Chapter 5

She Wolf



As they finally arrived to the grocery store Jiyong was looking around like a mad man afraid someone would jump on him.

But Chaerin kind of kept him in place. She grabed his hand and held it tight.

She guided him to push the cart while she picked out the food. What she meant by training wasn’t what Jiyong expected.

It was to make him look human.. to make him look like a normal average human man.

He wan’t human and so wan’t Chaerin if you still didn’t notice. It’s hard to tell what REALLY are they.

Jiyong wasn’t familiar with anything he just saw. It was just way too much to take in..

what is that ? wait what is this ? this looks weird ! why are we here ? what is all this stuff ?!

Those questions were running through Jiyong’s head.

But he was kind of afraid to say them since he wanted to be on Chaerin’s good side and not bother her.

He followed Chaerin as she walked around the store. He wasn’t going to lie.

Her back profile looked amazing and she looked unbelievably hot just in tight skinny jeans and her top which was loose and it barely reached her jeans.

Her blonde hair was let loose and she wore light make up. 



Jiyong fell down.

He stood up getting himself ready for an attack. But as he looked around he saw a weird looking middle aged lady in front of him cursing him out.

‘Yah Watch where you’re going !‘ she yelled out as she hit him with her purse which weighted probably a ton.

Jiyong was about to bark at her as his eyes started changing color. But. Chaerin quickly ran up to him and took his hand into hers again.

‘Aigooo. I’m sorry for my clumsy boyfriend mam’ she bowed to the lady.

‘This won’t happen again’ she assured as she gave a warm smile to the old woman.

The woman glared at Jiyong and gave Chaerin a dirty look. She cursed under her breath and just walked away.

Chaerin sighed and eyed Jiyong. ‘Be careful next time. Old people can really flip on you’ she explained.

Jiyongs eyes turned back to its normal color and he looked at Chaerin with an interesting expression on his face.

‘Boyfriend ?’ he smirked at her.

Chaerin looked away as she let his hand go and rubbed them to her tights as she thought of what to reply.

‘Um… It just slipped out..sorry’ she said as she walked to the other food section. J

iyong smiled to himself and pushed the cart again following Chaerin.


As they were finally done shopping they got everything in the car and took their seats as Chaerin speeded of home.

Jiyong of course was tense. He didn’t actually know what this thing called ‘a car’ can do.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and looked at Chaerin.


‘Are you sure it won’t eat us ?’ he questioned nervously.

Chaerin bit her lip as she tightened her hands around the wheel trying to focus on the road and trying not to laugh.

‘I’m sure. Trust me Jiyong’ she replied.


Well it was more than enough for Jiyong to relax a bit.

As they arrived Chaerin put the grocery bags in the kitchen as Jiyong sat on the sofa in the living room and looked around the room once more.


‘I’m going to prepare dinner now !’ she yelled from the kitchen.

Jiyong’s face lit up as he ran to where Chaerin’s voice was at. As he finally found her he jumped around like an exited puppy.


‘OMO ! We’re going hunting ?!’ he questioned as he couldn’t stand still anymore.

Chaerin sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

‘Man I gotta teach him a lot of stuff..’

she muttered to herself as she ignored him and took out the food out of the bag.





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Chapter 5: Jiyong is so cute :3
Chapter 5: kyaaa!! jiyong is so cute here!!
1234567891 #3
Chapter 5: aww ji is so damn cute <3 chaebom love FTW haha
Chapter 5: i like ur story...
but u could make it a litle bit longer
anyway update soon
Chapter 5: damn how cut JI can get i think he scored a record with " are sure it won't eat us?"!! oh man just imagining that makes me laugh. thank you.
Chapter 4: whaaaaat??? You mmean that the bigbang members doesnt know the outside world? O.O but Ji is cute tho~ kekeke..a wolf like a lose puppy is just so kyeopta!! XD anyways,update soon!
mimi_qitchi #7
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahaha
Ji u so cute, i think chae will bite Ji cause he so cuteee
Loveee your update....
Chapter 4: HAHAHAHHA... omg Ji is so cute!!! >w< hahahahah... I can so imagine him being totally clueless like a lost puppy xD and Chae is hahah... I guess she's pretty playful aside from being cold LOL... and Bom adores Chaerin so much, isn't she? aw.. I love this <3
Chapter 4: hahaha,so cute. So ji doesn't know anything besides being in the wolf world?
Chapter 3: aigoo~ interesting! update soon!!