Chapter 12: Wheels Are Turning

Taemin and The Beast


Chapter 12



It wasn’t hard for Onew to find the front gate wide open, and to figure out it as Minho who loosened it.


“You wanted to see if he would run away.” Onew stated. He and Minho were resting in the common room away from everyone. Minho pulled out a chair for himself and looked down at his friend. “Or did you want him to run away?”


Minho stirred in his chair. He quickly ran a hand through his fur and rubbed the back on his neck. “It was a test, that’s all.” Onew put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow. “What?” Minho asked.


“Master, what did you want to test? What if he did leave? How do we even know he’ll find his way home?” Onew planted a hand on his face. “I thought you were going to try and be his friend?”


“I am. He didn’t leave.” Minho looked at Onew with puppy eyes, which wasn’t hard since he was covered in fur and looked like a dog. “I wasn’t going to let him get hurt, even if he did run.”


“What were you testing?”


“I don’t know.”


“You don’t know? You don’t know. Are you even trying to do what I asked?” Onew stood in front of Minho, by his feet. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed but Minho really didn’t know what he was testing. Maybe he did want Taemin to leave, or maybe he just wanted to know he could trust the young boy. Was he worried he would get hurt? Get hurt? Why would he get hurt? He’s worrying his feelings are going to get hurt?


“I am trying Onew, but I really don’t know why I loosened the gate.” Minho stood up, getting ready to leave. Onew followed his friend as they left the room. “It’s just weird having someone who’s not cursed around after three years.”


“We all understand how you feel, but none of us act coldly towards the boy.” Minho got quiet, and embarrassed almost. They continued to walk down a long hallway together as they reached the balcony to the main room. Onew lifted himself onto the ledge, looking over to find Taemin playing with Yoogeun and the rest. The monster looked over as well. Taemin was holding some end of a blanket, while Jonghyun and Kibum held the other side. They would left the ends into the air while the children would run under. Then as they pulled the ends towards the ground, the children would run away, trying not to be captured.


Minho watched the youngest, Yoogeun. The cup had a strange attachment to Taemin that wasn’t too hard to see. He wasn’t use to people, he would only follow around Kibum and Minho, which is why it was weird to see him have relation with someone new. The cup would hide behind Taemin’s legs and lean against him for a hug. Taemin took a liking to Yoogeun as well. Taemin didn’t grow up with anyone dramatically younger than he was, so he wasn’t sure how to play or interact with children, but he somehow felt connected with Yoogeun. Almost like he understood the child, just as if Yoogeun was his own son.


Minho and his candle friend were unnoticed by the coward below. Everyone was in their own little world having fun, and Minho missed that. He missed what he use to be, and how he use to act, but there was that still bit of hate in him. Like a fire that would never burn out, or did he not want it to burn out.


Yoogeun’s laugh echoed in the halls. It was one of the most beautiful things in the world, to hear a child laugh. Minho looked down at them again. Taemin was lightly throwing Yoogeun up into the air and catching him. It didn’t take long for Kibum to rush over and stop him because he was worrying about the baby. Taemin listened and softly placed Yoogeun on the ground, but he had a line of children wanting to be thrown in the air.


“The kids like him alot.”


Minho made a noise in the back of his throat, that sounded like a growl. “That’s because he acts like one.” He rolled his eyes and made his way to the stairs that lead down to the main floor. When he was halfway down the staircase, that was when all the children and Taemin noticed the master. They all froze and watched. Minho kept his head high, but his eye still looked down.


The little children hid themselves behind Taemin as he held Yoogeun. Kibum stood in front. Everyone stood in silence, until Kibum turned towards the children. “I think it’s time for supper.” Then Kibum lead all the children, Jonghyun and Onew out of the main hall into the dining room. Taemin stood in the same place, looking at his feet. The room fell silent again. Once and awhile, Taemin would glance up at the monster, but when he did, he only saw the monster glaring at him, and he would quickly look away. Both of them didn’t understand why things were so awkward. Days had passed since Jonghyun’s birthday when they had last spoken. Nothing happened since then, they hadn’t fought. They just didn’t talk. Truthfully Taemin hated the silence between them. After giving the monster a chance, he started to see him as a friend.He knew deep down inside, the monster had a good heart. He was just hurt.


Taemin shuffled his feet. “Hi.” He said, barely above a whisper. He had his head tilted down, but he looked up through his bangs at the monster.


“Hello.” Minho said. He straightened up his back before continuing. “Are you finding everything alright?”


“Yes, thank you.”


