Chapter 4 - Monday



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“What’d you pick, what’d you pick??” Kibum’s high interrogating voice echoed throughout the hallway, while Taemin embarrassingly looked down at the paper in front of him to check his schedule. It was a beautifully disgusting Monday morning, as most Mondays are. The climate was especially humid, and Taemin’s bangs stuck to his forehead due to a slight perspiration. They awkwardly stood in the middle of a busy hallway before class had started, due to Kibum’s excitement that just couldn’t wait.

“Let me see…” Taemin scrolled down his schedule with this finger until he found his chosen elective. “Ah, I have speech/debate”. Kibum dramatically sighed and pointed to his elective, which read “computer design”. They both frowned to each other knowing they would only see each other during lunch, just as the first bell rang, signaling them to depart and wait until they see each other again in lunch. Taemin began walking alone, as he usually does, to his homeroom. His heart sank further which each step he took; he was a little disappointed because of his elective which was decided for him, because he knew there was no way in hell Jongin would ever choose debate. He probably got weight lifting or something. Although he didn’t necessarily want to be in the same class as him, it was surprisingly a bigger let down then he expected. It suddenly became harder and harder to drag his unwilling feet to class.


The anticipating was chewing at his anxiety. All throughout the day his thoughts battled together; optimism versus pessimism. Stop wasting your breath Taemin, there’s no way he’s in your class. But what if he is? It’s a possibility. No, no it’s definitely not possible. Taemin hadn’t seen Jongin in the hallway that day, which was a frustrating addition to his marathon-paced mind. It was already 5th period, and his elective was 6th. He gnawed on his pencil ferociously and watched the clock as he recently started doing more often due to the same mind-occupying, flawless, angelic, piece of . With that thought, Taemin’s pencil snapped under his breath and fell, broken into shards, onto his paper.

The bell finally rang, and Taemin was the first one to leave. He practically tripped over his feet and slammed into the door until he opened it up and took his first long awaited scan of the room. There wasn’t anyone there except for a girl sitting by a window, slowly twirling her curls and staring out into the clouds. He realized he was too early for anyone to show up, so he sat in the back of the class, keeping his eyes fixed on the door. Groups of kids began to enter the classroom, smiling cheerily and asking the teacher if they were in the right class. Jonghyun entered the class appearing dazed and wondering if he was in the right class too. Taemin waved his hand in the air to attract his attention, and Jonghyun’s expression sprung to life and he jogged over to the seat besides Taemin. “I didn’t know you’d pick debate, Taemin”. Jonghyun rested his hand to the side of his head and stared at Taemin. “I didn’t know either. The class I wanted was full so…” Jonghyun patted him on the back and smiled joyously. “Well arent’cha glad you got this class instead?” Taemin didn’t necessarily know how to respond, nor did he want to. The bell rang, which meant class was now beginning and all students should be in their assigned classrooms. He didn’t bother looking up to see in Jongin was there, he knew he wasn’t.

It was at that moment, that precise moment Taemin lost all hope, did he hear footsteps coming closer down his aisle of desks. He instinctively glanced upwards, and doubted his vision. Kim Jongin was walking towards the only empty desk in the classroom which happened to be a few seats adjacent Taemin. He effortlessly dropped his backpack besides his desk and gracefully tilted his back into his seat, his chestnut hair falling slightly the further he stretched his neck.

It took everything Taemin had to stop himself from drooling.

Is this seriously happening. The unthinkable miracle that could have fulfilled Taemin’s lonely heart was sitting before him, in the first class they had ever had together. His palms grew damp, and suddenly the seat he was sitting in didn’t feel as comfortable. His body position changed into his reputational reserved formation, and he tried to take his focus off of Jongin who hadn’t even looked at Taemin yet.

Jonghyun only noticed why Taemin had gone silent when he looked over his shoulder and saw the same boy Taemin was gawking at before. He sighed, and snapped his fingers in front of Taemin’s lost visage to direct his attention towards the teacher who had begun talking.

The first half of the class was an introduction to the course, and the goals the students were supposed to aim to by the end of the semester. Taemin of course, focused his attention solely on Jongin. He groaned to himself, knowing that now his mind wouldn’t ever leave him alone, nor let him rest during the night; there would now actually be interactions to analyze.

The teacher slapped his hand on his desk and said slightly louder than talking voice, “Now, how about we get started? There’s no wait to jump right in, so I’ll throw a topic out and I except whoever wants to participate, to please feel free.” Jonghyun and Taemin looked at eachother with a why-the-hell-were-they-in-this-class expression. Jongin however, looked calm and perhaps even slightly excited, which surprised Taemin. The teacher continued talking, plopped himself down in his rocking chair and propped his feet up on his desk. “Since this topic is currently an issue in the government, I want to hear your voices. The right for homouals to marry. Go!”

