Coffees and Havocs

Letting you go



Coffee was a great companion whenever stress is eating you up so that's why he decided to agree to Siwon's invitation of a coffee if you can say it like that. He needed a breather, a stress reliever to all his tiring jobs to be worked upon. He assured himself that it was nothing like a date, it was only a friendly meet-up even if their last encounter was not considered as a friendly move.... He was not expecting something more than someone to talk to but deep inside, without him knowing yet, he was wishing for something more... 'Maybe it was wrong to expect but even the tiniest tinge of hope won't hurt, right? ' was his heart's core was telling him.


It was very hard for Kyuhyun to calm his heart especially when he already saw Siwon through the glass doors of the coffee shop. He took a deep breath before he decided to enter. 'I'm not even drinking coffee yet but my heart seems pounding so fast... I guess I'm not going for coffee today.'


Siwon was gazing through the clear glass windows, wondering something he can't truly decipher but his thoughts were cut off by his own name calling to him, Kyuhyun called him to notify his presence. "Siwon-ssi, I'm sorry for making you wait." He stared at the guy a few seconds before he spoke.


"Then you should feel bad about it." Siwon gave a disappointed look that made Kyuhyun flinch and bow his head to mutter an apology. "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to-"  Siwon laughed at Kyuhyun trying to explain, amused by the fact that this guy is indeed a naive one.


Siwon stood up to make the blushing, embarrassed guy to take a seat. "Hey, I was just joking. Don't worry, I just got here 5 minutes before you came. I think that it is proper for the one who invited to arrive first, right?"


Kyuhyun just slightly nodded his head as he took his seat. Siwon was a true gentleman and a professional player. Breaking a wall is as easy as ABC to him. It's been a while since he met a person like Kyuhyun because usually, he was the one who were being approached and not the one who was approaching so he should enjoy this change for now.


Silence was prevailing and awkwardness is trying to grow now that no one wanted to start a conversation. Siwon must have been testing Kyuhyun and the other must have been trying to fight with his inner thoughts if he will be the one who's going to initiate or just wait to be conversed to.


Kyuhyun figured that he needed to start this one for he was fed up being the one initiated, opportunities like this are hard to come by so might as well give it a try. Enough with his attitude of being an introvert, he opened up his mouth with words he didn’t give much thought.  “Hey, how are you doing these days, Siwon-ssi?” Kyuhyun said with an awkward smile and wanted to mentally shut his eyes with the stupid question he just asked. 


Siwon’s eyes didn’t escape the awkward smile on Kyuhyun’s face and he felt like teasing the boy more. “Why do you ask that? I’m doing fine.  Are you perhaps… concerned about me?”

Kyuhyun’s face was flushed at Siwon’s reply. He denied it by signaling his hands of disagreement but he was more surprised when Siwon pouted at his reaction.

“So you don’t care about me at all?” Siwon bowed his head like a lone puppy deprived of love. Kyuhyun didn’t know what to say and at this moment, he cannot hide his crimson cheeks anymore. “It’s not like that. After all, we didn’t know each other that much but that doesn’t mean I care. Please don’t tease me anymore.” Kyuhyun pleaded with a low but a soft voice with his head down.

“Okay…That was just a joke. I’ll stop now. You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Siwon laughingly said but it died out when he sees that Kyuhyun is still not facing him with his bowed head. “Hey, are you okay?” Siwon stood and brought his hand to Kyuhyun’s face and was alarmed to feel that the boy is hot, especially when Kyuhyun lifted his face that is now fumingly red.

The smile on Siwon’s face is nowhere to be found for he is worried that there is something wrong on the guy. Kyuhyun seemed to notice the worried look etched on Siwon’s face which made his heart flutter a little, just a bit for him to feel that some person other than Sungmin or his parents do mind his presence.


“I’m alright. I’m just a little touchy and sensitive especially when I’m being teased. I’ll be fine in a moment.” Siwon was relieved hearing that from Kyuhyun but he cannot resist the chubby, blushing cheeks so before he order something for them, he pinched it lightly and uttered that he was too cute for a guy.


Wrong words for Siwon to say, the blush is slowly creeping again on Kyuhyun’s face so he decided to let it go for a while because he’s going to have plenty of times together with that bubbly cheeks. Maybe the cheeks down there were as fluffy as the cheeks in his face, as expected of Siwon’s brain, never failing to speculate.


