ,, ohh were already here see you after school seunghyun

seunghyun-- go home  don't wait for me

dara-- ehh but i don't know how ,, im not familiar with this place  ,, 

seunghyun--- i don't care 

seunghyun pov

we were walking to the campus and i see how the boys drooling and it gets me annoyed , i saw how they want to approach her but hessitate because she's with me ,, tsk ,, i don't know what they see in her ,, i don't really find her beautiful .. so even thought i don't want her to go home alone cause i know she don't know the way but because of irritation i let her..

end of seunghyun pov

dara's pov

we were talking on our way to school and i see how the girls stare ,, if only looks can kill i maybe im dead now ,,

there's no problem  in seunghyun's appearance, in fact he is tall handsome ,, and smart but his attitude  thats why i like him ,,

cause he is different ,,, but im sure it become difficult  for seunghyun to notice me cause there's rivals everywhere ,

end of dara's pov


at seunghyun's classroom

seunghyun finshed his 3 classes and waiting for he last subject when a woman came 

--- ohh ahnyoung ha se yo amm can i sit beside you

seunghyun-- ne 

im jessica nice to meet you

seunghyun-- ahh ne seunghyun


mr suk-- ok your college now so we don't have to do introductions , i will give you a topic and it's a pair activity meaning 2 persons per group, we will meet tomorrow for your presentation, the activity will show who you are so do your best ok class dismissed

jessica-- amm if you don't mind can i be your patner??

seunghyun-- ahh ehh  ,, ok

jessica-- really thank you oppa :) i really am thankful ,, so let's go 

---- jessica and seunghyun was talking when they passed a classroom seunghyung saw dara standing ,, he stop for a second to know what's going on

prof-- so ms park can you describe you self  in 3 words

dara-- hmmp let see fun, thoughful and sweet let  me add one smart 

prof-- do you think being a doctor is a joke!!!!!

dara-- tsk why the sudden out burst??

prof-- ms park  studying medicine is not a game ,, and giving me those answers seems like your only playing , if so please  get out and never comeback !!

dara-- wait have you heard  my explanation, your questions' answer is based to my opinion ,, and correction ,, im here to study  and not to play a game , and mr lee so man ,who says that being a doctor is a joke ,, i answered your  question - fun, because the word fun means your happy in what you doing , second  thoughful , cause i know a doctor should take care of his patients 3rd sweet  , cause i am sweet and 4rt smart cause i am smart so what's the problem in my answer?? 

prof-- your just a frshman but your attitude is far from your pretty face. how i wish you really had brain and to prove that you will present a report in the entire class including the faculty member tomorrow about the cardiovascular disease. it's a simple topic  so i hope you do well in your  reports. 

dara-- don't worry sir, im sure can  surpass  your expectations, and if ever i make you  happy can you give me a favor ??

prof--- i decide when i get there  ok class dismissed 

dara's pov

ohhh i like that professor he is  strick but i think kind ,,, actually im just playing a while ago cause everyone in the room is so serious and im not used to it , so i decide to answer it like that but i think i offended him .. but it was ok cause  i will learn so much about heart ,, before the class start i ask the other standent about our professor and i found out that he is the best heart surgeon in the YANG SUK HOSPITAL and  im happy to hear that ,, cause  i really want to learn so much about  heart ,,, ohh i better get  going so that i can finished that report ,.

end  of dara's pov

seunghyun pov

i was walkingwith jessica when we passed by a certain room when i gazed at the student they were all look like curious and worried to a person who was standing when i glance to the person standing in front i found out  that it's dara .. based to her expression she was bored and want to erase the serious atmosphere in the room ,, when the professor ask about the describe thing ,, she answer it like making a joke and just like i thought the  professor get annoyed but the way dara answer back to that professor is really something, she spoke with so much authority and you can hear that the person who is talking is really smart .. how i wish she's always like that ... when she's with me she is different person like a girl who only want's fun and  go on with life not minding  what other's think, and im sure after what she've done she will have a very long night finishing those reports,, 

jessica-- ohh seunghyun are you alright ??? you seemed loss

seunghyun -- kwaenchanayo,

jessica-- let's go ,,

seunghyun-- ye

 seunghyun!!!!!! are you going home

jessica-- oppa do you know her??

seunghyun--- ne.

dara-- oppa ??? ehh you already have friend seunghyun... good for you ,, ahh ahn nyong ha se yo dara imnida seunghyun's house mate ,,

jessica-- housemate ???

seunghyun-- don't mind her let's go ,.. 

dara-- ehhh ok go on leave me here ,, if i get lost on my way home it's your fault ..

seunghyun-- who cares,, let's go jessica

after a moment's seunghyun and jessica arrived home they do their group report and talked some  stuff when jessica decided to leave

but dara's not home yet. seunghyun became worried the fact that dara really may get loss, so he go outside and walk,, walk and walk when he found dara sitting on a chair talking to someone ..

seunghyun-- yah it's late and your still outside ,, auntie is worried sick 

dara--- ehhh miane ,, ahh seunghyun this is siwon ,, he is an angel doctor that came from heaven

he helped me about my repot ...  siwon shi this is seunghyun

siwon-- ahn nyong ha seyo ,,

seunghyun-- tsk 

dara-- ok siwon shi i better get going i think i wasted your time already thank you very much for helping me 

siwon -- your welcome here's my number if you have questions.. good night

dara-- thanks .,,, good night





ehhh sorry this chapter is boring


ahh sorry grammar error ,, :) 

amm comment please ,, 

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Chapter 14: Ommo!! ..
Dara must stop Tabi from getting marriage..He already regret what he did in the past and he deserve a second chance..
Chapter 14: Wuaaaa~ i really miss this fic~ :(
Chapter 14: OMG is it really too late for top & dara??? huhuhuhu damn Hyun Joong likes Dara also but what will happen now since Jae is still alive ... waht will happen to TOPDARA??? so many questions need to be answer .. cant wait for more. thanks for the update.
riskakikukeko #4
Chapter 13: uh? who's hugged dara??
riskakikukeko #5
Chapter 12: yes they're meet again! thanks for update^^
Chapter 12: Love the pace.... love hyunjoong, min ho and seungri too! Is jae coming back? Seunghyun fighting!
Chapter 12: Kyaaa! You updated again authornim, thank you!

I really like hyunjoongs character here, his helping on whatever dara's problem. :)

Go~ seunghyun win her back. :)
jekomgarcia #8
Chapter 12: Oh God. I cannot help but laugh at Hyunjoong's POV, particularly at his last statement. Haha!!!
riskakikukeko #9
Chapter 11: dara tought that minho looks like seunhhyun? she missed seunghyun, i know..
thanks for update^^
Chapter 11: so yoona's fiance is Seunghyun aigoo what will now??? kekeke thanks for the update.