Chapter 14 - Extravagant



I really don't want to label this story as M, but tell me if you think I should label this chapter as such. I'm trying to keep it as least graphic as possible, I don't want to scare anybody off! Also, I wrote this on extreme pain killers, so... hah. Thank you as always, really <3


As predicted and as negatively anticipated, the graduation ceremony for the seniors finally arrived. The few weeks prior to that particular day, Jongin worked as dearly as he could to fulfill the empty friendship between him and Luhan. It was difficult forcing in memories rather than effortlessly creating them. After each attempt, Jongin would rest his head against Taemin and sigh out his frustration and regret. “You never realize what you have until it’s gone.” Taemin was treated as though he were Jongin’s diary, listening and absorbing Jongin’s heartfelt secrets, his wants, his dislikes, and his cries. Evidently, the trust between them had never been questioned, and had never been tampered with. It was as though their mental chemistry was born to coincide. Perhaps Jongin was not used to having someone so willing to listen, to learn, and to love. Taemin appreciated him in such an unfamiliar way. Although spilling out his heart, he felt lopsided, as if he needed as much of Taemin’s soul as he felt he revealed of his own. Taemin noticed Jongin repeated phrases such as, “I want to savor you as much as I can,” or “I’m sorry I only now love you… I’m sorry I never noticed before.”

Sehun, Taemin, and Jongin sat in a balcony to the ceremony, helplessly watching as Luhan received his diploma and a thousand hand’s applause. Taemin had heard the name “Kai” being referred to often by Sehun, so naturally, he asked who this Kai was. Jongin replied, a little embarrassed. “Sehun and Luhan call me that when I dance. They think it’s a lot ier… or something.” “You do kinda look like a Kai. It suits you.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“No, Jongin. It means I think you’re ugly and Kai is a gross name.” Taemin rolled his eyes, and Jongin laughed.

Though the attention was focused on the graduating class, Taemin still easily managed to hold his attention towards Jongin. They had been spending a considerably large amount of time together, and Taemin had picked up on how Jongin felt the things he treasured the most were slipping through his fingers. Jongin had never actually worded this, nor had he intended to worry Taemin or seem as though he was unfit to care for Taemin due to many of his own problems. Taemin grasped Jongin’s hand in his own, and held tightly. He their intertwined fingers with his free hand, and whispered a low “shhh”. Though he wasn’t referring to Jongin’s physical self. Jongin turned to Taemin, smiled, and mentioned something about how good Taemin looked that night. “I know, what can I say. I’m gorgeous.”

“You are.”

“I was kidding.”

“Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip—“

“Please shut up.”

“You don’t know you’re beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful.”


They were interrupted by a very loud “shhh” and an evil expression from Sehun, which made Taemin and Jongin giggle to themselves and bite their bottom lips to halt their laughter.


The last day of school. The excited rush in the pit of the students definitely displayed itself throughout the day. The school atmosphere was uplifting, yet Taemin and Jongin were unaffected for they both dreaded any day representing a closing to their wonderful year. It was sixth period, and Taemin walked in later than usual, yet nobody had noticed for the classroom of Speech/Debate was now being used as a party room. The teacher had decided to use the last day as a celebration for the class’s effort and celebration for no longer dealing with any more opinionated kids. Taemin turned to see Jongin, who was half asleep in his desk.

“Jong… Jongin… Wake up!” Taemin gently smacked the back of Jongin’s head, which fluttered his eyelids open in such a sleepy and attractive manner. He stretched his arms and groaned slightly. “Taeminie. Just the person I wanted to see.” Taemin scoffed, yet his hand was taken by a pair of warm fingers, inspecting Taemin’s knuckles and short fingernails.

The announcement was sudden and just about swept Taemin off his feet and off his sanity.

“Let’s go on a date.” This was more of a command, rather than an offer.

“Wait… what? You mean like, now?

“If you want.”