Siwon asked what Kyuhyun wants then headed for the counter to order something. This moment was a leeway for Kyuhyun to pick up his lungs from the ground to regain his breathing in to order and calm himself first. He touched his cheeks where Siwon placed his hands on and can feel it burning. ‘It’s really smart of me not to order a coffee or else, this pace of my heart will worsen. It’s not good.’




Silence is overtaking their atmosphere, Kyuhyun is beginning to feel awkwardness but Siwon is enjoying his time staring at Kyuhyun’s face. The younger one is starting to feel uneasy because he can feel the piercing eyes of the guy infront of him. He was getting conscious of himself and gathered up the courage to stare back at Siwon and asked him what was wrong.


“There’s nothing wrong, It’s just that I want to stare at your face all-day long.” Siwon teases once again.


“Siwon-ssi…” Kyuhyun said, not wanting to be teased again. Siwon chuckled at his reaction, never getting fed up of him. “Call me hyung… or Siwon if you want.” Siwon smirked at the last phrase.


“I prefer calling you hyung.” Kyuhyun instantly said. The eyes of Siwon doesn’t leave him yet and that made him uneasy so he grabbed his cup of tea but accidentally mishandled it so it spilled down on his shirt.


‘So lucky Kyuhyun, so lucky. Now you’ve humiliated yourself and caused trouble. I’m so proud of ME…’  Kyuhyun thought as he stood up and shrug the liquid in his shirt. Some waiter helped him in his clothes and when he got tissues and helped Kyuhyun wipe his clothes, Siwon grabbed his wrist.


“Thank you for worrying but I can help him. So may you excuse me~ ”  Siwon said to the waiter with his fake smile and a tone he can’t comprehend if he is being nice or angry. The guy was frightened and uttered that he had only helped but he just bowed down leaving the scene, not wanting to cause any commotion with the companion of the customer he had helped.


“I’m just going to the bathroom. I’m sorry for bothering you again, Siwo- ahh… I mean hyung.”

Kyuhyun bowed as an apolgy but Siwon was persistent. He wanted to accompany Kyuhyun in the bathroom so he just agreed and accepted the handsome guy’s help.


“It’ okay hyung. Besides, it’s not much.”


“Not much? Look how big is this!” Siwon pointed at the spill on Kyuhyun’s clothes. “No, that won’t do. “ Siwon removes his knitted sweater and left with a shirt. Kyuhyun looked away from him, it was too much for his eyes to see.


“I’m perfectly fine with this. This was only a spill, it won’t do me harm. Besides, the tea was not hot and to tell you, the air was a little chilly so please put it back on.” Kyuhyun worriedly said, he doesn’t want to cause another problem, especially to Siwon. Whenever they met, he always messes up and he doesn’t want that to happen anymore.


“Just listen to me. My shirt was enough for me while you were drenched with that tea and your shirt is not going to dry up in an instant. You don’t have any option.” Siwon gives him a look that he is not accepting no for an answer. Maybe for the sake his pride and because he has a word of honor. Kyuhyun was hesitating first but gave in anyway.


“Thank you , then I will change first.” Kyuhyun picked the sweater in Siwon’s hands and entered one of the bathroom stalls.



After Kyuhyun changed itnto Siwon’s clothes, Siwon can’t help keep his laughter to himself. His sweater was way too big for Kyuhyun but nonetheless, he looked cute in that.


“Don’t laugh. You made me wear it.”


“You looked like you’re wearing pajama. So adorable.”  Siwon gently patted Kyuhyun’s head as if he was a child given an acknowledgement.


While heading back to the seats, Kyuhyun smelled something nice in Siwon’s clothes. It was sweet but not too much to be considered as a feminine smell and not too stong to hurt your nose,  just mild but not that gentle that he even closed his eyes while smelling it. Maybe the scent of a rebellion with pure intentions. How ironic but complimented each other.


Siwon saw Kyuhyun smelling his clothes on the shoulder areas and giggled at the sight of him, gently sniffing with his eyes closed.


“You like the smell?” Siwon asked with a smile that showed all his white, perfect teeth.


Kyuhyun came back to his senses with Siwon’s question. He was caught smelling his clothes, and fot the nth time, he was embarrassed again. “I just liked the smell of your perfume.” Kyuhyun used a lame excuse even though his eyes showed that he was busted… on act.


“I’m afraid I don’t use any perfume and that scent you smell was probably mine. Does it smell good?”


‘Yeah…. Oh, what I mean is it’s not bad.” Kyuhyun almost revealed it but thankfully, he gathered his composure.


“I see.” Siwon’s knowing smile flashes the accomplishment of level 1.



