Chapter 7: Breakfast

Taemin and The Beast

Chapter 7


Onew and the others reached the floor of the castle where their Master's chamber was. When they were outside the door, Onew lightly pushed it open, welcoming himself inside. The room was much larger than Taemin's was, but it wasn't any cleaner. The fire place was lit, the flame dancing around lighting up the corner of the room, leaving the other corners in the shadows. The chair in front of the fire place casted a shadow touching every inch of the room's floor. Onew let the other stay in the hallway, as he approached the chair.

"Master?" Onew forced himself to speak. Although he spent his whole life with his master, Minho, he was still scared to be around him.

"What?" The Master growled, not moving from the chair. "I thought I gave you orders to have my breakfast made." Even when the Master spoke in a low tone, it made Onew's wax shiver.

"I did as you asked. Breakfast is all prepared." As Onew was speaking, the Master turned his head a little. The shadows casted along his face made him look scarier than he was. His eyes looked blood shot, like he hadn't slept the whole night. He probably hadn't. Onew cleared his throat before speaking again. "I came to talk to you about that young boy from the prison." Onew was barely able to finish when the Master got up out of his chair, walking to the door, not listening to what Onew was saying. "Master, I moved him into a room." That got his attention. The Master stop dead in his tracks and looked at Onew.

"A room?"

"Neh. I moved him into the room on the second floor." Onew stood his ground. He knew what was coming next, but he also knew that if he was going to get through his Master's head, he had to stay strong and fight back.

"The second floor?" The Master huffed. Smoke must of came out of his nose from how angry he was. He picked Onew up like the little candle he was. "The room on the second floor?"

"Master, we both know that the boy would of died in the prison."

"I would rather have him dead, than in my wife's bedchamber!" The Master dropped Onew and moved to the door. Onew picked himself off the floor. His Master was going to go to room, so he needed to think fast to convince him to let Taemin stay there.

"Minho, she's dead! Are you honestly going to let an another innocent person die in that room because you're being stubborn?"

Onew saw his Master get pissed before, but never like this. His Master's eye glared at him over his shoulder. "Jinjjah?" He turned to face Onew again, looking down at him. "You really want to go there?"

"All I'm saying is, give this boy a chance! Minho this could he the boy who can break this cruse!"

"No one will ever break this curse because I will never love again." He his heels and burst his chamber doors open. Kibum and Yoogeun jumped from the surprise. The watched as Onew followed behind. The cart moved along behind the two as they walked down the hall.

"Master!" Onew hurried behind him. "Just take Taemin to breakfast. You owe him that much."

"I owe him nothing. He came into my castle, on my land. He is my prisoner, not a guest I have to take care of." it seemed Minho felt the same way Taemin felt about him, but Onew wasn't giving up. He made his way in front of his Master, making him stop before stepping on him.

"Well I already invited him to breakfast, and I told him you would be showing him the dinning hall. Rather you like it or not, you took this boy away from his home, his brother. You took everything away from him. The least you can do is let him make this his home."

The Master kept walking. He couldn't think of what to say to make Onew leave him alone. Onew was proud of himself to have the courage to fight back this long. Most arguments they ever had lasted a few seconds and ended when Minho won. This time Onew was fighting for someone else. When they reached the stair well, Onew jumped onto the cart with Kibum and Yoogeun. The cart stopped just before the first step. Minho turned to the group.

"I will be having my meal alone. I want no one in the dinning hall while I'm eating, is that clear?"

"While you're eating, Neh." Onew bowed as the Master continued up the stair well, then disappeared behind a turn. Once they couldn't see their Master anymore, Onew turned his head slowly to face Kibum with a smile. Kibum raised his eyebrow, confused as to why the candelabra was so happy when his plan didn't work out.

"Don't give me that look. Why are you so happy? The Master said he wanted nothing to do with the boy." Kibum stated.

"Neh. While he is eating." Onew smiled winking to Kibum, hinting at him.