“We can’t just leave class…” Taemin then realized that actually, they could. It was the last period on the last day of school, and their class was certainly not doing anything academic. No one would notice if they just happened to slip away. Taemin completed his thought with a change of tone. “Yeah, okay. Let’s go.”

Jongin rose, fixed his bangs which were now interrupting his vision, and waved goodbye to Jonghyun and Minseok. Taemin shadowed, and Jonghyun mouthed “you better text me.” As they exited, Taemin stopped momentarily to furtively reply to Jonghyun with a small point to Jongin, then himself, followed by a lip bite and a small . Jonghyun just about wailed in laughter, whipping his head back over his seat. This signaled Taemin to bolt out the door, trying not to pull any attention towards him and Jongin.

The hallway’s silence proved partially energetic, opening doors to a wide range of opportunities and ideas for their day that were tossed through the air. Jongin seemed especially thoughtful. “Let’s not do a movie ‘cause it’s a date with you and not a screen.” “So, where then?”

Jongin made a motion with his hands, saluting the air. “The moon!”

“I was just thinking that.”

“Actually, since it’s our first date we should start with something a little simpler. But we can go to the moon next time.”

Taemin smiled incredulously. “Yeah definitely, Kai.”

Jongin lightly punched Taemin’s shoulder.


Jongin’s car now held few distinct memories, which gave Taemin a certain comfort as though he was now permitted to touch parts of the car he would’ve been too reserved to touch before. They decided to drive around until they found something interesting to do. Even the clouds and the sun seemed to beam a little happier, and with a little more excitement, as though they personally enticed Taemin.  

A few idea triggering words and miles later, Jongin froze his speech. Taemin watched as Jongin’s smile grew faintly, creasing his cheeks and exposing a vague dimple. “I know where we can go.” Taemin questioned where, yet Jongin insisted it was a surprise. Taemin whined and rolled his head backwards into the seat. “Tell mee!” Jongin laughed a little and began to sing a song he learned as a child about how patience is a virtue.

These subtle things Jongin said or did were so (unknowingly to him) comforting to Taemin. Their interactions, when compared to average couples on first dates, were not forced or planned. Taemin didn’t really catch on since he had never been on a date before, but Jongin couldn’t help but mentally rank Taemin way above his past partners; in terms of compatibility (if not everything else). Taemin turned his attention towards the passing buildings and quiet roads, not caring where they wound up, not caring if they just stayed in the car the whole day, not caring about anything besides Jongin.


“We’re here.”


Taemin looked around, only a lonesome forest had significance in the clear field Jongin had lead them too. Jongin smiled, more to himself actually. “I know what you’re thinking, it’s through here.” He placed his palm besides Taemin’s and crawled his fingers through the gaps until there was not a breath escaping between their intertwined hands. Jongin pulled Taemin into the small patch of trees, as Taemin followed close behind, mimicking Jongin’s steps and quietly smiling at their locked fingers.

Dust frolicked throughout the rays of the sunlight that beamed through the cracks in the tree tops and illuminated the lively color of the leaves. The sounds of cars and civilization slowly muted as they stepped further into the small forest, replaced by the sound of calm, yet rushing water.

They rounded an abnormally thick tree, and Taemin was instantly greeted by possibly the most beautiful scene he could have only dared to imagine. A long yet narrow creek glided down rocks and into a nearby river with such a pristine reflection, Taemin was able to clearly see the details of a few fish. The twigs and shrubs had faded into a velvety grass that gently sunk under the weight of their steps. The forest had ended, opening the sky to a vast clearing of the clouds and outstretched baby blue. Along with the clarity of the water, the air around them had thinned out which provoked frequent, cool breezes combing through the grass and into their lungs.

Jongin’s voice did not break the silence, it instead added to the natural artistry of the birds and butterflies.

“I know you like rivers, so…”

Taemin almost choked on his words. “Jongin… It’s perfect. It’s just, with global warming this creek might not be here much longer.”

Jongin actually laughed and put his hand to his face. “I should’ve known you would say something like that.”

