Thank you


Thank you so much for all the lovely words and comments you've given me. That's all I have to say, really. I wish I could express my gratitude but sadly I cannot find the words. So I will simply thank you again. And HAH SO THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO ONLY BE LIKE 5 CHAPTERS? THAT WORKED OUT WELL. I definitely underestimated the plotline to this story. Also I hope no one was too surprised over the sudden ending. I mean, I did say I was trying to space out the story…

Anyway thank you again! I love you all so much



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sha-wolf #1
Chapter 29: Oh my freaking god ... I actually started reading this story 18 hours ago and I can't believe it's over. I'm in tears. You’ve been playing with my feelings all along, sometimes I grinned like an idiot, sometimes my heart broke to pieces, but I loved every single moment. I loved Taemin’s character so much, it was so easy to identify with him, I feel like this little sunshine already become a part of me.
I just finished it, but I’m already missing this story. I’d rather start it again right now, but my heart needs to calm down firs. I'll be back soon
Chapter 31: a masterpiece!!! It's so heartbreakingly beautiful, from the story itself to the way it's written. I try hope love like this exists. My heart really hurts right now from how much I love this story. Thank you so much for writing this.