"What are you thinking?" Kibum was still confused. The candelabra rolled his eyes, then inches the cart forward down the hall, making their way to the dinning hall. They had a lot to prepare for.

Taemin, however still hadn't moved from the spot he was in. He still sat on the bed edge after Onew and the others left. Everything was so quiet. He could hear the wind brushing up against the glass wall outside. The sun was barely braking through the gray clouds, making it brighter than it had been the past few days.

Taemin laid back on the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. He didn't know what he wanted to do. He was starving, cold, and confused. He wasn't to thrilled about spending breakfast with Minho. He wasn't sure if he should even go to breakfast, he could survive another day or so without eating.

"We should get you in some dry clothes. Your clothes are a mess." Sulli pulled Taemin out of his thoughts. He sat up on the bed to look up at her. "Plus you smell, you should take a bath before heading to the dinning hall." She smiled trying to make her comment not seem as harsh. Taemin chuckled while rubbing his neck. He could smell himself. He's been sleeping in a molding cell for a few days and it was noticeable. His clothes were covered in muddy water, and some kind of stain he wasn't sure of. Being able to have fresh clothes would be nice. He nodded his head then pushed himself off the bed. Glancing around the room, Taemin noticed there wasn't anywhere for him to bathe.

"Where can I clean myself?" He asked. Sulli rang a bell. The rings echoed throughout the castle.

"I called for a bath for you. They should be own their way now." Sulli opened her door's and pulled out a towel. She tossed it over to Taemin, who caught it just before it reached the floor. "You can cover yourself with this. I wont look." Sulli straighten back to look like a normal wardrobe, before her face slowly disappeared. So the cursed objects could change to look like normal objects to hide. Interesting. Testing to see if she was still there, Taemin waved to the wardrobe. When she didn't respond, Taemin dropped his arm to his side. He placed the towel on the bed before undoing the buttons on his shirt. When the shirt was removed from his body, he tossed to the side , picking up the towel and wrapping it around his waist before removing his trousers. Although the wardrobe wasn't looking, Taemin still felt uncomfortable. Who knew what other objects were actually people cursed.

A few minutes had passed before there was a knock on the door. Taemin ran over to open it, but it burst open before he could get close. A large golden tub was pushed into the room, followed by chairs, bottles of shampoo, a coat rack, and barrel. All the objects made their way to center of the room around Taemin. The chair pushed itself behind Taemin's knee forcing him to sit down. The barrel worked as a table that held the shampoo, and the tub stopped right next to it. Taemin could see the steam coming off the top of the water's surface. The coat rack was playing with Taemin's hair. He glanced up to a face staring back at him.

"So you're the one that the castle is talking about." The coat rack said. It smiled down at Taemin, and pulled him to his feet. "We'll take good care of you, don't you worry." Taemin was surprised that the whole castle knew about him already. Was everyone so excited that they had a visitor? Well, prisoner? The coat bowed, "Tao's the name. If rumor has it correct, your name is Taemin?" He smiled and nodded, confirming his name. "Let's get your cleaned up Taemin." The coat rack pushed Taemin against his chest, knocking him over the edge of the tub, and pulling the towel away from Taemin's body. The water overflowed onto the floor. More water was on the floor than in the tub. Taemin popped his head out from under water gasping for breath. He wasn't prepared, so he wasn't able to hold his breath before falling under. His wet hair stuck to his face and shoulders, covering his eyes. The soap poured itself into the tub, creating bubbles.

Tao began to wash Taemin's hair, when Taemin pushed him away nicely. "I can wash myself. Kamsahanida" Tao crossed his arms, then continued to wash his hair.