Taemin’s words only lead them to cherish the gorgeousness of their quiet clearing much more dearly. They crouched besides the water and placed their fingers in the chilly current, watching the water run around their fingers and clash into the obstacles of the rocks. Time had become irrelevant when they were alone together, as it so often did. After what had seemed like a few minutes, yet had actually been a few hours, they decided to walk along the creek to the river and the broad expansion of sky. Hand in hand, Taemin leaned into Jongin’s arm lovingly, while Jongin supported their weight effortlessly, loving the feel of their shared warmth. Taemin often glanced upwards, and enjoyed his view of Jongin’s overgrown hair, and overgrown lashes that complemented the color of his eyes so perfectly. It was as if Jongin himself had been born from the beauty of the creek and the sky, and blessed with the grace of the wind.

And finally, they had reached the end of the flowing current, and at last were given a chance to fully admire the sky.

The sun’s and the earth’s colors painted such a breathtaking scene, their conversation slowly froze without realization. Orange made love to burgundy, while yellow brightened the streaks and shined through the crevices. A warm breath sighed down Taemin’s neck, and a pair of arms lovingly invaded his waist, wrapped with the perfect amount of strength. Jongin nested his head inside the crevice of Taemin’s neck, as though he were swallowing his scent and the memory of Taemin’s skin. Taemin slowly closed his eyes, overcome by the ultimate knowledge of safety, and utmost protection by the only person able to provide such a beautiful feeling. Taemin’s heart clenched in his chest as the butterflies took flight, spreading their wings almost unnecessarily, growing larger as Jongin kissed his neck with sincerity.

“Jongin, we’ve been together almost five months and I still can’t calm down around you.”

“Who said you had to?”

“Well… I…” Good point. “I just want to touch you without freaking out… And I want to feel your touch without getting dizzy.”

Taemin felt Jongin smile into his neck, then poke his head upwards to speak directly and softly into Taemin’s ear. “Maybe we haven’t had enough practice.” Taemin shuddered harshly, and Jongin laughed and reassured Taemin he was joking. He spoke quietly, as though he wouldn’t mind if Taemin didn’t quite hear him. “Taeminie, have you ever thought that I get butterflies too?” Taemin’s heart suddenly became very solemn with realization. Jongin released his grasp, only to focus it again on Taemin’s shoulders, turning him so they were now face to face.

“Taemin, you’re going to get over it today, right now. Look at me until you feel comfortable.”

“Jongin, that’s stupid…”

“Really? Is that why you’re avoiding my eyes?”

Taemin noticed he was indeed avoiding Jongin’s gaze, yet unintentionally. He found it excruciatingly difficult to remain in eye contact for more than a few moments. Each time he looked away, Jongin pulled Taemin back by his chin with his index finger, forcing their eye contact. Eventually, Taemin surrendered. He allowed himself to stare into Jongin’s eyes for minutes, noticing his own reflection deep within the depths of Jongin’s dark orbs. His view was now almost as beautiful as their view of the sunset surrounding them.

A strange familiarity imprinted into Taemin’s disbelief, and he actually began to feel a little closer to Jongin, and a little more relaxed.

As Jongin released his grasp around Taemin, they continued their stroll along the edge of the creek. Taemin in a state between longing and confusion. “How did you know that would work?”

“I read in a book somewhere about this experiment some scientist tried where he got two random people on the street to stare straight at each other for thirty minutes and give detailed life stories and tell everything about them. Each pairing fell in love and I think most of them got married.”

“You read a lot.”


The sun had fallen, and a gray haze casted over the water, reflecting an untold foreshadowing into the impulse of Jongin and Taemin. They became so deeply wrapped up in their conversation and with each other, it was like forgetting the words while reading a book, and realizing how many chapters had been accomplished without knowledge. Many hours had passed, the only indication being the surrounding darkness. Taemin confessed in the middle of a silence how unaware he was of how amazing Jongin was, instead of basing everything on his appearance. “I knew you were physically perfect but… Do you have any flaws?” Jongin laughed a little to himself.