Taemin grabbed onto his elbow, while Minho folded his arms behind his back. They stood there a few seconds before Minho cleared his throat. “I see you have caught the children’s interest.” Taemin nodded. The monster took a few steps to the main door, nodded his head, telling the boy the follow. He pushed open the door, so him and the boy could look out. “The summer season is coming soon and the children haven’t seen the outside in the longest time. Some of them, never.” He turned his head to the young boy, noticing that they were closer, and almost touching arms. A weak wind pushed into the castle, making Taemin’s hair brush across his skin. “I thought maybe we could take the children out to give them some freedom during that time? Would you like that?”


Instead of answering, Taemin smiled. It was the only responds the monster needed. They both stood in the doorway, letting the wind crawl against their skin. Minho almost felt relaxed. He looked down at the boy as he smiled, and for once, the longest time, Minho felt some freedom. “Would you like dinner?”


Taemin was enjoying the time looking into those black eyes of the monsters. However he was pulled back to reality. He blinked a few times, surprised by the question. He looked over towards the door that lead to the dinner hall, then back. “Yes.” The monster followed the glaze of the young boy when he looks towards the door. He had almost forgot how everyone already went for dinner.


“I mean, with me?” He quickly rephrased the question. “We spent breakfast together, and it didn’t go so well, but I would like to give dinner a try.”


“Yes.” Taemin didn’t hesitate. He smiled to himself and grabbed onto Minho’s hand. He was surprised how much larger the monster was compared to him. Just by looking at the monster, anyone could tell he much larger than the average human, but Taemin could barely fit his hand around the monster’s palm.


Slowly Taemin lefted Minho’s hand up so he could see it. He tried to fit his hand to match the monster’s. When their hands were aligned, Taemin felt different. He didn’t quite understand how he was feeling, but he liked it. He never felt like this with anyone, but he felt protected.




Minho’s ear twitched. Taemin was quick to notice, and looked up. The monster was staring at the stairs. He was so focus, so concentrated at nothing, but what Taemin didn’t know, was that the monster had heard a ringing.


It was a soft and slow ringing sound, from a bell. Minho quickly glanced over towards the stairs. He didn’t know where the sound came from, but he felt where it came from.


Minho removed his hand, and Taemin lost that feeling of safeness. “Sorry.” Taemin looked into the monster’s eyes.”I have something to do.” Without saying anything else, Minho quickly made his way up the stairs, disappearing from Taemin’s sight.


After a few moments, Taemin looked at his palm. What had been that feeling?




The doors of the hidden room bust open. Minho shuffled through the room and made his way over to the glass case he kept a rose.


The rose rested in the air, glowing and sparkling from the edges. It was magic and easy to tell because it wasn’t like any other rose. It was the perfect shade of red, and each petal looked like it was crafted by the hands of angels. All but one. That single petal that looked like a normal rose petal laid below the rose, resting on the table.

Minho signed under his breathe. “After three long year.” He picked up the single petal. “The rose is finally falling.”





Luhan spent every day at Taemin’s house with Amber. Once he rid Kai of his life, he decided to stand against him. Luhan would spend the nights with Kai, figuring out about his plans and return in the morning to tell Amber. Kai having no idea. Luhan learned that Kai was convinced Amber was hiding Taemin for herself, and planned to bring a girl to Taemin’s house to “win” him back. He never learn who the girl really was, how he knows the girl, or when Kai was going to bring her, but Luhan and Amber prepared each day, just in case.


It was early in the afternoon when a soft knock came from the door. Amber and Luhan exchanged glances.


“Is that him?” Amber asked.


“Could be.”  Luhan move into the kitchen, staying out of site of the doorway. Amber opened the door half way before it was brust all the way open. Kai stepped inside, pushing Amber by her shoulder.


“I’m back.” Kai sang. He pulled a young girl by her wrist into the house. She looked no older than Amber, and looked like she in a new universe.


“I can see that.” Amber crossed her arms.


“This is Krystal, everyone say hello.” Kai pulled Krystal closer to him and waved her arm for her. Something was weird about this girl. She kept her eyes on the floor, and her lips slightly parted, her long brown hair draped over her shoulders. Amber clicked her tongue and turned her head.


“This is getting out of hand Kai. Taemin isn’t here, he hasn’t been here. Try all you want, but you’ll never find him.”


Kai wasn’t able to respond. The girl lost her balance and fell against him. Kai just let her go. She collapsed to the floor by his feet. Amber jolted. Something was seriously wrong with this girl. Kai glanced down at the girl, snorted, then mumbled something under his breath.