"I'll take care of it. You relax for a while. After the past few nights, you need some good rest." Tao made a good point. Taemin has had a lot of stress since coming here, a good rest was what he needed. Shampoo was poured into Taemin's hair. The coat rack ran it's fingers, well more like handles, through Taemin's hair. He closed his eyes, and leaned back against the tub. It was calming and peaceful. He couldn't remember the last time he had a bath like this. Of course when he was younger, Taesun would always give him a bath, but that was before Taemin turned five. When he reached that age, Taesun and him had to start working like adults. Their parents had been dead for two years and those two were still alone. When Taemin was five, they had moved into the village and enrolled themselves into school. Taesun was of course a few years older than Taemin and almost a teen, so he would work outside of school for food and money. By the age of eight, Taemin and his brother still didn't have a house of their own. Taemin became friends with Amber, and her family welcomed them to live with them. Which is why Taesun was also close with Amber. They all grew up together, and Amber became a sister to both of them. Although they loved Amber and her family, Taesun felt that him and Taemin needed a place of their own. It was on Taemin's ninth birthday, that Amber's family and Taesun starting building a house. Everyday after school, Taemin would find Taesun and Amber's family just outside the village's border, building. Each passing day, the house got larger and more like a house. On weekends, Taemin would help with the house by going out and buying the materials such as wood, nails and other equipment. It wasn't the easiest thing to build, since every now and then they would run into a problem. There was one time, when the second floor of the house almost crumbled down because the night before there was a rain storm, loosening and rusting the nails. Amber's father was walking up to the floor when the steps gave away, and half the floor fell with him. He didn't get hurt, thank god, but they had to spend a longer time trying to fix it then they did building it the first time. It took about two years to finish the house. It was beautiful, and the fact that they built it, made it ten times better.

A splash of water dragged Taemin out of his thoughts. "There you go. All clean." Tao placed a towel on top of Taemin's head, drying his hair. He stepped out of the tub, wrapping the towel around his waist again. He ran his fingers through his hair, messing up his hair that Tao had straightened. The tub and barrel made it's way out of the room, Tao staying behind. "Now, let's get you some clothes." The wardrobe wiggled around before Sulli's face appeared.

"We have to dress you up nice but still have to keep you warm." Sulli opened her doors, revealing racks and racks of clothes. The racks opened up farther, showing more clothes. There was just clothes on top of clothes. None of those clothes being boy clothes though. Taemin bit his lip, blinked slowly, then glanced up at Sulli. The typical 'are-you-kidding-me' look. Sulli looked to Tao, then back to Taemin. "Oh."

"Do you have any clothes for a man?" Tao said, crossing his arms.

"I'm a girl wardrobe. I don't have anything for a boy. I just have Master's- ..." Sulli stopped in the middle of her sentence. Tao knew what she was trying to say, and knew she shouldn't say it in front of Taemin. "I just have dresses." Taemin rumbled the back of his neck and sighed.

"I'm fine with wearing a dress." Taemin said. It wouldn't be his first time he's wore girl's clothing. When living with Amber, her parents only had girl clothes, so when Taemin's were being washed, or if they were ruined he would borrow hers‘. If a dress was all Sulli had, he didn't mind wearing it. He reached his hand, giving Sulli the okay to hand him a dress. Tao pushed Taemin's hand back down to his side.

"Ani. Give me a dress I have an idea." Tao said. Taemin looked at him confused. Sulli went digging through the clothes, trying to find a nice outfit that Taemin could wear for breakfast. She pulled out a long blue dress from the back. She held it out in front of the two. The dress was made of silk, that was cut low at the shoulders, that folded over to a darker shade of blue. The sleeves were tight up until the elbow, then flared out. At the waist was a belt of the same material, but with the same dark shade of blue as the shoulders. In the middle of the skirt, it spilt out, the under dress was a soft white color, but made of satin. On the bottom edge of the skirt, there was a golden swirls, fading around until the back, where what looked like a royal crest was printed in the same golden swirls. Tao took the dress and held it up to Taemin's body. It lit perfectly in length, but in not in width. Taemin would never be able to fit into this. Tao pulled the dress away, and pulled out some scissors. Taemin and Sulli looked towards Tao.

