Chapter 4: Another Game

Taemin and The Beast

Chapter 4


Taemin woke up unusually early. He woke up before the sun. He decided that would head into town to find something to do since he was going to be alone for the next few days. He wore his dad's blue shirt, that was still a little big on him, a black vest, gray pants that were tucked into his working black boots. He pulled his hair back into a ponytail, with a few loose strains hanging down. He looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was getting long. It was just past his shoulders when it wasn't tied up. Taesun was the one who usually cut it, but since he was so busy on his new inventions, Taemin didn't bother to ask him to cut it.

Taemin looked at him self one last time in the mirror. He wondered if he looked anything like his father. Did he act like his father or his mother? Taemin was young when he lost them. Taesun wasn't much older. He would be lucky if he even remember what their names were. He could barely remember how they died. All he knew was that they were dead.

Taemin picked up a basket filled with money, food and his books, then headed out the door. It was still early, so no one was outside. He enjoy the silence. It made the village seem peaceful. He sat down on the edge of the town's water fountain and took out a book and began to read. The water splashed behind him, relaxing him, pushing him more into the story. He turn each page falling deeper and deeper into the storyline. He didn't notice the sun had come up, and the towns people had awaken. The noisy environment surround Taemin, breaking him away from his book. Someone's shadow fell over Taemin's book, enabling him from reading. He looked at the person blocking him.

A blonde boy stood in front of him. The boy had a baby face, and small lips. He gave Taemin a smirk. "Annyeong."

"Annyeonghaseyo?" Taemin squinted because the sun was right in his eyes. "Who are you?"

The blonde boy bent down to Taemin's eye level. He put hand on Taemin's shoulder. "Name's Luhan. I was told to invite you to a party." He pulled Taemin, so he stood up and followed him. He pulled Taemin along with him, until they reached a hidden door behind the allies.

"What kind of party is this?" Taemin asked. He was surprised. No one ever invited him anywhere. He felt uneasy. Mostly because he wasn't sure of who this boy was. He looked around Taemin's age, but he couldn't help and think he has seen this boy somewhere before. Luhan opened the door, and lead Taemin inside. The place dark, and quiet. Taemin backed away from Luhan. "Where are we?" Luhan disappeared. He couldn't see anything, it was to dark. Taemin felt around to see if he could find the door. Then a few lights went on. Taemin saw the same coward of people who were at his house a few days ago. They all stood in a half circle, and in the middle stood Kai, with the blonde boy Luhan.

"Welcome!" Kai said with his arm out.

"Kai? What is this?" Taemin said.

"It's a little, Get-to-know-each-other party." Kai pulled Taemin over to bar and sat him down. Everyone else started to do their own thing "Enjoy yourself. Let loose. Make some friends. Enjoy the view."

"The view of what?" Taemin asked. The bar tender pushed a beer infornt of Taemin. He pushed it back to the bar tender but Kai took it for himself.

"Well the view of me, of course." Kai chucked down the beer like it was nothing, then slammed it on the table.

Taemin rolled his eyes. "nothing much to look at." He mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Listen Kai, It was really nice of you to invite me, but I'm not a big party person." Taemin stood up, but Kai pushed him back down.

"Then lets make you a party person. After all, we will be partying a lot as husband and wife." Kai raised his fist in the air and everyone roared with him.

Taemin watched as Kai went over to his friends. Luhan sat himself next to Taemin. "He wont stop."

"I know he wont." Taemin turned to face him. "But that doesn't mean I'll break and say yes."

"Why not just marry him? He's the best person there is."

Taemin couldn't help but laugh. "Says who? He's nothing more than a pig. It doesn't matter if he has a nice face, he doesn't have the personality to match it. He has the face of a 'god' but the heart of a devil." With that Taemin left the bar. He wanted to get out of this place before anything could happen. However Kai grabbed him and pulled him over to all his friends. Kai held onto Taemin so he couldn't run away. He started making jokes and laughing with his friends. They kept making ual jokes out of everything, and about everyone. It sickened Taemin. They acted like animals. He turned away from them, and saw a group of girls who were glaring at Taemin. If looks could kill, Taemin would be in his grave. He never understood why girls hated him for his looks.

