
Obvious Secrecy



I sighed to myself when I walked into the empty office building, approaching the elevator and riding it to the fifteenth floor, the floor my father’s office was on.


Everyone else was on holiday today. But not me. My father had asked me to come in today so we could have a “one-to-one meeting” he said.

Why was it that my father decided that now, the morning of the day before New Year’s Eve, was a good time to have a “one-to-one meeting”?

I, honestly, do not ing know.

But what could I do? It was his decision and I do not want to mess up this chance at being with Ryeowook. He was my all. I do not want to lose him and I cannot lose him. Especially now that we are going to have a child together, I cannot give him up. I know I’ve said that over and over, but it’s true. I love him and that’s really what I am. A fool in love and I know it.


I took a deep breath and stared at the door leading to my father’s office. I was hesitant at first, but I swallowed my pride and reluctantly knocked on the door.

I heard a grunt followed with a faint, “The door’s open. Come in, Kyuhyun.”

I slowly pushed the door open and I saw my father attending to some errands on the computer. Other than that, his desk was completely empty. I looked at him again and noticed he wasn’t wearing too formal of clothing like he usually has to, but he was still dressed fancy.


“Good morning, appa,” I said, bowing ninety degrees before looking at him again.

“Good morning, Kyuhyun. Please, take a seat,” he said, looking at me. The emotion was left out of his voice and face, making it hard to read him. As soon as I sat down in one of the chairs facing his desk, the meeting began.

“So,” he started, “You’ve never come looking for me before now. What do you have to say for yourself?”

I hesitated. I got a bad feeling he was not in the best of moods today.

“I... I have something to tell you, father.”

He cut me off, waving his hand in the air.

“No need to say anything. I have already heard that you are getting a divorce with JiSung-ssi.”

I was shocked.

“How... How’d you know..?” I asked softly.

“Your mother, of course. Now that we know that is the subject of this conversation, I would like to know if it is true.”

“Yes, appa. That is true.”

“Well...” he leaned back in his chair, “before I express my opinion on this matter, I would like to know who and why.”

“I’m in love with Kim Ryeowook, appa.”

“Do you mean your childhood best friend? The one that you were practically inseparable from until like high school?” he asked, curiosity vaguely evident in his voice.

“Yes, appa,” I said nodding, “Him.”

“Well, I did not expect my son to be gay, but because it is Ryeowook, I’m not surprised it ended up this way... Are you sure you really love him?”

I stayed silent but nodded, waiting for him to ask for more information.

“Now that you have explained who, please explain why you didn’t just cancel the marriage in the first place.”

“Be-Because I thought you two would be an-angry.”

“Don’t worry, Kyuhyun. I am not angry and as you may know, neither is your mother. I am just annoyed because I spent all that money on a gigantic wedding.”

“I’m sorry, father. I... I just didn’t know how much I loved him at the time; not until now.”

My father sighed disappointedly, shaking his head, “What kind of son have I raised? Have I raised a son that is blind to the mere feeling of love..?”

I stared at him weakly, as if trying to convey my apologies.

“Aish, Cho Kyuhyun, you really are quite the handful, ever since you were little...”

“So you’re okay with it, appa?”

He chuckled, “Whatever, divorce her if you may like.”

“Thank you, father. I-If I can, I would like to g-go now.”

He looked up at me, “Good-bye. I’ll see you when you come back from holiday.”

I nodded hesitantly and stood to get up, trying to avoid the extra unnecessary (but really necessary) details. I walked away slowly, making sure not to raise suspicions.


I turned around to face him.

“... Is there something you haven’t told me?”


AW , I was caught. How do I say it?


“R-Ryeowook-ah h-he’s... umm,” I said nervously, scratching the back of my neck, “H-He’s”

“Honestly Kyuhyun, whatever you’re trying to say, it would be better if you just said it.”

“H-He’s pr-pregnant.”


“Kim Ryeowook is pregnant with my child, appa.”

“Wow, that’s a surprise... Is that the only reason why you are not leaving him?”

“No. I’m not leaving him because I love him, appa. I love him so much that it would kill me to see him try to raise our child alone.”

“I see...” he said, a pensive look on his face.

“Besides,” I said, turning around to face him completely, “You raised me to be faithful. You raised me to care for others and be there for the ones you love. Well, I love him. And I will care for him and be there for him.”

He chuckled again. “Well at least something of my teachings has gotten through your thick head other than how to operate a Nintendo-64 controller.”

I smiled meekly, “Thank you.”

I turned to leave again but heard him call me out again.


“Kyuhyun-ah. If  you two are going to raise a family, then are you going to marry him?”

“Yes, father. I will and I am.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I have already proposed.”


“He said yes.”

“Ah, that’s good. I’m glad you were able to do it right the first time without any help. I was worried about that, to be honest.”

“Thank you, father. Can I actually leave now?”

“Ah, yes, Kyuhyun. I am sorry for having kept you back for so long.”

“Thank you, father. I’ll be going now.”

“Say hello to Ryeowook for me. You have your family’s blessing, Kyuhyun.”

“Thank you so much, father. And of course I will, father.”


I smiled at him one last time before walking out of his office and closing the door behind me. As soon as the door closed, I smiled widely, happy that my family had given me their blessings. I had to admit, I was also relieved that they didn’t take it badly. That would have been a catastrophe.


I was so happy.

I knew there were a few people in the office right now, so I couldn’t rejoice to myself until I got in to the elevator. I hurried to the elevator as quickly as I could, unable to contain my giddiness. I furiously pushed the down button until the doors opened. After I got in, I did the same to the close button, attempting to make sure that I was alone in the elevator so I could rejoice in happiness to myself.


“WHOOOOOO~~!!! AHAHAHAAHAHAAH!!!! I DID IT!!!!!” I yelled, laughing to myself as if I had won the lottery.

“Yah, Cho Kyuhyun, you’ve done well, I’m proud of you, man. We got through it, no scars just yet!” I said, congratulating myself. I got out of the elevator and quickly asked Phillip to bring me home.


As soon as I got home, I found Wookie cooking dinner. It was already 18:53 when I got home, so it was perfect timing. I didn’t miss his infamous dinner. I love that .

“BABE~! Guess what!” I ran up to him and gently gave him a hug from behind as he was cooking.

“What, Kyu!” he said excitedly. Well, actually, as excitedly as he could muster because he was cooking and because he did have a baby us inside of him, so he had to be careful as his stomach was getting bigger and bigger every day.

“We have my whole family’s blessing! That’s including Ji-Sung’s family!”

“WOW! That’s amazing, Kyu!”

“I know right?! We can finally be together without having to worry about scandals! Yah, I’m so happy!!”

“So am I, Kyu! But there’s just one problem.”

I looked at him confusedly, “What?”

“We haven’t told my parents yet.”




Well, .



Yay! An update! I apologize in advance if there are typos or anything like that. I kind of just copied and pasted from Word without reading it over... OTL /is slapped

**Because the mid-semester tests are coming up soon & school is back on track now, I will not be updating as much as I have with the first few chapters. I'll be updating once or twice (depends) every weekend or so. **

If you comment more, I'd probably end up updating faster b/c I don't like to keep people waiting... (;


Thank you for the comments/subscriptions! Keep them coming, neh~? Thank you ~~!! :3

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Ch. 9 will probably be short, like 1.5k or less words.


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loveforsin #1
Chapter 11: Wah.. i am kyuwook hardcore fan.. And have been in aff since long *withanothername but never get a chance to read your stories till now.. and i completely in love with your stories..
I know this may be odd and such a burdensome, but cant you updated this fic?? Even after so long time that i think you may has forgot or lose interest to writing anymore.. i dont know you will writing again? But again can you answer me why you didnt write anymore? ☺☺☺
Chapter 11: Will you update!??? . I want moore T-T
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Now the proposal reminds me of the sims xD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 7: Lol at kyus ringtone.. Gee?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 6: O.o one thing that confuses me is hes pregnant 5 weeks and a half? Isnt that more than a month? Yet they had a month?
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 3: Uh ohhh.. Yesung is there 9+
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
DoKwangYeol #8
Chapter 11: Palli update !!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i enjoyed a lot please update soon
i really what to see how kyuhyun will win against the father of wookie
Chapter 11: Pls update sooon.... New reader heree ^^