"I'll make an outfit for you." Tao put the scissors to the dress, and began to cut off the material. They watched as pieced of the dress fell to the floor.

"Tao, the Master will kill you if he finds out you did this!" Sulli said. Tao rolled his eyes and continued cutting the dress. Once he was left with only the belt, he put the scissors away, and pulled out needle and thread.

"He wont. You wont be able to tell it was a dress when I'm finished with it." He put each piece back together, but in a different pattern. Every once and a while, he would hold up what he had to Taemin's body to see if he would be able to fit. Taemin sat down on the bed, and looked at Sulli worried. She wasn't able to give him a look of confidence back. She was just as worried as he was. Minutes past, and Tao was half way finished with the clothes. Taemin's hair had complete dried by now. Since he messed up his hair when it was drying, it dried with small curls. His normal chestnut hair now looked like it had a reddish tint to it, but it still fell to his shoulders, and covered his eyes. Tao came over to him, and placed a shirt on Taemin's lap, then went back to work. Taemin stood up and held the shirt up to himself. It really looked like a shirt, a little longer like a tunic, but still a shirt. Taemin pulled the shirt over his head, to put it on. It fit him perfectly. Tao used the left over silk to add a button-up collar to the shirt. The buttons followed down the torso, until the waist where, just like the dress, spilt until the thighs. the edge of the bottom half of the shirt had the same golden swirl the dress had. The sleeves were long enough to cover Taemin's full arm, and still being able to roll up, creating a cuff around his wrist. The folded side had the darker shade of blue the dress had. The belt wrapped around Taemin's waist, just before the spilt in the bottom half. Tao finished with the trousers, and handed them to Taemin. They were a bit tight, but still fit Taemin's legs nicely. The pants were made from the soft white under dress satin material. Sulli gave him a pair of black boots that fit, but barely. Taemin walked over to look at himself in the mirror that was inside the wardrobe. The clothes weren't bad. They hit him in all the right places making him look more mature. Tao walked up behind him, and wrapped the final clothing around him. The vest, from the dark blue material, with the royal crest on the back. Tao pulled Taemin's hair into a high pony-tail, and tied it with a white ribbon to match the outfit.

"Whoa." Taemin mumbled. It amazed him, that not only that Tao was able to make this outfit in a few minutes, but how nice Taemin looked in it. He wasn't use to feeling of silk or satin before. Taesun and him never had enough money to buy anything even close to how nice this outfit was.

"I told you! You will never be able to tell it was a dress." Tao smiled at his work. He patted Taemin's back. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Everyone's head turn to the door. Silence. Taemin expected the door to open on it's own, but was wrong. He walked over to the door, opening it slowly. He blinked, after noticing no one was at the door. He opened the door all the way, still glancing around. He turned to look at Sulli and Tao and shrugged. Sulli giggled to herself, and Tao crossed his arms. Tao shook his head then pointed down. Taemin slowly turned his head back to the door, and glance down. There stood a mini grandfather clock. Taemin smiled nervously and bowed, sorry for not noticing him the first time.

The clock twisted it's hands around it's face to see. The hands landed on six o'clock and little chimes started ringing. "Breakfast is about to begin." The clock looked up and down Taemin. "Kibum told to come and fetch you and show you where the dinning hall was." The clock bowed, turned around and walked down the hallway. Taemin bowed to Sulli and Tao before closing the door behind him. He followed the clock down the hallway to the main entrance of the castle. They twisted and turned down so many hallways Taemin wasn’t' sure if he would remember how to get back to his room. "My name is Jonghyun. I'll be your personal servant for the time being. I'll be around to wake you up for meals such as breakfast, and help you locate anything you wish in the castle."

"Thank you." Taemin said. Jonghyun nodded then continued to a large, fancy door.