The next thing Taemin knew, Kai was on his lips. Kai was trying to show off in front of all his friends, but it wasn't working. Taemin pushed him away. Kai wouldn't let go and kept his lips on Taemin's. He kicked Kai in the shin to get him off of him. Kai over reacted, throwing Taemin off balance and bumping into a table. Taemin tried to use the table for support, but the legs gave away. The table tipped over, and all the food and drinks fell all over Taemin. He was drenched in beer, and covered in some sort of food. Taemin pushed the cup that stuck on his head off, and stood up. Everyone noticed what had happened, and began laughing at Taemin, but he was to focused on his father's shirt. He took off the vest he was wearing.

"Kai, this is my Appa's shirt!" Taemin glared at Kai. "Do have any idea what this means to me?

Kai didn't seem to listen to what Taemin was saying. Kai just grabbed onto Taemin's shirt and ripped it open. Breaking off all the buttons. "You should take it off! You look better ." Kai's friends cheered him on. Taemin felt embarrassed. His cheeks turned red, and he covered up his body with his now ripped shirt. Taemin never liked his body, he hated to show it. Kai didn't get the message that he didn't want Kai to touch him. He kept trying to grab Taemin's shirt to take it off. Taemin did the last thing he thought he would ever do. He slapped Kai across the face. Leaving Kai and everyone in the room in shock.

"Leave me alone!" That was all Taemin was able to think of saying. He ran out the place, back into town. Once he felt that he was far enough, he stopped running. He panted for while before looking around. He was back in the middle of town where the water fountain was. He sat on the edge and looked at himself in the water's reflection. He had this green stuff in his hair, with a few chips that stuck to his face. His reflection was destroyed by ripples in the water. Taemin looked up and noticed it was beginning to rain. Taemin covered his head with his shirt and ran home.

Taemin reached his house just after the rain began to pour. He quickly ran inside, and changed his clothes. The rain had washed off his face and clothes. His hair was dripping. He felt a cold breeze and thought of starting a fire to warm up the house.

Once the fire was started, Taemin sat in front of it with his book, that also got wet in the rain. He flipped each page with care, just trying to dry it out. he couldn't help but hang his head from the events that happened today. He couldn't live with himself anymore. He hated the fact that he knew Kai would come back around. He hated the fact that everyone almost saw him because of Kai. Kai was ruining his life little by little. He ran his fingers through his hair. His hair had fallen out in the rain, so he had to retie it. He still felt cold, so held a blanket over his shoulders and tried to relax. Once he settled down the coach, someone knocked on the door. Taemin groaned, but didn't move from his spot.

"Leave me alone Kai!"

The person didn't stop knocking. Taemin got up and walked to open the door.

"I said leave me-" Taemin stopped himself when he saw it wasn't Kai at the door.

But Amber.

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morgan47 #1
Chapter 13: So she's trying to kill Taemin because Taemin and Minho are falling in love. Well . Minho can only deny it for so long.
Chapter 13: I glad that minho and taemin's relationship is a lot better now and minho saying that he will make sure that yuri doesn't hurt taemin my feels~~
Yay minho is letting taemin but so much has happen since u have been gone taemin >.<
Yuri's story is so sad D:
Awwww the story is going to end soon >.< more drama aigoo...
Thanks for updating
Chapter 13: OMGGGGG that nightmare was so detailed and Yuri's story was so sad ;_;
morgan47 #4
Chapter 12: Well he is quickly becoming someone I hate in this story.
Chapter 12: Kai is a u_u I an so happy you updated ;u;
Jorbaby #6
Chapter 12: .........................THIS IS JUST KILL ME!!!!!
Chapter 11: I can't believe that Suho died...WHY?
At least luhan is on amber's side now but what going to happen now?
So glad that Minho healed Taemin ^^
Thanks for updating~
morgan47 #8
Chapter 11: No! I was so hoping that Suho would somehow pull through! But then again! Minho just gave Taemin the key to saving Taesun! The water! He could heal his brother. This is getting crazy~
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 11: KAI YOU ____!
Chapter 10: OMG SUHO D:
I feel like crying... SUHO D: