Chap 4

I don't regret it




Gayoon doesn’t seem to stop drinking. Her cheeks are very red and she kept laughing and laughing. Everybody had fun. Maknae didn’t drink, hyuna and jiyoon drink some. JIhyun drink alot, but she was able to control herself and she’s quite good at it to be honest, so nobody was really worried about her. It was only 7pm and gayoon seems to be ‘not okay’ if she drink more. Jiyoon was really worried and upset since she’s her best-friends and knows exactly what will happen if she drink more. At the moment when gayoon was trying to grab another glass, she stopped her.


‘Stop it. You’re drunk now.’ Jiyoon said

‘Noooooo who’s drunk? WHO? nooo not meee~~’ Then gayoon rest her head on hyuna’s shoulder

‘Ok! That’s it! I knew that this would happen. I’m taking her back to the dorm.’ JIyoon stood up and head to hong.

‘Gayoon’s really drunk, I’m going to take her back now. I’m sorry that we have to leave early. It would be only me and her, the rest will stay’

‘Ahh, okay okay. Take her back home safely jiyoon-ah.’ hong said

Jiyoon walk back to the table and tell hyuna to get up. Hyuna move out and then jiyoon grab gayoon’s arm and place it on her shoulder bringing her up to the standing position. Then grab on her waist to balance. Gayoon lays her head on jiyoon’s shoulder and walk to wherever jiyoon’s heading. 

Jiyoon have been experiencing this for quite alot of time now. Whenever gayoon’s drunk, she would be the one who’ll drag her bestfriend home. They called a cab and head to their dorm.

In the cab


Gayoon lay on jiyoon’s lap. She hasn’t passed out just yet. Her hands doesn’t seem to stay still. Gayoon hand find its way to jiyoon face, and keep touching her face. Jiyoon then lock gayoon’s both hand together. Gayoon kept complaining and say nonsense stuff. Her words doesn’t seems to make sense, at all. She was singing, laughing, coughing. Jiyoon wanted to bang her head against the wall right now. When they arrived, jiyoon, the same position, try to help gayoon to balance and they walk up to their room. As they arrived inside the room,  jiyoon throws gayoon’s body down on the bed.  Gayoon just lay there on the bed, face down towards the bed, didn’t move.

‘Aish! Why are you so heavy? .. Wait here, I’ll go get some water.’


Jiyoon came back with a small bucket of water and a piece of cloth. She placed it down on the shelf next to the bed. Then went up on the bed, push gayoon’s body back up. JIyoon slowly pull her friend up so that her head will be on the pillow. Then she move aside, and grab the piece of cloth. Dip it inside the bucket filled with water, and squeeze the water out. Then she slowly wipe it’s on gayoon’s face. Then slowly wipe down to both of her arms. Jiyoon then goes to her neck and wipe it lower and lower. She un-buttoned gayoon’s shirt alittle and wipe the cloth on her skin to clean it. At that moment, the drunk girl’s hand grab on jiyoon’s wrist hard. She start talking without even opening her eyes.

‘Hey Hey Hey! What are you doingggg?’ She smiled

‘Cleaning you up! You’re drunk!’ Jiyoon raise her voice

Then gayoon pulled jiyoon’s arm causing her to lost balance, and jiyoon ending up on gayoon’s body. That drunk girl laughed playfully. Then push jiyoon off her body, then quickly move herself to go on top of jiyoon. 

‘The hell are you doing Heo Gayoon? Move it’ Jiyoon shout

Gayoon lock both of jiyoon’s arm by pushing it against the pillow with both of her hands. She move her face closer to the girl who’s under her control. 

‘no no no...what the hell were you doing to me earlier?’ She laughed, her eyes were opened but not fully.

‘I was cleaning you up! ’

‘...Oh really?’ She move her face closer and closer. Then the drunk girl push her warm lips against the younger girl. It was long and ........... Then she pulled out, and raise her head up and said.

‘You know...You know? I think I...’

Before she was able to finish her sentence, she passed out. Her face slide down on the pillow, right beside jiyoon’s face. Now all her body weight is on jiyoon’s. The younger girl try to push the passed out one out of her body, she was really heavy but jiyoon attempt to do it successfully. 

‘Phew. What the hell was that?’

Jiyoon knows that gayoon had passed out, and she wouldn’t wake up again. So she went to shower. After she came back in the room, gayoon was sleeping on her side of the bed, she sighed. 

‘Oh god...seriously?’

Jiyoon breathe in, and push gayoon’s body to her another side. Gayoon slowly rolled on the bed to the other side, easily.

‘OKAY! now i can sleep peacefully.’

Jiyoon closed the lights, and went to sleep.

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sherming #1
Chapter 6: yahhhhhhh the ending!!! urgh... lol
it's really nice though~ kekeke
TentenMusa #2
aaaaa I love!!
Chapter 6: Oh Oh Oh! Please update!! *--* Love it, love it, love it!
Chapter 6: _____ lesbian party is coming! :) yeeeee
Lattice #5
Chapter 6: ^-^ I couldn't tell you what I think about it when I first read but, awwwwww it was really nice!
Please keep writing my friend :3
Luv u
Hikaru_4M #6
Chapter 6: Omg *smiles happily* i liked it, can't wait to read the next chapter.
Hikaru_4M #7
Chapter 4: LOL that was funny. waiting for your update :D