"The dinning hall is just behind this door." Jonghyun stood up straight. The hands of the clock began turning again, so Jonghyun twisted them to make them stop. "I'll be back to serve you in a little bit." The door opened. "Enjoy." Taemin smiled before walking into the room. The door closed behind him. Jonghyun stood in the hallway looking at the door Taemin just walked into.

"Thank you Jonghyun." A voice said. Jonghyun looked behind him, seeing Kibum with Yoogeun by his side. "I was to busy with drinks I didn't have time to go back to his room." Jonghyun smiled. He always happy to help Kibum, but he was excited to meet the person everyone has been talking about.

"So do you believe this dining event will get them to like each other?" Jonghyun asked.

"Neh! Umma said that the prince always gets the princess!" Yoogeun screamed before laughing. Kibum and Jonghyun joined the child and laughed.

"This isn't a story book, but let's hope it ends like one." Jonghyun said.

Taemin walked through the room, looking at the dinning table and the food. At the far end of the room was a large window looking out at the mountains behind the castle. The table was just below the window. It was one of those royal dinner tables that was long enough to touch each end of the room, but just a little smaller. The food was already placed on the table, along with glasses, and utensils. In the middle was a small vase of roses. The chair at the end pulled out on it's own, so Taemin sat down. The chair pushed him into the table, and a napkin placed itself on his lap.

"What are you doing here?" A voice hissed. Taemin shot his head up, looking at the far end of the table. The master of the castle sat at the other end. Taemin rolled his eyes.

"I was told to come here." He said, looking down at his plate. He didn't want to make eye contact with that thing. Minho huffed and turned his head. His plate was empty, besides from crumbs. He had told Onew not to let this boy near him. While he was eating. Since Minho had finished eating, Onew invited the boy to breakfast. Leave it to Onew to twist his words around. Just when Minho was able to get up to leave, Jonghyun came into the room with a foot rest. Taemin looked to the door as Jonghyun walked in. The foot rest was jumping around like a deer. It rushed over to Taemin, pushing at his chair trying to get him to pay attention to it. Taemin could swore he heard it whimper.

"Roo, come here girl." Jonghyun said. The foot rest jumped back over to Jonghyun. So it's name was Roo? Taemin smiled. "Excuse us, just came to serve you your food. I'll have it out soon." Jonghyun walked over to a different door, that led to the kitchen. Roo jumped her way under Taemin's feet. He felt bad stepping on the foot rest, so he lifted it up to sit on his lap. It crawled into a ball, just like a dog. Taemin glanced at Minho, just for a second, and noticed he was already staring at him. Taemin stiffened. He looked around the floor and window. Trying to look anywhere but at Minho. He could still feel Minho's eye on him. He sighed then looked up at the monster.

"I know we didn't start off great." Taemin said. He knew they weren't going to get anywhere from hating each other. If Taesun taught him anything, it was to always work of your problems. Not matter how hard it may be. "How about we start over? If I'm going to stay here as a prisoner, and of we are going to have to see each other all the time, why not be each other's good side?" Taemin sat up tall. Minho did the same. The monster wasn't sure he was able to trust the young boy. While Minho was deep in his own thoughts, not realizing he was staring at Taemin. It made the younger boy uncomfortable, but while he was staring, they were looking into each other's eyes. Strange how a monster could have such human eyes. They were so dark, they looked black. He had such large eyes, they were almost like bug eyes. Like a frog. He could see a twinkle in his eyes, making Taemin blush and turn his head.

"I suppose you're right." Minho finally spoke. "I'll try to be reasonable." Although he already stated it to Onew that he would never love again, Minho deep down in side hoped the curse would be broken one day. If this young boy could possibly be the one who could break the curse, he was willing to put his feelings aside to give him a try. "I'm Minho." He pushed his plate aside, leaning back in his chair waiting for the young boy to introduce himself.

Taemin smiled. He appreciated Minho was giving an effort. "I know." He stated. Minho tilts his head wondering how he knew his name already. "Onew." Taemin explained. "My name is Taemin."

