The Beginning

Letting you go


Fans are squealing as the van make its way to the venue of the fan meeting. As expected, the area was jam-packed, noises are echoing through the exquisite walls of the function hall. The ticket to this fan meeting is quite pricey yet, it didn't stop the die-hard fans from coming to meet their loving idol.


"Oh, This fame of mine can't get any better than this. Look at those girls screaming their lungs out, what a very nice view to see~" Siwon vainly muttered while waiting for his cue to go on the stage. While he was relaxing in the back stage, enjoying the sight of the fans who seemed to be adoring him, someone caught his ears as he listened into that soothing voice. 


(Let's Not - KRY)

~ Saying that this moment is the last to you whom I loved so much

    Even if I try to turn it back

    Even if you hold onto me crying

    I was the one who said no and bid our farewell~


"What a very beautiful voice... I wonder what does he look like..." Siwon rose up from his seat and peeked to see the owner of the voice he happened to like... "An angelic face with a voice that is embroidered skillfully by God." He continued to listen as he was drifting in the melodious voice produced by the beautiful guy holding a mic.


~ I'm always acting strong

   But I'm a cowardly man

   Didn't have the confidence to protect you forever and left~



" Hey, Siwon-ah, why so serious?" Changmin placed his hand on the shoulder of Siwon, checking out the view that got Siwon engrossed.  "He's good...  and amusing.."  Siwon's old pal said.


"Don't put your hands on this guy, Min.  I laid my eyes on him first. That's  my next target." Siwon instantly reminded his friend for not touching the guy cause he is his next object of interest.


"Alright, alright.... I won't. But I'm thinking,  are you going to have a piece of that untainted lamb? I mean, maybe he"ll reconsider your attempts... Don't you think?" Changmin said with a tint of remorse in his tone, not having to approach the guy first. He and Siwon often like the same type, a naive, innocent and a fresh one.


"No one ever dared to reconsider me. He must thank God the mighty Siwon approached him and have a taste of me even in a short while. What Siwon wants, Siwon gets... Just look and see" He slyly mumbled as he imagined the guy wantonly underneath him. "That lamb cannot get away from the prying eyes of this hungry wolf"


~ Don't love someone like me again

   Don't make someone to miss again

   One who looks at only you and needs only you

   Meet someone who loves you so much

   That they can't go a day with you, please 

   I hope that you"ll be happy

   Let's not meet again ~



"And let us thank Cho Kyuhyun-ssi for that heartwarming song with his heart-melting voice. Once again, a round of applause for Kyuhyun-ssi."   The MC exclaimed and because the crowd was given a proper show with an unfamiliar singer, they complied and give their claps for the amateur singer who deserves it.   


"Finally, the moment of waiting is over... May I present to you... Choi Siwon!!!" the crowd is now roaring with excitement and extreme bliss that made the narcissist even more confident with himself. As he was walking towards the stage, he winked at the amateur singer who was now sitting at the front row and made him feel flustered and stunned that a super star gave him attention even for a split second.


'As expected of his reaction' Siwon thought and gave him his famous dimpled smile that gave the young man goosebumps all over his skin. He chuckled at the innocent response of the guy that is going to be his next prey. 


The fan meeting has come to an end and the exhausted Siwon immediately went to the backstage and let his body fall on the couch, wanting his tiredness to be drained and have some energy again. He was drifting to sleep until a bulb was opened in his mind, reminding him that he must be neglecting something. "Before I forget, that guy's name is Kyuhyun... Cho Kyuhyun. Better note that."  After programming himself and imprinting Kyuhyun in his mind, he shut all of his inhibitions and let himself have a time of peace.


His slumber was disturbed by the sound of a shattering glass and a heavy gasp by a guy. "What the hec- ooh"  he was cut off by his target staring at him like a deer caught in the headlights.  "I'm so sorry,  I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. I was just trying to get my things" Kyuhyun answered tensely as he was picking up the broken pieces of the glass.  "Aahh, so clumsy of me." his finger is now dripping some red, crimson liquid that made Siwon instantly go to him and checked his hands.