Taemin blinked. Are you ing kidding me. The room was quiet for a few moments, with silent questions of “why is he starting with something so personal” to fill the space. Suddenly, the girl by the window raised her hand slowly, and was given permission by the teacher to begin. “I don’t think it should be allowed. We were brought into this world to populate it, and not to simply run off with each other and expect others to bear us children. I also don’t believe two women or two men can fall in love, because we are naturally made to be attracted to the opposite gender for babies”. Taemin’s sweaty palms were now shaking with anger, which slowly turned into rage the more she discussed. “I find it weird that people of the same gender can like each other, I find it somewhat gross to be honest. Disgusting really. ”. Jonghyun noticed Taemin’s frantically shaking body and tried to soothingly pat him, which had no effect.

If it was possible, Taemin forgot all about the god who was feet away, and his scared and socially anxious self. If there was anything Taemin was more concerned with, it was ridding this disgusting theory from the world. Uncontrollably, he blurted out, “Well I think it’s disgusting of you to find something so pure and harmless to be treated the same as murder.” His voice was shaking obviously, and his legs were moments away from caving in. The girl turned around, insulted. “That’s your opinion.” Taemin, although his legs were on fire, stood up abrubtly. “No, it’s a fact.” His voice spat harshly, while the girl mimicked his movements and rose with him.

“Excuse me?!”

“I will never understand what is wrong with people like you. People who are so close minded they actually resort to the truest emotion to be seen as evil just because it doesn’t satisfy society’s expectations.”

Taemin could feel the blood sprinting to his head, astounded that it was actually him talking, him arguing, him embarrassing himself, and him in that class in the first place. He was always aware he had anger issues, yet it was hard to contain how deeply opinionated he was.

“Who do you think you are, to tell me that I’m wrong, and you’re so right? The world wouldn’t be functioning right now if it wasn’t for heteroual marriages leading to children. You’re the close minded one if you can’t see that. If I think gays are a disgrace to humanity, then I will proudly flaunt it”.

“I think”, Taemin began slowly, “it’s none of your ing business who marries who. It won’t harm your stupid ‘marriage values’ because guess what will happen if gay people marry each other. Gay people will marry each other. The world will not end, your precious babies will not cease to exist, and we won’t get bombed by every country in this world. You’re the one harming yourself bottling up this insane hatred of people around you since you seem so keen on keeping them alive and growing-“

Taemin was cut off by a silky, low, and velvety voice. He looked over and saw Jongin also standing up in his desk, intimidatingly staring straight at the girl. “I agree with Taemin 102%. If marriage is about reproduction, then infertile couples would not be allowed to marry. Not to mention the government’s intrusive ways will grow and become more liberal. Do you really think it’s fair, that people who just met at a bar are allowed instant marriage, people who get divorced every few weeks are allowed instant marriage again, but a gay couple who have been loyal and committed for decades aren’t?”

Taemin was lost for words. His rage slowly decreased and slid out of his boiling blood. Jongin had never looked so beautiful, and Taemin had never felt so passionate about someone before in his life. He stood at his desk and stared at Jongin, while Jongin directed his eyes from the girl towards him, and their eyes locked. Wait, could that mean he’s gay…? The thought triggered another spark of hope in his heart, and he began to reply, just as the bell rang. Jongin swung his backpack around his shoulder and walked out the door, his muscular arms hanging effortlessly by his sides.

Taemin, still standing in the same position, slowly felt an honest smile forming on his face and couldn’t help but giggle with the success of his day. Although he knew in a few hours he was going to be too embarrassed to even expose his face.

Jonghyun was still sitting, staring at Taemin. He spoke out softly, “Taemin… you know that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s gay, right?” Taemin looked at him, perplexed. “How did you know what…” Jonghyun just continued looking at him and smirked. He stood up and handed Taemin’s bag over to him, before picking up his own. “You’re so emotional sometimes, Taeminie”. He tossed Taemin’s bag over to him, and waved goodbye before leaving the room. Taemin was left alone in the awkward silence between himself and the teacher, who was now proud yet shocked by his students. It may not necessarily mean he’s gay, but it doesn’t mean he’s not. The question of how Jonghyun knew what Taemin was thinking blew passed his worries, and he pranced out the doorway replaying Jongin’s argument over, and over, and over again. He still couldn’t believe Jongin was actually in his class, and he didn’t think it would ever sink in.

It sure was a good day, for a Monday. 

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sha-wolf #1
Chapter 29: Oh my freaking god ... I actually started reading this story 18 hours ago and I can't believe it's over. I'm in tears. You’ve been playing with my feelings all along, sometimes I grinned like an idiot, sometimes my heart broke to pieces, but I loved every single moment. I loved Taemin’s character so much, it was so easy to identify with him, I feel like this little sunshine already become a part of me.
I just finished it, but I’m already missing this story. I’d rather start it again right now, but my heart needs to calm down firs. I'll be back soon
Chapter 31: a masterpiece!!! It's so heartbreakingly beautiful, from the story itself to the way it's written. I try hope love like this exists. My heart really hurts right now from how much I love this story. Thank you so much for writing this.