My Pretty Handsome Roommate

Sookyung's POV~

I woke up and saw Li Hua fixing her hair and her uniform. "Good morning Li Hua." I sat on my bed and rubbed my eyes. "Morning Sookyung." I smiled and scratched the back of my head before standing up and heading to the restroom with my uniform. When I got out, Li Hua had her hair in a ponytail. "Li Hua you know you're really pretty. I'm jealous." I playfully pouted. "I know I'm gorgeous~" She smirked. I rolled my eyes, "Want to go get breakfast?" I asked and she nodded.

We were both walking down the hall with our arms linked together. "YAH DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM???" We heard a scream. Li Hua and I ran to the scream and saw a girl, who looked like she was a Senior, picking on a Freshman girl. That girl was Cho Sae Mi. She went to my old high school. This was barley our second day and she already think shes the queenka. I huffed, "Yah Cho Sae Mi. Leave her alone."

Sae Mi looked my way and smirked, "Hello Kim Sookyung. I see you followed me here too. I warned you last year, Kim Sookyung, if you get in my way you will pay the price."

I was so fed up with Sae Mi. I rolled my eyes and helped the Freshmen up. The young girl ran away and I walked away with Li Hua following me.

"Who's that?" Li Hua asked me as we approached the cafeteria. "That was Cho Sae Mi. She went to my old school. She was popular there because she dated the Seniors and she had other boyfriends. I hate her guts. She wants to be little miss perfect and- you get what I mean."

Li Hua nodded, "I feel so sorry for you. I mean you had to grow up with her." I shrugged, "It's okay. I can easily forget about her because I will be too busy hanging out with you." She gave me her cute eye-smile that made my face heat up a bit.

We kept eating and talked about ourselves. I learned that Li Hua only has guy friends and she's always had a thing for business. I told her how I wanted to be a artist instead of taking care of my father's business.


First Period came and by surprise Li Hua had the same class as me. The class was all about money, how to use it, spend it, invest and all that stuff. I sat next to Li Hua at the back. To be honest this kind of stuff bored me to death. I started to doodle on my notebook and eventually fell asleep. I later woke up seeing that the class was almost over.

"Okay class tomorrow you will have a test on the material today. Class dismiss." Miss Go smiled and started to erase the bored. I started to panic, 'Shoot.. I can't fail this test.' I looked over at Li Hua who has a knowing smile on her face. "Want me to teach you Sleeping Beauty?" I nodded shyly. She gave me her notebook, "Read over it and I'll explain it to you at the dorm." I nodded and got up.

Throughout the day I was reading over the notebook. While going to my last class I bumped into someone. "Yah Kim Sookyung, I think you need glasses now. Watch where you're going." I looked up and saw SaeMi. "Move SaeMi I'm trying to get to class." I usually not this rude but SaeMi just irks me too much. "You think you're tough now? Just because you have one friend you think you can stand up to me? Listen Kim Sookyung I've always been the smartest, prettiest, and the wealthiest out of the two of us."

"That was back then Cho Sae Mi. I may not be as wealthy and as pretty as you but I will become the smartest. Just watch your back." I grinned and walked passed her.

As I stepped inside the class, I started to take deep breathes, "I actually stood up to the she-devil." I smiled unknowingly.

Li Hua's POV~

I was still depressed by the fact Sookyung and I had different classes and we only had first and last period together. I walked into the class and saw Sookyung smiling. I walked up to her, "Why are you so happy?"

"I'll tell you at the dorm." She giggled. I chuckled and looked forward. We kept passing notes during class and she finally wrote me, ' I stood up to Sae Mi!! :D ' I chuckled and wrote, 'Congrats :) ' And then we started talking about what type of noises animals made then we got out. We walked down to our school's cafe and ordered hot chocolate.

When we sat down we heard an annoying voice, "I lost my appetite since Sookyung and her little friend are here." SaeMi made a gag sound. Sookyung turned to me, "Want to go back to the dorm? And maybe you'll help me in buisness?" I nodded and we got up to leave. Sookyung purposely bumped Sae Mi by the shoulder as she walked by.

We arrived to the dorm and Sookyung started to her blouse. My eyes widened, "Y-Yah! W-What are you d-doing?" I stuttered. She gave me a weird look, "Taking off my blouse?"

"Go do that in the bathroom!" I started blushing. She rolled her eyes jokingly, "Neh omma~" She walked out but I felt a little friend of mine wanting to come out. I sighed, "SOOKYUNG I'LL BE OUT! I'LL TUTOR YOU TOMORROW!" I yelled and quickly went to the girls restroom to have 'LuLu Time'.


When I came back Sookyung was already sleeping. I walked to the restroom and cleaned my hand off. I came out and climbed up on my bed. I took off my wig and put the covers over my face and went to dreamland.


*SLAM* I shot up the bed and rubbed my eyes. I saw Sookyung with hot tears running down her face. I touched my hair and quickly put my wig on and jumped down. "Sookyung, what's wrong?" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"THAT CHO SAE MI! I SWEAR-" I hugged her and let her scream and cry on my shirt. I petted her hair and calmed down a bit. I put both hands on her shoulder and looked at her. "Now what happy with Sae Mi?"

"She-She," She sniffed, "SHE STOLE MY FAVORITE LIP GLOSS!!!" She kept crying into my shirt. I tried my best not to laugh at this stupid situation. "There, there." I let out a silent chuckle as I patted her hair. She pulled away and wiped her eyes, "You'll help me get her back right?" She gave me her puppy dog eyes and I sighed, "Sure."

Sookyung took a 180 degree personality turn as she smiled brightly. "Thanks Li Hua~! You're the best~!!! Okay so for the plan, I'm going to need the Sehun boy I met!" Her personalty changed again, from happy to evil. I could tell this would be a really sad plan from the grin on her face. "I'm going to go get ready." I said and hurriedly went to the bathroom and got ready.

Once I was out Sookyung and I went to breakfast and she kept telling me the plan. This girl is really special.

Chapter is up~ Comment pleaseeeeeeee *BBUING BBUING* :D LOL

I'm really sorry I don't update as much as I want to T^T I'll try my best to juggle school and aff and my after school stuff :3

Enjoy some LUHANNNNN~


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Lol uber funnnyyyyy
Chapter 4: That personality turn XD It's funny, I dunno why XD

But Baekhyun tackling Kai is ajfkgasfgjasfgajs It had me laughing XD
Chapter 2: LI HUA!~

My friend and I were thinking of naming one of our Chinese characters as Li Hua!~~~ ◕ ‿ ◕

But then our friend (we're basing Li Hua on her) argued with us and ended up naming her as Lien-Hua. /we still use Li Hua though/

/continues reading/
Chapter 2: LMAO! I love this story!!! Li Hua! XD