"I know." Minho said. Although he was giving it a try, and having a conversation with Taemin, he wasn't happy about it. He remand serious, with a cold look in his, dark, sparkling eyes. Taemin however, smiled confusedly. "Onew." Minho nodded his head.

"It's a nice place you have here. I mean, it's a bit messy, and eerie looking, but over all, it's beautiful." Taemin commented, hoping to keep the conversation going farther. He sat there in silence when Minho only nodded. "Are you always this quiet?" Taemin mocked. Jonghyun walked back into the room, with a cart of food. The cart wheeled itself over to Taemin and a bowl rolled in front of Taemin.

"I thought you might like some ramen, so I made some." Jonghyun said.

"I'll enjoy it." Taemin picked up the utensils, while Roo jumped down running after his owner. Minho shifted in his chair. Jonghyun looked over at his Master. He pick up the dirty dishes and placed them on the cart. The cart went back into the kitchen, leaving everyone in an awkward silence. Taemin was happily eating his ramen, Minho was just watching the young boy, and Jonghyun stood in the middle turning his head from one to the other. The only noise that was made came from Taemin's utensils when they clacked up against the bowl holding the ramen. Jonghyun pushed himself on his toes, trying to think of something that could break the awkward situation. The cart wheeled itself back into the room.

"So, Taemin. How old are you, if I may ask?" Jonghyun asked.

Taemin swallowed down the ramen he had in his mouth before answering the question. "Seventeen." He patted his mouth with a napkin. "My eighteenth birthday is in a few months though." He continued eating. From the corner of his eye, Taemin thought he saw Minho lean forward.

"That young? You look older." Minho said. Taemin's head popped up, surprised the monster was talking to him. A smile spread across his face.

"Neh, I get that a lot."

"Where did you come from?" Jonghyun asked.

"From a small village just south of here. My brother and I lived there since we were young. We never really left the village before until, you know. I was surprised to have found your castle. I never heard of a castle being so close to us." Taemin looked out the window. The sun was shining brighter than it was earlier that morning. It made it easy to see the room they were in. The light was shining around the curves of Taemin's face, making Minho stare. There was something about this boy, something dazzling, that made Minho not want to look away. When Taemin turned his head back, the sun's ray shined into Taemin's eyes, making them shine so bright. Taemin pushed the bowl away from him. "I'm finished." Jonghyun nodded and took the dishes away. The cart took all the dishes that were left, running them of to the kitchen to be washed. Taemin pushed himself off the chair, making Roo excited. She started running around Taemin's legs. Jonghyun began walking to the door, with Taemin right behind him.

"I'll show the way back to you bed chamber, you just-" Jonghyun was cut off when Minho stood up from his seat. He told to the two to stop. They turned around to look at Minho, who didn't look to happy. He still had his left arm resting on the table as he hunched over, glaring at Taemin. Taemin could feel the hair's on his neck stand up. Why did he stop them, and give them that look? Was he upset with Taemin leaving? Did he say something to offend him? Slowly, Minho's free arm raised to point at Taemin.

"Where did you get that?" Minho growled.

Taemin stepped back. The astrosphere change, and not for the better. "Get what?"

"That outfit!" Minho roared. "Where did you get that outfit? You have the royal crest on the back of your vest! My wife is the only person to ever wear that crest!"

Taemin gasped. Minho looked like would was about to kill a world or two. He could almost see his eyes burst into flames. "I-I made it?" Taemin mumbled. He wasn't going to rat out Tao. Tao would get in more trouble than Taemin could. "I u-used this o-ld blue dress that I-I found in my room." He had seen the face of death. Minho's hand gripped on the edge of the table, making his fur stand up. Just like a wolf, Minho's nose cringed up, making his eyes close and he began growling in his throat.