"Are you ok?" Siwon worriedly said as he was gently caressing the hands of the guy who is pretty much  startled about what is the actor doing to him.   "I'm alrigh-ahh" he unconsciously let out a moan as Siwon put his long,slender finger in his mouth, it and made Kyuhyun gasp when he felt the tongue circling and caressing his finger. Siwon seemed to enjoy the sweet blood of the guy and wondered to himself if he was a former vampire in his life. Kyuhyun also seemed to love the feeling of Siwon's tongue in his finger but realization hit him that a first meeting wasn't supposed to be like this.  


"Ah... I'm all right now. Thank you. " Kyuhyun timidly get his fingers out of Siwon. The taller guy still not satisfied but got his composure back as he stood up and extended his hand which is accepted by the guy who is intensely red by now."


"Hi, I'm Choi Siwon." Siwon smiled at him, too friendly to be true as he offered his hand to the guy who is blushing


"I'm Kyuhyun, thanks for earlier." They shook hands as a sign of good meeting. Kyuhyun decided to let go but the other seemed uninterested of letting the hand.  


"Since I did you a favor, let me get mine." Siwon said as his hand s on the waist of Kyuhyun and his other hand not letting go of that soft hands. "Let me give you an acquaintance kiss." He slowly moved his face closer to the boy's face who is now closing his eyes tightly. He watched the eyes of the boy that is waiting for the kiss and he chuckled at the sight but when Kyuhyun sensed that Siwon is just messing with him, he opened his eyes just to see that Siwon's face is a centimeter away from his face. They stopped in that position, both staring in their window of souls, glassy eyes that can see his whole being . Siwon closed the distance and let their lips touch for a minute but feels like forever. 


"The favor is paid, I'll see you next time Kyuhyun-ssi" Siwon said as he let him out of his arms and turned his way to the door for he got another schedule. 'That guy is very pure, that's the way I like it.' he thought as he hopped in the van, his lips as if savoring the untainted taste of the young guy.


Meanwhile, Kyuhyun was left standing there, shocked by the occurence that happened. His mind can't take it all, all of that is just too much for him so he grabbed his bottle of water and gulped some just for him to think in a rational way. 


"What the hell was that? Am I sane or just seeing things?" He asked himself in the mirror of the backstage, facing himself and touching his lips for it was the first kiss he had. In his 21 years of existence, he understood the feeling of the butterflies in the stomach. Well, he is unaware that he is the person whom  Siwon had taken interest...For now.





A/N: Thank you for all the subs and some comments. This is  the beginning of their encounter, I do hope I didn't disappoint you in this one. This chappie is somehow boring so sorry for that. Anyways, the title will take place as the story progress.  Feel free to comment and subscribe. Don't worry, I don't bite...hard. :)) ^^





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Chapter 5: It's been a while since you updated... wonder if you still remember this story T_T

I just finish all 5 chaps... and i'm hating Siwon at the moment >_< he such a typical tool. But a HOT tool ~.~ whereas Kyunni is this naive sweetie is new since he's always the snarky one in my imagination... kekee...
really looking forward to your updates... hope you'll come back soon
Chapter 5: Siwon and Changmin already talked so why is Changmin like that? Like flirting with Kyu :v anyways, I want more WonKyu interactions :D and a longer chapter :) WonKyu is love, they never disappoint :* Update soon please (*_*)
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 5: siwon must have kyuhyun..that's all that matters..changmin better find someone else to play with..hehehe update soon!
Chapter 5: Innocent Kyuhyun is really KYUt. Ehehehe~ :3

Poor Changmin tho~ he can't have Kyuhyun. XD

Thanks for updating. :)
Chapter 5: Me too. Imlove the song You're My Endless Love. And when I saw the teaser in SS5 I was crying like insane. Anyhoo.... It's been a while. I am still craving for the . HAHA!! But I like this... But I am feeling pity for Changmin because he always gets hurt because he can't have Kyunnie. Awwwww.....
Chapter 5: Why changmin are intruding with my wonkyu??
Kyu better watch out cuz Siwon is not finished with you yet :D He's just starting! haha
Chapter 5: Love it....update soon...
Chapter 4: Kyu is so cute when Siwon teases him <3 <3 <3 Changmin tricked him xD now, Wonnie will think he lied to him xD LOL Hae is there too <3 <3 <3 will be there some Eunhae? :) I really love it and I hope you will update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 4: Can't wait to know what will happen next ,please update soon