Amber walked up the girl, pulled her onto her lap. “She’s barely breathing? What did you do to her?”  Luhan slowly peeked around the corner when he heard the thud. Kai wasn’t facing him, but he could clearly see Amber on the floor with the girl, Krystal in her arms. “Kai this isn’t funny, and wasn’t to begin with! Bring this girl here to get Taemin jealous is -”


“Jealous?” Kai sneakered. “She wasn’t to get Taemin jealous. She was to guilt him.” Luhan study the girl in Amber’s arms. Amber had her eyes glued to Kai. “Tell me where he is, and I’ll let the girl live.”


“Let her live?” Amber held Krystal closer. The girl was breathing like she had no lungs. Luhan stepped out of the kitchen, but something inside him was telling him he shouldn’t have done that, because when Kai heard footsteps behind him, he turn around and looked horrified. Even if Luhan didn’t agree with what Kai has done, and didn’t considered him as a friend anymore, he couldn't help but feel guilty when he saw Kai’s face. To simply put it, Kai looked like a child who watched his parents be slaughtered.


“He drugged her.” Luhan said looking at Amber. Amber’s head shot up, her eyes looking like they would fall out of her head.


“Did you know about this?” She choked.


“No! He never told me about this! He only said he was bring her, not that he was planning on killing her.”


Kai’s face changed. He gotten so angry that his eyebrows almost touched. “You worked behind my back?” Luhan made eye contact with Kai. Kai’s eyes were like daggers, but Luhan refused to say anything to the man. Instead he pushed past him to help the girl.


“I know a medicine that can help her. If we lift her -”


“How long has this been going on?”


“- up onto the couch, I can make it.”




“What?” Luhan screamed. He didn’t mean to exploded like that, but he was scared. He knew about the things Kai has done to people, and he was afraid of Kai. He knew about Suho. How Kai had stabbed him to death and he knows a lot more who have had their lives taken away from them because of the man standing over him but enough was enough. Luhan felt that he stood there and did nothing, nothing would change and more innocent people would lose their lives. “This has gone to far Kai. This is the last straw. Taemin isn't here and I know because I’ve been here for weeks. What Amber says is true. He’s gone and isn’t coming back. You can’t keep doing this. Move on!”


“No.” Kai fisted his hands. “I’ll get what I want. I always do.” He didn’t say anything else. He pushed past Luhan and out the door. The way Kai slammed the door shut, you would've thought the house was bombed.


Acting like a child, Kai stomped his feet down the stairs of the patio and stopped. “Alright then.” Kai reached into his pocket. “Play behind my back, and I’ll play behind your’s.” He pulled out a small knife from his pocket and cut off part of the rail from the patio. He took the wood piece and ran it across the other wood, so fast, almost like lighting, that a fire burned on the edge of the wood. He held the wood piece into the air until a flame almost consumed the wood. “You all can burn in hell.” He dropped the burning piece of wood onto the patio and continued walking.

When he reached the end of the walk way, he glanced back over his shoulder to watch the fire grow.



I updated?! 

Sorry it took so long. I had the play going on and alot of school work. 

And my flash drive stopped working, so All the images I have for this story, Rose Petals, and Seasons Change Love Doesn't

Are All GONE!!


But you're lucky I write all my stories of google drive. So the Chapters were saved. I just have to remake all the images.

This chapter isn't as long as I would like it to be, but I wanted to speed up the boring stories throughout time to get the action at the end.

I promise it's going to come up in a few chapters. 


Thank you subscribing~ Love all of you! 

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morgan47 #1
Chapter 13: So she's trying to kill Taemin because Taemin and Minho are falling in love. Well . Minho can only deny it for so long.
Chapter 13: I glad that minho and taemin's relationship is a lot better now and minho saying that he will make sure that yuri doesn't hurt taemin my feels~~
Yay minho is letting taemin but so much has happen since u have been gone taemin >.<
Yuri's story is so sad D:
Awwww the story is going to end soon >.< more drama aigoo...
Thanks for updating
Chapter 13: OMGGGGG that nightmare was so detailed and Yuri's story was so sad ;_;
morgan47 #4
Chapter 12: Well he is quickly becoming someone I hate in this story.
Chapter 12: Kai is a u_u I an so happy you updated ;u;
Jorbaby #6
Chapter 12: .........................THIS IS JUST KILL ME!!!!!
Chapter 11: I can't believe that Suho died...WHY?
At least luhan is on amber's side now but what going to happen now?
So glad that Minho healed Taemin ^^
Thanks for updating~
morgan47 #8
Chapter 11: No! I was so hoping that Suho would somehow pull through! But then again! Minho just gave Taemin the key to saving Taesun! The water! He could heal his brother. This is getting crazy~
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 11: KAI YOU ____!
Chapter 10: OMG SUHO D:
I feel like crying... SUHO D: