Chapter 10: Tears

Taemin and The Beast

Chapter 10

Onew entered the room Minho had stayed the night in. He sat in the same place he had the first time he talked to him about the boy. The fire wasn’t lit but he still sat in that chair staring at the fireplace. The monster didn’t move an inch. He sat in the chair all last night, not going to breakfast, and all the afternoon. Onew sighed as he closed the door behind him, trying to give him and his master privacy. The door closing echoed through the room, reaching the ears of the monster. He glanced over the chair, connecting eyes with his friend. The candelabra walked over to the feet over the monster. The monster stirred in his chair, knowing why his friend was there. He crossed his arms, and looked away acting like a child. Onew rubbed his temples.

“Master, you know you’re too rough with this boy.” Onew started. The monster just tried to turn farther away from the candleabra “You could have blinded him. Those ashes caused damage to his eyes. Not to mention to damage you caused him when you attacked him. Minho you could have killed Taemin.”

“I don’t want him alive, so what would I care if I killed him?” Minho grabbed the arms of his chair and turned around, sitting back down, facing the door. Onew walked in front of him again.

“We both know you don’t mean that. You would never kill anyone.” Onew folded his arms, imitating the monster seated in front of him. “Why do you hate this boy so much?” The monster just puffed, making all the fur on his body stand up, not wanting to answer the question. “Minho, he is the only person who accepted you as this.” Onew waved his arms up and down, showcasing the monster form his master was in. “He is the only person who is able to see past your ugliness, your cold heart, and the only person who is trying to get along with you. You’re putting the poor thing through hell, making him dig his grave, and all he is trying to do is be your friend.” Onew took a small breathe, trying to calm himself down. “Guess you’re the one who’s really blind.”

“Onew he’s destroying everything that belonged to my wife. What’s next? The castle? Is he going to burn down the castle because my wife lived here? I don’t have much left to remember her by Onew. I just...” Minho’s head fell. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knee catching his face in folded hands. He looked like his was praying, and he was. He was praying in his heart for his wife. “I just can’t let her go.” For the first time, and the longest time, Onew heard his master sniffle.


He saw his master shaking.


He saw his master crying.


Minho couldn’t hold in the pain anymore. He was alone in his room with his best friend, crying.He hated to do it because he made him feel weak. He let himself go in front of his best friend, and he hated myself for it, but the emotions were too much to hold back anymore. His mouth fell open, as if he was trying to say something, but all that escaped were sobs. Onew’s heart clenched. As much as Minho hated letting his emotions show in front of people, Onew hated seeing his best friend in pain more. He made his way closer to the monster, and patted his leg. Trying to give him some kind of comfort. Onew felt his eyes tear up seeing his friend in this state, but he held them back, being a strong support for his friend.


“I don’t want to let her go.” Minho mumbled.


It was right there, that Onew realized he was being selfish. Trying to set up Minho with Taemin to break the curse when his heart still was with his dead wife.Onew shook his head. He couldn’t force his friend into anything, not when he had all this pain. “Then don’t.” Confused, Minho looked at his friend. Onew’s eyebrows narrowed. He was serious. “Don’t let her go. Keep loving her. I know now that I can’t force you to like someone else. We don’t care about the curse. I would rather be cursed for the rest of my days, to be stuck as a waxed stick, than to force my best friend into something he doesn’t want to do.” The corners of Minho’s lips curved up. He hid his face in the palm of his hands, wiping away his tears. “But...” Onew continued. Minho lowered his hands to rest on his knees. “I do want you to give the boy a chance, to be his friend. Make him feel welcomed, because he still has to live here. Can you at least do that for me?”


Minho nodded. “Neh.” He held out his hand, meaning to keep the deal with his friend. Onew took his hand, and they shook on it. It was a done deal. Minho looked around the room. “Is he still sick?”


Onew rubbed the back of his neck. “He’s...” He trailed off for a bit. He wasn’t sure how to break the news to the monster. He exhaled slowly before looking the monster in the eye again. “He’s worse than before. He actually can’t open his eyes, his fever has gone dangerously high, and he hasn’t eaten in days because he doesn’t have an appetite.” Onew walked towards the door with Minho at his heels. Minho headed out the door first. Onew continued to walk with him, thinking he was going to see the boy, but once they reached the main hall, his master went down the stairs heading for the door. Minho opened the door. Cold air filling the castle. He turned around to see his friend.


“I’ll be right back.” Then he left.


The crowd was gone by the time Suho headed out of the house to do some shopping. He always bought food and books for Amber as she spent days next to Taesun’s bed. He felt bad, and wanted to help in anyway he could. He grew up with Taesun, he may not have been best friends with the guy, but he still felt like he needed to do something for the guy. So every morning he would go to town.


When he was heading towards Taesun’s house, he stopped by Amber’s. He walked up to door and knocked softly. He fixed his hair and clothes. A few more seconds past, and there was still no answer. So he tried knocking again, but a little harder this time. He stepped back looking around to see if he could tell if anyone was home or not. Thats when the door opened. He smiled at the old woman on the other side.


“Annyeonghaseyo.” Suho said, and bowed. The old woman smiled back at him, welcoming him in the house.


“You’re the boy who found Taesun? The one who helps my little girl take care of him?” The old woman asked.


“Neh. I stopped by to see if I could bring her new clothes. Amber hasn’t changed in weeks, and I thought I might bring her something fresh to wear.”  The old woman showed Suho to the kitchen, letting him sit down at the table, next to an old man. He bowed to the elder before sitting next to him. The old man smiled to the young boy.


“I’ll get you some clothes for her.” The old woman walked down a small hallway that led to bedrooms from the kitchen. “So how is Taesun? Is he making any improvements?” the old woman screamed from the bedroom.


Suho set his basket of food on the food next to feet. “He’s doing well. He’s bruises have completely healed, and the doctor said his bones are almost completely healed.” The old man, who sat next to him handed Suho a cup of coffee. He smiled and took the cup thanking the old man.


“Taesun’s a strong boy. I know he’ll make it.” The old man said. Suho held the cup up the lips, letting the scent of coffee enter his nose.  “I’m curious though.” Suho stopped, and looked at the old man over the edge of the coffee cup. “I haven’t heard anything about his brother, Taemin. How is he?” Suho just shook his head, putting the cup down the on table.


“I can’t say sir. He’s been missing supposedly.” The old woman walked back into the kitchen with a few pairs of folded clothes in her arms.


“Missing?” She said. Suho took the clothes out of her hands, placing them in his basket. He sat up, letting the old woman take his seat.


“That’s what your daughter told me. We’re not sure where he is.” He saw the depressed looked on the elderly couple’s face. He placed his hand on top of the old woman’s woman’s, and smiled. “I know he’ll come back. I have faith that he will. Some day.” He picked up his basket. “I hate to leave you at a time like this, but I should get to your daughter and bring her these. Thank you again.” He bowed to the couple, before showing himself the door. He peeked back. “I’ll tell Amber that you miss her and to stop by sometime to see you. Annyeong.”


He closed the door softly. The crowd in town had disappeared completely. He looked up to the sky. The sun was setting, causing the sky to mix with colors. He shuffled his feet along the pathway. The wind was picking up, brushing against Suho’s skin, making him shiver.


He was about to make the turn on the path that led to Taesun’s house, when he walked into someone. He stumbled back. “Excuse me. I didn’t see you.” He bowed and tried walking past the man he just walked into. However the man wrapped his arm around Suho’s shoulder. turning him around and walked with him the opposite way. The man cleared his throat.


“Suho, right?” the man’s grip tightened around Suho’s shoulder, like he was holding him in place. “Name’s Kai. I’m a friend of Taemin’s.” Kai’s lips curved at the corners, making him look like a cat.


“Taemin’s?” Suho stiffened under the man’s grip. Kai led Suho in between buildings. Suho had never been in these parts of town before. He felt uneasy as this man pulled him along.


“I noticed that you come in and out of his house a lot.” Kai stopped where he was, making Suho stop with him. Kai turned Suho to face him. “I was wonding if you could tell me where he is?” Kai batted his eyelashes, trying to seem innocent.


