Mr.Grumpy Pants

The Phone Mishap

Please refer to Chapter 9 if you don't remember Lu Han's secret hideout!



Lu Han's POV

"So want do you want to do first? We could go get ice cream, maybe go to a park, or even watch cartoons!" suggested Ha Na.

"I'm not a child," I told her.

"We could put you in a stroller and pretend you're our child," joked Kai.

"Shut up."

"Someone's grouchy today. Do you want me to change your diapers?" asked the stupid tan boy that has to "babysit" me.

"Yeah," I said sarcastically, "You can feed me apple sauce afterwards in my highchair too."

"Come on, lighten up a bit," said Kai with a playfull punch to my left arm.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, "But we can't just spend the whole day in this room doing nothing. I'm going to be so ing bored."

"Well, we are on a resort which means we could go swimming, golfing, or go get something to eat right now," said Kai.

"Or we can go to the little house!" exclaimed Ha Na.

"Little house? What little house?" asked the confused Kai.

If you don't remember, I have that secret hiding place on the resort with the bridge, cherry blossoms, and the one-person house that Ha Na is talking about. It actually seems kind of nice to go there right myself of course. To bring the couple along would make the place crowded, and I would be seen like the third wheel. Then again, I'm also in a relationship.

"Ok, we'll go. But don't complain if you get claustrophobic or something," I told her.

Ha Na smiled brightly before grabbing Kai's and my hand and walked out the door.


"Woah! This place is really cool!There's even a xbox and a mini-fridge here too!" exclaimed Kai while looking around the place. Ha Na chuckled and plopped herself on a bean bag infront of the tv. Kai climbed up the ladder and sat on the bed above. I cringed at the thought of the bed sheets and blankets getting crinkled. My friend,Sehun who's a maid, would not approve of this at all.

"So...what are we going to do now?" asked Ha Na.

"Well, it was your idea to come here, wasn't it?" I asked, but it sounded kind of mean.

"Aww, Lu Hannie! Don't be so mean to your babysitter now," playfully scolded Kai.

I groaned. When will this day end?

"Let's play video games Lu Han! I know I'm not as good as guys, but it's better than nothing, right?" asked Ha Na with a glowing smile.  I swear there were angels singing in the background. Wait, what the am I talking about? Calm yourself Lu Han, you have a girlfriend.

"Ok," I said, but my phone started ringing. "Kai get the game set up while I answer this."

He nodded and Ha Na and him started the xbox.


"What do you want Jongdae?" I answered outside the secret hiding place.

"Well, that was a nice way to say hello Mr.Grumpy Pants," he said. Why is everybody calling me grumpy today?! 

"Hello my lovely friend Kim Jongdae," I sarcastically said.

"That's more like it," he chuckeld, "But hey, are you at the resort right now?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"I found something that might interest you. Be there in like ten minutes, okay?"

"Whatever, but just to let you know I have guests over right now," I informed him.

"Oh that's right! I called Kris earlier and he said he got you babysitters. I thought Luhannie was a big boy," teased Jongdae.

This kid. I immediately hung up without a single "bye" or "see you later."

"Hello? Lu Han? Are you still there?" asked Jongdae to an empty line.


Ha Na's POV

Why is Lu Han being such a grumpy face today? Where is the angelic baby-face I knew? I guess he's mad about the whole Ahyoung thing during our Jeju trip.

"We got the game started," I told him as he walked in from his phone call.

He smiled, but it didn't reach to his eyes like usual. I'm so worried about him, but I don't know how to help. He sat down on my left since Kai was on my right, and looked around for a controller.

"Here," I said and gave him the one Kai set up. He grabbed for it and our hands lightly brushed against each other. I felt like there was electricity running through my body. Wait, what? I must be going crazy from all this drama, that's it.


Iseul's POV

"Such a bad boyfriend," I said while holding a picture of Lu Han and I on our first date.

"You've all seem to forget about me after the trip. So sad. Have you've been focusing too much on that Krystal lately?"

I laughed at myself; talking as if I was really talking to them. Oh, I am just as crazy as Ahyoung. Silly, silly Ahyoung.

"Choi Agasshi, we have just been informed that Shin Ahyoung has arrived in Seoul," said my maid.

I nodded and motioned her to leave, and she bowed before heading downstairs. Now Ahyoung is here? I guess that means Krystal and Yesung have called her over, but for now that mustn't matter. There's that stupid Ha Na girl getting in my way and Kris is a bother too. Plus, we still need to get rid of Lu Han, right?


Hello my wonderful subscribers (looks around to see no subscribers because of my absence)

I need to get more Ha Na and Lu Han in the chapters now because there is way too much Krystal+Ahyoung+Iseul business. By the way, I make up the story as I go which is kind if a bad thing since I don't have an ending yet.....

I am terrible writer

I had a bunch of "you" in my first couple chapters, so I had to fix that because they bothered the heck out of me.

 Lol what am I even writing?

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MinhaPops #1
NerdyBunny #2
Chapter 19: Omg omg. Sorry for the late comment. Omg. What the heck is krystal and yesung up to? Grr. Enough is enough. Pity luhan and others. Update soonnn! ;))
NerdyBunny #3
Chapter 17: Omg. I can imagine how yesung said 'poison'.
Hope luhan will be okayy.
Chapter 15: I.. don't understand...
Oh well, ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Thank you for updating ^^
NerdyBunny #5
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg. Krystal is a damn evil girl i've ever met. A girl can punch and.kick? Lol. Wonder what will happen next. So dramatic.
UkissistheB2st #6
Chapter 14: What is going on?...
NerdyBunny #7
Chapter 14: Omg. Yesung is mean in this fic. Uhuk
Im wondering what is his plan with krystal. Lol.
Update soon!
NerdyBunny #8
Chapter 13: Gosh. That pic of krystal totally makes me feel freaking out. Haha. Yesung? Yayy! At last! Update soon! :)
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 13: Who's Yesung again? Lol I forgot... XD