My New Roommate

My Pretty Handsome Roommate

Lu Han Li Hua's POV

"Hyung you can do this!" Sehun mumbled next to me while we were walking to my new school. "This wig is so damn itchy.." I pouted and tighten the grip on my luggage. Sehun chuckled, "You look pretty hyung~" I shot him a glare, "I will kill you and Chanyeol." Sehun smiled and grinned when we approached the school.

"This isn't a total loss hyung." He mumbled and flashed his famous eye smile making most of the girls giggling at him. I pushed him away and started walking toward the office, "BYE LI HUA NOONA~!!! HAVE FUN!!" He yelled out. I just kept walking.

"YOU NEVER GOT MY DAUGHTER'S APPLICATION?!?" I heard a ahjuma yell at the secretary with her, daughter perhaps, tugging on her mother's shirt. "I-I'm sorry m-miss-"

"BS! YOU BETTER LOOK IN YOUR COMPUTER AGAIN! LOOK FOR KIM SOOKYUNG!" The secretary hurriedly typed on her computer and her eyes widen, "I-I made a mistake m-miss. S-She's here." Sookyung's mom glared at the secretary and turned to her daughter, "Be careful sweetie." She smiled and left. Sookyung bowed to the secretary, "I'm so sorry." The secretary just took out a key and gave it to her, "210." Sookyung took the key and bowed before turning away. I walked forward, "Xi L-Li Hua." The secretary blinked at her screen, "Oh you have the same room of the girl who just walked away, Room 210" She smiled at me and gave me my key.

I ran upstairs. The walls were filled with pictures of the girl's sport teams. They were all pretty hot. I let out a small smirk until I looked ahead and saw that Sookyung girl. "Hey." I called out. She turned around and smiled, "H-Hello." I felt a small tingle in my chest, "I-I'm your new r-roommate, Xi L-Li Hua." I mentally smacked myself for stuttering. She let out a small giggle, "I'm Kim Sookyung." She opened the door and walked in. I followed after her with my luggage. "Do you want top or bottom?" Sookyung asked me. "Top." I smiled.

After about 2 hours we fixed and decorated out whole dorm, now we were just playing on my laptop. I got a call on Skype from, 'wushupandamasterTAO'. I sighed and put our game on pause, "Is that your boyfriend?" Sookyung giggled. I shook my head, "He's my dongseang-" I whispered in her ear," -and a crybaby." She giggled even more, "Well I want to meet him." She clicked on videocall and I saw Chanyeol with Sehun, "HYU-" Chanyeol yelled but saw Sookyung, "NA. Hyuna I love Hyuna." He laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.

I sent Chanyeol a glare. "Hi Li Hua noona~" Sehun smiled brightly, "Who's your friend?"

"This is-"

"LU-" Kai was about to yell my name if it wasn't for Baekhyun who tackled him to the ground. "You have some intresting friends Li Hua. Oh and I'm Kim Sookyung. I'm the same age as Li Hua."

"Can I call you Sookyung noona?" Sehun asked shyly. Sookyung chuckled and nodded, "Oh! Noona I'm Oh Sehun and this is Chanyeol hyung."


"YAH OH SEHUN WHO SAID YOU CAN USE MY LAPTOP?? I'M TELLING DUIZHANG!" Tao ran in the background but tripped over Baekhyun and Kai. I laughed as I heard groans. Sookyung tried to hide her laugh. "I'm guessing they are going to visit you this weekend?" Chanyeol nodded, "I want to meet you too noona~!!!" Sehun cheered.

The four of us chatted while Kai and Baekhyun were sent to their rooms by Kris and then Kris went out to buy Tao ice cream. The others were somewhere. "Oh I'm going to get something to eat. I'll be right back." Sookyung excused herself and went out the door. I ripped off my wig, "I hate your stupid plan Chanyeol." I huffed. "But hyung you're rooming with Sookyung noona. She's sweet, nice, and not mention hot." Chanyeol nodded. "She seems innocent too." Sehun added.

"YAH LU HAN HYUNG!" I heard Kai yell and Baekhyun trying to cover his mouth. Kai went close to the screen with Baekhyun. Sehun smacked Kai's head, "Yah Kai hyung you could have let out Lu Han hyung's secret!" Kai looked at Sehun and raised a brow, "Did you just smack my head and 'yah'-ed me?"

Sehun ran away and Kai took his seat. I heard the door knob turn and I put my wig back on. I looked at the door and Sookyung had her arms filled with snacks, "I thought you would want some Li Hua." I got up and helped carry the snacks. I looked at the screen and Kai his lips, "Li Hua noona would like to introduce me to your new friend?" Kai winked. Sookyung blinked, "I don't date guys younger than me." Chanyeol laughed, "This is Sookyung noona. She's gunna come with us this weekend when we see Li Hua noona." Kai grinned, "I'll make you change your mind about younger guys noona!"

"Go away Kai." I said. Kai pouted and left but at the same time Sehun came out. "YAH OH SEHUN!" Kai shouted and chased Sehun around their dorm, "SOOKYUNG NOONA HELP ME!!!!" I chuckled and looked at the clock, "Guys it's getting late Sookyung and I have classes tomorrow."

Sehun pouted, "Aw okay bye Sookyung noona~!! See you this weekend!!" He grinned and I turned off the laptop.

"I like your friends Li Hua, they seem.... unique." That smile again to get me feeling weird. "I wished you could have met the rest." I sighed and climbed up to my bed. "This weekend I'll meet them, right?" She sat got her pjs. I nodded, "I'm sure they'll be excited to meet you." Sookyung nodded and headed to the restroom. 

I was too lazy to get my pjs and the clothes I have right now is already comfortable. I stared at the celling and heard the door open to revel Sookyung in her oversized hoddie and shorts, "Well good night Li Hua~" She smiled before laying down on her bed and fell asleep. I took off my wig and set it to the side before falling asleep myself.


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Lol uber funnnyyyyy
Chapter 4: That personality turn XD It's funny, I dunno why XD

But Baekhyun tackling Kai is ajfkgasfgjasfgajs It had me laughing XD
Chapter 2: LI HUA!~

My friend and I were thinking of naming one of our Chinese characters as Li Hua!~~~ ◕ ‿ ◕

But then our friend (we're basing Li Hua on her) argued with us and ended up naming her as Lien-Hua. /we still use Li Hua though/

/continues reading/
Chapter 2: LMAO! I love this story!!! Li Hua! XD