Kyuhyun got comfortable around Siwon. They talked about nonsense and silly jokes they’ve always laughed at. Although Siwon expressed some hints on Kyuhyun, he only took it as a joke but on the latter part, he was wishing for more. He felt a great infatuation for the actor, teenage crush perhaps but he was afraid it something more than that.


Kyuhyun was enjoying their conversation but was reminded that he has an appointment this afternoon. Blamed the time for the short moments, he has to bid goodbye for now.


“I must be going now, hyung. I have an appointment right now.”


“Oh really. Then will you be free this evening? 9pm?” Siwon asked.


Kyuhyun was happy with the thought of another invitation but this time, he can’t. He has a make-up schedule with Changmin at that point of time. “I would love to but I can’t. I have a schedule around that time.”


“Then next time would do, right?”


“If I’m free of schedule then next time it is.” Kyuhyun hopefully said, too happy and can’t contain his feels. “I’m sorry and thank you for this. Are you sure don’t need it now?”


“You can give it back to me some other time.” Siwon said and when Kyuhyun stood up and was about to leave after saying goodbye, he grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to his body.


“Be sure to bring it back to me next time.” Siwon said in a whisper dangerously next to Kyuhyun’s ears that gave him the chills.


“Absolutely” Kyuhyun replied, hurriedly ran to the doors together with his heart. ‘Really! Why is he doing this to me?” Kyuhyun sighed as he thought of Siwon again.



It was already 9:40 but still, no sign of Changmin. He was about to pack his things when the door was abruptly opened and the one he’s been waiting for has already arrived.


“I’m sorry I was late. You don’t need to put make-up on me, I’m perfectly fine. I need help on something.” Changmin said while catching his breath.


“Then what am I gonna do? I can only help you with the make-up and the clothes.” Kyuhyun said, scanning his eyes down the singer’s body and can see that he was already groomed up. ‘He absolutely didn’t need my help, looking handsome like that.’


“Please accompany me tonight. We’re going somewhere.” Changmin said as he took something from the paper bag he held in his right hand.


“But this is not the deal we made, how come – “ Kyuhyun was cut by changmin’s finger on his lips.


“Wear this. Don’t worry, after this I assure you of your day-off. “ Changmin smiled as he offered the shiny black thing folded on his hands.


“I guess I’ll just help you with that. But where are we going?” Kyuhyun got the clothes already and went for the dressing room to change.


“Just some… You’ll see.”



While waiting for Kyuhyun to dress up, Changmin got a text from stating:  ‘What’s taking you so long? You better get your here now! These girls are so clingy!!! Hurry up and help me here’


While reading the message, he’s hearing some grunts inside the dressing room. “Hey, do you need help there?”


“No, I can manage these alone.” Kyuhyun replied while having difficulty pulling the pants up to his waist line. After few seconds of jumping, the pants already fit but it was extremely tight. He exited the dressing room and complained about the tight clothes he gave.


“It was supposed to be like this or else you won’t fit in. Glad I made the right choice.” Changmin was amazed to see the tightness of the black pants against his thighs and shaped the roundness of his . The leather top he got for Kyuhyun really emphasized his collar bones with the v-neck shaped it got, especially Kyuhyun’s long, milky neck.


“I think it was too much. The top was way too revealing for me and the pants was very tight. Is there a place that requires this kind of clothes?” Kyuhyun said, still uncomfortable with the way he dressed.


“There is. Now put on a little make-up and just some black eyeliner will do.” Changmin ordered but Kyuhyun seemed stubborn this time.


“So you don’t want to? I guess I’ll be the one to do it.” Changmin brought Kyuhyun to his seats but Kyuhyun doesn’t want to put any make-up so he really was not going to obey.


“Stay still. This is still part of the deal. Since you don’t want to put it yourself then I’m going to pu it for you.” Changmin already began putting some mineral foundation on Kyuhyun’s face. Kyuhyun just closed his eyes, surrendering to the stubbornness of this man infront of him. ‘I guess we are a little alike.’


Changmin finished the make in less than 5 minutes. Kyuhyun opened his eyes and was amazed that for just less than 5 minutes, he was already done and good.


“I’ve got the talent.” Changmin uttered after staring at Kyuhyun, proud of his work. “With this, you are now blazingly hot and y.” Changmin smirked at his masterpiece. Kyuhyun reminded him of someone, the one who always teases him until he was a red pulp.


“Now, let’s go and my friends are already waiting for me.” Changmin pulled Kyuhyun towards the exit and hurriedly ran towards the carpark.


“Wait, why  are we in a hurry?” Kyuhyun asked, still catching his breath while sitting in the luxurious car seat.


