Think About It

The Phone Mishap

Ha Na's POV

Kai gave me one more kiss before stepping off the elevator. 

"See you tomorrow," he winked as the elevator doors closed.

I unlock the doors to my apartment when, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

A person yelled and gave me a giant bear hug.

"XIUMIN? What are you doing here? Didn't I visit you in China last month?"

"Yeah, but I decided to come to Korea to visit you and Auntie!" he exclaimed. "Plus I need to visit someone too."

"How'd you even get to our house?" I asked.

"We picked him up from the airport," said Mi Cha who was standing behind him with Eun Hee.

"Aigoo, you've grown so much since I last saw you!" exclaimed Xiumin.

"We saw each last month though." 

"I know, but you look like you've grown an inch or two."

"Xiumin oppa, she's wearing 1-inch heels," said Eun Hee.

"Ohhh, that makes sense," he nodded.

We all gave out a little laugh.

"So are you staying here?" I asked.

"Neh, but only for a while. I'm just here to visit."

"Who are you visiting by the way?" Mi Cha questioned Xiumin.

"What do you mean?" 

"You said you were visiting someone."

"Oh. I'm visiting my girlfriend. Remember I showed you a picture of her before I moved to China?"

"I remember her!" exclaimed Eun Hee. "She had long brown hair, white skin, and a....."

"What is it Eunny?" I asked.

"Ah, it's nothing. I think I got mixed up with someone else," smiled Eun Hee. After being friends since kindergarten, I could tell something was not right.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Xiumin, trying to change the subject.

"I think I'm going to visit my old friend, so I'll be home by 8," said Xiumin who then waved us 'bye'  and walked out the door.

After making sure he was gone, I turned to Eun Hee and said, "Spill it."

"Huh?" she asked confused.

"Something about Xiumin's girlfriend that's bothering you."

"Ha Na.....did you feel a little watched yesterday?" questioned Mi Cha.

Now that she mentioned it, I did feel watched yesterday. Especially while we were eating noodles at the restaurant.

"A little bit. Why?" I responded.

"Well, I remembered seeing a girl watching us," said Mi Cha.

"And I remember seeing a girl with a heart-shaped birthmark," said Eun Hee.

"Doesn't Xiumin's girlfriend have a ....heart-shaped birthmark," I said with the last words in a whisper.

Mi Cha and Eun Hee both nodded their heads.

"Do you think she was watching us? I  mean, she hasn't even met us!" I shouted.

"Well, now that I think about. She also looked a lot like the girl from the stranger's phone," wondered Mi Cha.

"The cute boy's phone?" asked Eun Hee.

"Neh," responded Mi Cha.

"She does look a lot like the girl in the boy's phone,"I said.

"Oh well, let's change the subject," said Mi Cha.

Eun Hee and I both agreed. 

"So do you guys want to go to a party this weekend at the Xi resort?" I said remembering what Kris told me.

"A party? Will there be cute boys???" eagerly asked Eun Hee.

"Yes there will," I reassured her.

"I'll go too," said Mi Cha. 

"OK good! Well, the party is this weekend and I'll invite Xiumin and his girlfriend too!" I exclaimed

We were now all excited about the party, especially Eun Hee with her cute boys obsession.


"So he's back, huh?" I asked my maid.


"Hmmm. Bring me my phone," I ordered.


He's back.  I wonder how he's still alive after that little "accident."


Boring chapter, I know :( I tried to update for the new year though.

The next chapter will be better, I promise.





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MinhaPops #1
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 19: Omg omg. Sorry for the late comment. Omg. What the heck is krystal and yesung up to? Grr. Enough is enough. Pity luhan and others. Update soonnn! ;))
NerdyBunny #3
Chapter 17: Omg. I can imagine how yesung said 'poison'.
Hope luhan will be okayy.
Chapter 15: I.. don't understand...
Oh well, ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Thank you for updating ^^
NerdyBunny #5
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg. Krystal is a damn evil girl i've ever met. A girl can punch and.kick? Lol. Wonder what will happen next. So dramatic.
UkissistheB2st #6
Chapter 14: What is going on?...
NerdyBunny #7
Chapter 14: Omg. Yesung is mean in this fic. Uhuk
Im wondering what is his plan with krystal. Lol.
Update soon!
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 13: Gosh. That pic of krystal totally makes me feel freaking out. Haha. Yesung? Yayy! At last! Update soon! :)
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 13: Who's Yesung again? Lol I forgot... XD