“I’m no different from anyone else. I think it’s just you because once someone’s attracted to someone else, everything about them becomes flawless, even their flaws. “

“No, it’s not just me. You’re just really perfect.” Silence. “Or maybe it’s both.”

Distant rumbles were heard, and they realized maybe the sky was now dark enough to hide the weather. Though drops of water fell very faintly, yet still distinctively, Jongin and Taemin weren’t quite pulled back into reality well enough to comprehend rain. It was only when the increasing speed and quantity of rain interrupted their eye lock did they decide to notice.

The rain was now falling at a steady pace, not quite intense enough to completely soak them, yet frequent enough to drive them indoors. They did have blankets of trees for protection, however. Jongin tilted his head upwards, and noticed a few gray clouds illuminated in the moonlight.

“Aish, if it weren’t for the rain, we’d have stayed here all night.”

He smiled towards Taemin before beginning to walk back along the path, clearing away crowding shrubs and weeds with his shoes so Taemin would not have to get his feet drowned in water. Taemin watched as Jongin succeeded in this simple task, yet to Taemin, it was excessively passionate and sentimental. He continued to watch as Jongin sacrificed his clothes for Taemin’s benefit, and Jongin finally felt his gaze. He looked over his shoulder.

“You’re staring.”

Taemin ignored this (correct) observation, and finally agreed with the first “out of comfort” urge he had frequently desired. Perhaps it was the rain, or maybe Taemin had watched The Notebook one too many times when everyone thought he was watching the game. Taemin lunged forwards; placing his palm against the back of Jongin’s neck and allowing his thumb to brush against Jongin’s flushed cheek as he did so. And Taemin, slowly yet surely, allowed their warm breaths to caress each other with overlapped lips. Their mouths closed around each other, forcing them to breathe through their noses. An edge of relief and newly found composure made it qualified for the category of sweet and dearly affectionate.

The rain was now falling mercilessly, along with their heated souls and heated veins, which controlled the movement of their lips. Their eyes closed, and their hands roamed along the other’s backs with a little more urgency than necessary. The icy rain almost acted as an assistant to their mouths, as they slid along each other’s tongues. Jongin pulled away gently, a little stunned, and they both realized they were absolutely drenched.

They didn’t speak much to each other as they jogged back, and Taemin couldn’t tell because of the darkness, but he hoped Jongin was smiling just as broadly as he was. Somehow along the thunderstorm and the night’s mess, their hands found each other again.


The sounds of slammed car doors and heavy breaths echoed across the walls of the car, as they silently stared into the night. Taemin suddenly felt a little awkward, as though he had gone too far. Thoughts such as “great as soon as I’m comfortable he thinks I’m weird” or “I bet he thinks I’m a horrible kisser oh god he’s probably grossed out” sprinted through Taemin’s mind at an unstoppable pace. Jongin then, as he so often did, countered Taemin’s thoughts to the complete opposite path.

“Taemin… do you see this?”

Taemin turned his head to face Jongin, and his eyes just happened to slip a little lower to a slight protruding bulge nestled between Jongin’s legs. Oh my ing god.

“Taemin, this is your fault, so you have to fix it.”

The realization of Jongin’s request efficiently halted Taemin’s breath and quickened his heartbeat. The splattering rain against the windows was the only noise between them, as their eyes locked under the small light beaming from the the car’s ceiling. Taemin inhaled deeply, and brought his quivering hand over to the obstacle of a few buttons and zipper. Jongin seemed way too calm, and way too amused. Eventually, Taemin managed to undo Jongin’s jeans, which left him with one last protective cloth barrier. If Jongin had even asked Taemin this favor only a few months back, Taemin would have fainted. Love grows on purposely timed events, gradually forming a stronger bond and a stronger heart capable for further interactions.

Just as Taemin mentally prepared himself for the sight he had so long dreamed to see, the small light faded due to the timing of the car. Taemin was a little more upset than he should’ve been, but he continued to pull down the elastic of Jongin’s boxers anyway, and grabbed onto something a little warm and a little familiar. Taemin heard Jongin’s breath stop, and after a few repeated motions, Jongin quietly moaned. His head hit the seat behind him, and the moon outlined his profile, emphasizing his slightly parted lips and closed eyes. Taemin watched as the silhouette of the water droplets slid from Jongin’s bangs, to his nose, to his upper lip, to the bottom, and off his chin. Taemin had never, ever, seen anything quite as heavenly or as angelic.

In all honesty, Taemin had no idea what he was doing, so he simply did as he would do to himself. Jongin breathed heavily and slightly moaned. “Tae…Tae….” Taemin felt as though he would burst, yet he felt Jongin burst instead with a sharp grunt. A few hurried tissues later, Jongin zipped up his pants slowly, and spoke through his panted breath.

“Taemin… I… I didn’t think you would actually… That… Thank you….”

Taemin had no idea what to say, he was slightly delusional and his hand was still shaking, yet he couldn’t tell if it was from nerves, or if he was cold from the rain. “My pleasure…”

“Actually, it’s mine.”

Taemin’s voice trembled. “That’s a really bad joke.”

They both laughed a little too hard and a little too loud. Taemin was greatly amazed at the lack of clumsiness between their relationship, or that lack of awkwardness even after Taemin went completely outside his comfort zone. Jongin mentioned something about taking Taemin home, yet Taemin cringed at the thought.

“I don’t want to go home.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“I want to go home.”

And so, they drove through the shadow of the moon to Jongin’s house.


There’s something strangely rebellious about sneaking into a house after dark. It wasn’t too late, though it was late enough leaving Jongin and Taemin having to tip-toe up the stairs to Jongin’s room. They were both shivering by that point, so Jongin searched through his drawers to find warm pajama clothes for Taemin. “There’s a bathroom across the hall you can change in if you want, or you can just change here.” He smiled wryly. Taemin scoffed and quietly made his way to the bathroom.

The scent of the clothes overwhelmed Taemin a little too entirely, as he stripped free of his soaked jeans and pulled up the overly large, blue pants. They were a little too comfortable, and the shirt was just as soft, if not a little larger as well. Taemin glanced at the mirror, yet he wished he hadn't. How come Jongin looks so good from the rain and I look like Satan.

When he returned, Jongin was already changed (thankfully wearing a shirt) and reaching for Taemin’s drenched clothes to throw in the wash. “Why are you holding the pants up like that?”

“If I don’t they’ll fall off.”

“You are too adorable.” He kissed Taemin’s forehead before heading down the hallway to wash their clothes. Taemin stared after Jongin, and fell in love all over again.

Taemin collapsed onto Jongin’s bed, and bounced a few times before the mattress stilled. Taemin felt as though he became Jongin, due to the teenage boy scent and the clohes, which was a little exciting. Within minutes, Taemin closed his eyes, not realizing just how tired he actually was. He soon fell asleep, yet was woken not too long later by a blanket draped over his body, followed by a beautiful boy trying not to wake Taemin as he climbed into bed besides him. Jongin slowly wrapped his arm over Taemin’s waist, and pulled him as close as possible. Taemin hoped Jongin wouldn’t feel the extravagant smile across his cheeks. 

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sha-wolf #1
Chapter 29: Oh my freaking god ... I actually started reading this story 18 hours ago and I can't believe it's over. I'm in tears. You’ve been playing with my feelings all along, sometimes I grinned like an idiot, sometimes my heart broke to pieces, but I loved every single moment. I loved Taemin’s character so much, it was so easy to identify with him, I feel like this little sunshine already become a part of me.
I just finished it, but I’m already missing this story. I’d rather start it again right now, but my heart needs to calm down firs. I'll be back soon
Chapter 31: a masterpiece!!! It's so heartbreakingly beautiful, from the story itself to the way it's written. I try hope love like this exists. My heart really hurts right now from how much I love this story. Thank you so much for writing this.