“It’s because we’re late. Now put your seatbelts on and brace yourself.” Changmin calmly said as he bucked his seatbelts on and drove the car swiftly.



“We’re here. Now let’s get off.” He removed his seat belts now as he glanced at Kyuhyun dumbfounded. “I’m sorry that we are a little fast but its okay. We’re already here you see.’


“That’s okay, I guess that LITTLE FAST you are talking about will be the cause of my death.” Kyuhyun said while taking a deep breath before talking again. “Thanks for the early warning, your seatbelt saved me.” He also removed his seatbelt and got off the car while waiting for Changmin to do the same.


“You’ve got some tongue there. I never really thought that.” Changmin uttered. Now they are in the front of the club. Not some ordinary club that commoners hang out but an elite club where only the rich and the famous can enter.


“Can I really go in that club?” Kyuhyun asked as he was staring at the exterior of the club.


“Of course. Because you’re with me.” Changmin took a hold of Kyuhyu’s wrist as they enter the club. As expected, it was not normal. The interior was detailed with specks of black and gold, the lights were dim with a ray of elegant light shining through the dance floor. The liquors here is unfamiliar for him and the people there was all dressed up in their revealing dresses.  “Now you understand why I made you wear those clothes?”


Kyuhyun nodded, relieved that in some way he was not out of place. They were now heading to a secluded room ,  a VIP room with only few persons are allowed. As they enter the room, Changmin instantly shouted to inform that he already arrived.  “Hey, guys!” Changmin greeted his friends and left Kyuhyun standing there.


“Come here, Kyuhyun-ssi.” He motioned Kyuhyun to sit beside him and introduced him to his friends. “I would like you to meet my new friend, Kyuhyun.”


“Hello, I’m Cho Kyuhyun. It’s nice to meet you all.” Kyuhyun bowed 90 degrees as a form of respect. He recognized some of the people there, some were famous singers and actors and that fact made him nervous.


“So polite, you don’t need to do that. Just be comfortable around here. We are people too you know.” The friendly Donghae uttered. Kyuhyun was pleased that he wasn’t treated like a stranger here.


“By the way, where is he?” Changmin is finding a missing person in the room.


“I’m here. You’re late.” Siwon said, coming out from the rest room behind Changmin’s seat. “What’s up?”


Changmin stood up, too happy to see his best friend again and embraced him for seconds. “I’m busy nowadays but I’m great. By the way, I would like you to meet my friend, Kyuhyun.”


Kyuhyun didn’t know what to do. Will he act as if he know Siwon or not? He is somehow nervous for he just declined the invitation of Choi Siwon awhile ago saying that he had a make-up schedule. ‘I’m screwed.’






A/N: It’s been awhile since I’ve last updated. I really miss this fic so I’m back. Having thesis was hell and took up most of my time. It’s good to be back. ^^ Good day folks..







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Chapter 5: It's been a while since you updated... wonder if you still remember this story T_T

I just finish all 5 chaps... and i'm hating Siwon at the moment >_< he such a typical tool. But a HOT tool ~.~ whereas Kyunni is this naive sweetie is new since he's always the snarky one in my imagination... kekee...
really looking forward to your updates... hope you'll come back soon
Chapter 5: Siwon and Changmin already talked so why is Changmin like that? Like flirting with Kyu :v anyways, I want more WonKyu interactions :D and a longer chapter :) WonKyu is love, they never disappoint :* Update soon please (*_*)
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 5: siwon must have kyuhyun..that's all that matters..changmin better find someone else to play with..hehehe update soon!
Chapter 5: Innocent Kyuhyun is really KYUt. Ehehehe~ :3

Poor Changmin tho~ he can't have Kyuhyun. XD

Thanks for updating. :)
Chapter 5: Me too. Imlove the song You're My Endless Love. And when I saw the teaser in SS5 I was crying like insane. Anyhoo.... It's been a while. I am still craving for the . HAHA!! But I like this... But I am feeling pity for Changmin because he always gets hurt because he can't have Kyunnie. Awwwww.....
Chapter 5: Why changmin are intruding with my wonkyu??
Kyu better watch out cuz Siwon is not finished with you yet :D He's just starting! haha
Chapter 5: Love it....update soon...
Chapter 4: Kyu is so cute when Siwon teases him <3 <3 <3 Changmin tricked him xD now, Wonnie will think he lied to him xD LOL Hae is there too <3 <3 <3 will be there some Eunhae? :) I really love it and I hope you will update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: Can't wait to know what will happen next ,please update soon