"Blue dress? You used-" Jonghyun and Taemin backed away, afraid. Roo ran out of the room. Minho's grip cracked the edge of the table. Taemin looked at Jonghyun. He never seen his master so mad before. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" Minho's eyes snapped open. There weren't the black eyes Taemin gazed into earlier. They were red killer eyes. Taemin caught his breath when Minho flipped the table, sending It flying into the window, breaking the glass. The shards fell to the floor like rain. Minho threw himself at Taemin, backing him up into a wall. Taemin couldn't feel his heart anymore. It completely stopped. His eyes widened the closer Minho got to him. When there was nowhere else for Taemin to go, Minho grabbed on Taemin's shoulder, ripping through the fabric. The sleeve fell off of Taemin's arm onto the floor.

"Master!" Jonghyun called out.

Minho wasn't listening to him. He kept going after Taemin, who was trapped in the corner of the room. Taemin stumbled over his feet, and fell against the wall, sliding down to the floor. Minho clawed down at Taemin. His claws cut more of the fabric apart, and skimmed against Taemin's skin. The one of the vest sleeves were cut, so the vest only hung onto Taemin's shoulder. A few buttons were torn off, and the shirt fell open. The belt was holding together by only a few strings. Minho grabbed Taemin by the collar, lifting him off the floor and off his feet. Taemin grabbed onto Minho's grip.

"Master! Stop it!" Jonghyun screamed. "Leave the poor boy alone!"

Minho stopped moving. His eyes switched from looking at Taemin's one eye to looking at the other and back. Taemin's heart came back, beating faster then it should. His eyes were locked with Minho's. Both of them didn't move, or say anything. Minho threw Taemin's back into the wall, not letting go of his collar. The force cracked the wall when Taemin's back made contact.

"Master!" Jonghyun screamed at the top of his lungs.

Minho released Taemin, who fell back on his feet before falling over on his knees, then to his side. Minho towered over Taemin, still with hatred in his eyes. The room was quiet, except for Taemin's panting. Minho his heels, and burst open the door. Jonghyun walked over to Taemin. He didn't move, he could barely breathe. He was in shock. Jonghyun patted Taemin on his bare arm, trying to calm him down. Taemin just didn't move. He had his hand placed softly where Minho had gripped him. His heart wouldn't stop pounding in his chest, his eyes were so wide open, they wouldn't even blink. Jonghyun looked around nervously. He noticed that at the door where Minho had left, stood Onew with Kibum and Yoogeun behind him. They were all looking at the fallen Taemin. Jonghyun shook his head, not sure how to explain what had happened. He looked back at Taemin, pulling on his shirt, or what was left of it.

"Let's go back to your room."


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morgan47 #1
Chapter 13: So she's trying to kill Taemin because Taemin and Minho are falling in love. Well . Minho can only deny it for so long.
Chapter 13: I glad that minho and taemin's relationship is a lot better now and minho saying that he will make sure that yuri doesn't hurt taemin my feels~~
Yay minho is letting taemin but so much has happen since u have been gone taemin >.<
Yuri's story is so sad D:
Awwww the story is going to end soon >.< more drama aigoo...
Thanks for updating
Chapter 13: OMGGGGG that nightmare was so detailed and Yuri's story was so sad ;_;
morgan47 #4
Chapter 12: Well he is quickly becoming someone I hate in this story.
Chapter 12: Kai is a u_u I an so happy you updated ;u;
Jorbaby #6
Chapter 12: .........................THIS IS JUST KILL ME!!!!!
Chapter 11: I can't believe that Suho died...WHY?
At least luhan is on amber's side now but what going to happen now?
So glad that Minho healed Taemin ^^
Thanks for updating~
morgan47 #8
Chapter 11: No! I was so hoping that Suho would somehow pull through! But then again! Minho just gave Taemin the key to saving Taesun! The water! He could heal his brother. This is getting crazy~
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 11: KAI YOU ____!
Chapter 10: OMG SUHO D:
I feel like crying... SUHO D: