Chapter 2 - Foggy Breakthrough



This chapter is extremely short because I had absolutely no motivation to finish it~ Please tell me if you think I should continue!


The blue jays and the blackbirds hummed their melodies and painted them across the dewy morning. Although the outside atmosphere remained still and peaceful, Taemin’s disordered mind refused to think rationally or slow down.  He only jolted back into reality after he had pulled a little too hard on his shoelace to overall tighten the Nike onto his foot. He was too busy thinking of the night before to realize he was holding half of his shoelace while the other half dangled from his poor shoe. He sighed silently to himself and rested his chin into his bent knees. Jongin, what have you done to me. He was the complete opposite of excited to see Jongin at school; in fact he was almost dreading the awkward one-sided tension and heartbreak. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to witness even a fraction of Jongin’s perfection for the world.


He had memorized Jongin’s schedule, and figured out, very precisely, just when he could get a glimpse of Jongin or just catch sight of his feet as he rounded a corner. Because they were in different years, this was a very difficult task which Taemin successfully accomplished daily. It was now close to the only time in the day Taemin and Jongin would walk down the same hallway at the same time to their separate classes. He anxiously and fixedly narrowed his eyes to the second hand on the clock which seemed to move backwards the more engrossed he became with leaving history class. Yet, the much awaited bell finally rang, which now sounded like an angel’s lullaby. Any other day Taemin wouldn’t be this disquieted, yet he felt strangely closer to Jongin, after finally spending time with him alone. Remembering this specific time sent, again, a stampede of butterflies through his lower stomach. He cringed his face in embarrassment of his reserved behavior and rhetorically wondered what he was doing with his life.

He was the first one to leave the prison tainted classroom. The tiled floor beneath him began to rumble louder and louder as more kids began to leave their classes. Taemin hoped he wasn’t too early, yet he reminded himself this way for sure he’d see Jongin. “Sup Taeminie.” A familiar brown haired, short, and stylish boy patted Taemin on the back, which shook Taemin out of his fantasy. “What’s the hurry?” Jonghyun, his childhood friend, uninvitingly began to intrude in Taemin’s important mission; by casually walking with him to their next class. Although Taemin loved his good friend to death, sometimes he literally hoped to death.

Taemin responded vaguely, while his eyes darted and scanned the hallway for his unrequited love. “Jesus Taemin, what’s up?” After a short while of searching, Taemin would have already expected to see him, yet he almost reached the door to his next class. His heart marginally shrunk, not because he was hurt, but because he built up this perfect scenario in his mind that didn’t even have a chance of becoming reality. He began reaching for the door to his next class while mumbling, “Nothing really, I’m just tired.” As Taemin finished his sentence, he felt a soft nudge in his waist. His eyes bounced upwards, to see Jongin elbowing him while mimicking his hiccup from the night before, kindly laughing and continuing to his next class with his friends.

Before Taemin could process who had just touched him, interacted with him and altogether noticed him, he instinctively blurted out, his lips stumbling yet again, “Shutup! You were the one who offered me a drink!” Jongin laughed, his smile covering most of his face, and turned around slightly to wave goodbye with the tips of his fingers as he rounded the corner.

Taemin recognized the two boys Jongin was walking with to be Luhan and Sehun, which Taemin had figured out before from social network stalking Jongin. Taemin’s face, his entire body actually, rose with boiling temperatures turning his cheeks a flushed shade of pink. He could feel his bangs beginning to stick to his forehead from a thin sheet of sweat. The discontent he had felt in his heart was removed completely and rapidly, and was replaced by an ultimate sensation of pure progress and bliss. He couldn’t help but giggle and squint his eyes securely and tightly while rolling onto the tips of his toes, his blonde hair falling forwards as his head tilted.

Jonghyun had, fortunately for Taemin, found the third member to their group, Kibum, to keep him company and distract him from Taemin’s breakthrough moment. 

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sha-wolf #1
Chapter 29: Oh my freaking god ... I actually started reading this story 18 hours ago and I can't believe it's over. I'm in tears. You’ve been playing with my feelings all along, sometimes I grinned like an idiot, sometimes my heart broke to pieces, but I loved every single moment. I loved Taemin’s character so much, it was so easy to identify with him, I feel like this little sunshine already become a part of me.
I just finished it, but I’m already missing this story. I’d rather start it again right now, but my heart needs to calm down firs. I'll be back soon
Chapter 31: a masterpiece!!! It's so heartbreakingly beautiful, from the story itself to the way it's written. I try hope love like this exists. My heart really hurts right now from how much I love this story. Thank you so much for writing this.