Suho stepped back, but Kai’s grip was still on his shoulders, making him stay where he was. “Mianhaeyo. I can’t say I know.” Suho’s shoulder began to hurt, when Kai’s grip tightened. Kai’s eye twitched for a second, before he slammed Suho’s back against the brick wall. A yelp escaped Suho’s lips. He dropped the basket that was in his hands from the shock of being pushed. Kai pressed his body against Suho, holding him in place so he couldn’t run away.


Kai moved his grip from Suho’s shoulder to his hair, pulling his head back to slam into the wall. “I have a little patience right now.” Suho tried pulling his head forward, but his throat pressed against a cold metal. Kai was holding him at knife point. Suho’s hands pushed against the wall behind him. Kai was pulling Suho’s head back, making his throat push against the sharp blade. “I suggest you tell me where he’s hiding before I’m painting these walls with your blood.” Suho remained silent, too scared to speak. Kai grinded his teeth, and quickly swiped the knife across Suho’s cheek, cutting deep enough for blood to run down his cheek and neck. Before Suho could even flinch, Kai bought the knife back up to his throat. “Where is he?” Kai hissed in Suho’s ear.


“I-I don’t know.” Suho said. Kai pulled Suho’s hair harder, tilting his head back farther.


“You’re playing a very dangerous game. Tell me where he is.” Kai slammed his knee into Suho’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him.


“I told you I don’t know.” Suho spat out. He would never asked to question if he knew what would come next. His eye widened. He could see black. He felt the blade slice through his skin. Kai stabbed him in the chest. Suho could feel the blade of the knife, cutting through his rib, piercing through his lung almost reaching his heart. He felt it. He even felt the blood oozing out, running down his torso and legs. Suho’s mouth hung open as he tried to yell but couldn’t. With shaky hands, Suho slowly reached up to grab Kai’s hand. He tried to pull Kai’s hand away, but Kai pushed the knife in further, twisting the blade making it slice Suho’s insides.


Suho and Kai’s hands were coated with blood. Suho’s body went numb. He couldn’t feel anything anymore. He couldn’t feel the pain. He couldn’t feel the blade that was inside him. He couldn’t feel the tears that were pouring out of his eyes. He couldn’t feel the air against his skin. He couldn’t feel anything. Suho’s leg were buckling, making his upper body lean onto Kai.


Suho still had a grip on Kai’s hand, pissing Kai off. Kai wanted this man dead. His twisted to blade more, slamming it hard into Suho’s body. The blade cut deeper, poking through Suho’s back. The force made Suho fall off Kai into the wall.


Suho’s hand fell from Kai, falling to his side. Kai smirked to himself finding what he had done to be beautiful. He removed the blade from Suho’s body. Suho slid down the wall, leaving blood splatter that dragged down with him.


Suho looked at Kai one once time, before his eyes grew too heavy to keep open.


Amber sat on the rocking chair in the living room waiting for Suho. He always stopped by around this time of day. She got worried when he didn’t show. She hated to leave Taesun upstairs without anyone by his side, but she just had to make sure Suho was okay. She grabbed a coat that hung at the door, and headed out.


She reached the gate out front of the house when a voice stopped her. “Going somewhere?”


She met dark eyes. Amber rolled her eyes before pushing the gate open. “Get out of here Kai.”

Kai chuckled. “Looking for someone? A little friend of yours?”


Amber stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned around to face the evil man. How did he know she was going to look for Suho? She turned her head, giving Kai the sign that she was confused. He simply smiled evilly before holding up the bloody knife in between his fingers. He twirled it around, showing off the blood, giving her the hint. Amber’s eyes almost popped out of her head. What the hell has he done?


“I warned you that worst is yet to come. Give me what I want, and something like this won’t ever happen again.” Kai put the knife away, before walking off.


“Where is he?” Amber screamed. It just came out, she wasn’t thinking. She didn’t think it would work. She didn’t think he would tell her where she could find Suho.


“I left him in the allies. Good luck finding him.” Kai said, not turning around.


Amber wasted no time. She darted as fast as her legs would let her, into town behind the house where Kai told her. She turned corner after corner, having no idea where she was. She called out for Suho but every time she would get no reply.


The town was empty, not a single sound. it was almost like the town was abandon. Amber felt like she going crazy. She was turning in circles, looking up and down every single ally she could find and there was no sign of Suho anywhere.


She felt her chest falling apart. She couldn’t breath, she couldn’t run. Where was he? She held herself up by placing her hands on her knees. She was trying to breath again.


As she was resting, she saw, out of the corner of her eye, someone on the ground in between two houses. Amber wasted no time, and rushed over. Once she close enough, the smell of blood overwhelmed her. The body wasn’t moving. She threw herself to the ground when she saw the body was Suho’s. There was blood everywhere. On the wall, leaking on the ground, and all over him. Her body was acting on it’s on. She grabbed Suho’s face in her hands, tainting her hands with his blood.


“Suho?” Amber said. There was no response. She shook his head. “Suho?” she was almost screaming his name over and over. Tears already rolling down her face. “Please wake up!” She closed her, letting her head hang. What has Kai done? She grabbed onto Suho’s shirt, pulling the fabric when she balled her fisted. “Suho, please...”


A small muffled ringed in her ears. Her head darted up. Suho’s eye were trying to open, and his lips were moving. “A-...” he started mumbling again.


“Suho?” The tears didn’t stop.




Amber nodded, not thinking that couldn't see her. She pulled on his shirt a little. “Suho, please wake up. You’ll be alright. I promise.”


Suho’s eye slightly opened. He found Amber’s eyes, and he forced his arm up to touch her face, marking her with blood. He smiled. “You-... Your parents... they said... hello.” That was all Suho could say before his eye closed again, and his hand fell away from her.




Three minutes, twelves second. Three minutes thirteen seconds. Amber was counting the time the doctor was in the room with Suho. After she found him, after he passed out, she carried him all the way to the doctor’s house. The doctor took him back into a room, leaving Amber to wait for him to heal Suho. She still had the blood marks all over her face and hands. She had dry tears on her cheeks. Every second that went by, Amber felt more and more uneasy.


Four minutes and five seconds. The door opened. Amber got right out of her seat. The doctor did the same thing he did when he examined Taesun. He took off his glass and hung them on his shirt. However this time he didn’t look up at Amber. He didn’t make any kind of eye contact at all. He closed his eyes, sighed and shook his head before speaking.


“I'm sorry.”

A/N: Not sure if I should mark this as a mature chapter because of all the blood.

But again to all my commenters and subscribers. I love all of you <3

 (< Suho)

I do read everything you guys post, even if I never reply, and for all of you guys reading this, I'm going to give you a little surprize.


I'm working on another Fanfiction.

It's going to mostly jongkey, with the side of 2min. (I'll give you more details in the next chapter's desriction)

I made cover photos for each chapter, and it's more orginial story compared to this one, where as it's based off of Beauty and the Beast.

For those of you exited for the new story, keep following me because I'm going to start that story AFTER i've finihsed "Taemin and the Beast."


SOOO keep it up with the comments, and subscribtions :D love you all, and see you next time.

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morgan47 #1
Chapter 13: So she's trying to kill Taemin because Taemin and Minho are falling in love. Well . Minho can only deny it for so long.
Chapter 13: I glad that minho and taemin's relationship is a lot better now and minho saying that he will make sure that yuri doesn't hurt taemin my feels~~
Yay minho is letting taemin but so much has happen since u have been gone taemin >.<
Yuri's story is so sad D:
Awwww the story is going to end soon >.< more drama aigoo...
Thanks for updating
Chapter 13: OMGGGGG that nightmare was so detailed and Yuri's story was so sad ;_;
morgan47 #4
Chapter 12: Well he is quickly becoming someone I hate in this story.
Chapter 12: Kai is a u_u I an so happy you updated ;u;
Jorbaby #6
Chapter 12: .........................THIS IS JUST KILL ME!!!!!
Chapter 11: I can't believe that Suho died...WHY?
At least luhan is on amber's side now but what going to happen now?
So glad that Minho healed Taemin ^^
Thanks for updating~
morgan47 #8
Chapter 11: No! I was so hoping that Suho would somehow pull through! But then again! Minho just gave Taemin the key to saving Taesun! The water! He could heal his brother. This is getting crazy~
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 11: KAI YOU ____!
Chapter 10: OMG SUHO D:
I feel like crying... SUHO D: