Good News and Bad News: The Good News (Part 1)

Obvious Secrecy


Part 1 of 2

Next Day

I walked past the glass double doors towards my office. My friend Changmin greeted me as I strode through the lobby. He was a security guard for the company and sometimes my bodyguard when I went overseas.

“Good morning, Kyuhyun-hyung!”

I smiled at him.

“Good morning, Changmin-ah! How is your wife doing?”

“Eh, she’s just as cranky as always. You know how they can get with a baby on the way.”

“Ah, yes...”

Hopefully Ryeowook isn’t cranky. A cranky Ryeowook is a bad Ryeowook.

“And you, Kyuhyunnie? How are you and Ryeowook-ah doing?”

“Good. We’re expecting a baby too, you know.”

“Aww, congrats bro!!” he gave me several pats on the back.

“Thanks, man. I’m just friggin nervous now ‘cuz I don’t know how the I’m going to explain this to Ji-Sung... I didn’t want to marry the girl in the first place, you know.”

“I know... , man. If I was in your position, I wouldn’t know what the to do either. I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best, you know?” I nodded in agreement. “Either way, I’m rooting for you two. Kyuwook, fighting!”

“Thanks, bro. Meet me for lunch? I’ll treat you.”

“Sure. Want to go to Wu’s?”

“The usual? Sure.”

“Gotcha. I’ll meet you here at 12:30.”

“You got it.”



The elevator doors opened and I stepped in, bidding farewell to Changmin. I pressed the button for the 6th floor, the floor that Ji-Sung’s office is in.

I really am nervous. How the hell you do explain to your forced wife that you got your best friend (and secret boyfriend) pregnant? I’m telling you, it’s not the easiest task. Then I also have to tell my parents the same thing.

You don’t have to tell me, reader. I’m in deep , I know.

But goddamit, I’m in love with Ryeowook.

I love his voice, I love his laugh, I love his cooking, I love his body, I love how he acts like a 5-year old when we pass a toy store, I love how he thinks I’m going to corrupt his cooking, I love how he playfully slaps me whenever I , and I love the way he smiles.

Oh, I love the way he smiles. With that one smile, I swear he could stop wars and induce happiness with one hit of that beautiful smile.

Give that one smile and he can make my year.

I love him.

‘Something 'bout the way the hair falls in your face.’

That’s a line from ‘Your Body is A Wonderland’ by John Mayer. It’s our favorite song.

And now that I know we’re going to have a family, I can’t bear to even think about leaving him. Even if we didn’t have a child, I would not have left him. It’s like that line in that American movie, The Notebook.

“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird,” is the quote if I am not mistaken. Wherever he goes, I will go. I do not plan on leaving and I do not plan leaving ever.

I seriously cannot wait to have our child. Whatever gender it may be, I bet it will look just like us. If it’s a girl, it will be cute and pretty, like Wookie. If it’s a boy, it will be smart and handsome like me. I bet our baby will have killer aegyo.



The elevator doors opened and I reluctantly walked out, disappointed that I had to stop thinking about him and my future baby.

I promise you, Kim Ryeowook, I will be the best father I can be.


I reached Ji-Sung’s office and I hesitantly knocked on the door.

“It’s open.”


“Ah, Kyu-ah. How’s everything at the apartment?”

“Good. And you?”

“Couldn’t be better. Now, was there a specific reason you wanted to speak to me or..? I hate to send you away if it is an insignificant matter but I am busy right now...”

“Yes, it is important.”

“Then, please, take a seat.” I sat down in front of her desk.

“JiSung-ah, I really don’t know how to paraphrase this to sound good, so I’m just going to explain it to you the best I can.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

“So you know Kim Ryeowook, right?”

She nodded, “Yeah, he was your best man.”

“I... I lo –”

“You love him, I know,” she interjected.

“Wait, what? How did you know?”

“Are you serious, Kyu? Usually I have a hard time reading people’s faces, but you’re a pretty easy guy to read. You should have seen the way you were looking at him during our wedding reception. You looked like a lost puppy who found his long-lost lover. And you seemed down after he left. Trust me, Kyuhyun-ah, it’s obvious. I’m surprised you didn’t do anything to stop the marriage.”

“I wanted to, I really did. But I did not want to disappoint my parents...”

“Yes, that is one thing that would have persuaded me to marry you if I was in that type of situation. If you want a divorce, I’m completely fine with that and the feeling is mutual. Your parents will probably be a different story, though.”

“But don’t we have to wait a certain amount of time before we can attempt to annul the marriage?”

“Yes, let me check here,” she pulled out a small stack of papers from her desk drawer. Scanning over a certain page, she pinpointed what looked like a subset, “Ah, yes! Here it is: ‘For marriage to be annulled, groom and bride must file for irreconcilable differences or have agreed a mutual separation. To terminate marriage, these can only be filed after four weeks post-marriage.’ Yeah, I think we’re good. The wedding was November 17th, 2012, right? Well it’s now December 23rd! That’s perfect.”

“Yeah, actually it is.”

“And we’re filing for a mutual separation, correct?”


“Alrighty. I’ll have my personal assistant contact yours to schedule a meeting with the judge and with our parents. That’s two separate meetings, by the way.”

“Yeah, I got it. Just let me know when you schedule both.”

“Okay. Anything else before you head up, Kyuhyun-ah?”

“Yeah. Um... Ryeowook’s pregnant.”

“REALLY!? Uwa! Congratulations!! Do you know the gender of the baby yet?”

“No... He’s not that far along yet. Only five and half weeks, but he is showing a bit of a baby bump...”

“Uwa! You’ve got to come over soon! I want to meet him and the baby in person! Just do me that one favor, okay Kyu? I just want to meet them, so I can introduce myself to my baby dongsaeng.”

“Of course, JiSung. You can even be the godmother, if Ryeowook allows it.”

“Yah, jinjja? That’s too much!”

“It’s not a problem,” I looked at my watch – 10:48, “I should head to work, JiSung-ah.”

“Oh, yes, of course. I’ll be sure to schedule those two meetings.”

“Yep. See you later.”


With that statement, I opened the door and left her office.


Well that went better than I expected.

I’ve definitely got to tell Changmin later.


I walked back into the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. I waltzed into my office with a big grin on my face.


To be honest, that really was not how I thought JiSung and I’s chat would go about. I seriously thought she was going to oppose the divorce. Knowing her parents and also my parents, breaking up the marriage would have had serious repercussions on both of our company’s stocks. And then she agreed with me to divorce?

I guess she really does have a caring heart.

Maybe she had someone with her that I didn’t know about. As if she had a past boyfriend she still loves but was forced to remove contact from because of the marriage. That’s probably it. Or she could have already found someone.

Either way, I hope she finds someone who truly loves her.


Neomuneomu meotjyeo nuni nuni busyeo

Sumeul mot swigesseo tteollineun girl



Oh! My phone! What the hell does Changmin want?

What time is it anyway? 12:36

!! I’m late for lunch!!


I quickly grabbed my wallet and jacket then ran to the elevator. I furiously pressed on the down button and called Changmin back as I waited.


“Sorry, Chang. I was running late.”

“Whatever just come down. I’m in the lobby,” he said, hanging up on me.

I got into the elevator and made my way down.


“Yo, Kyu! Hurry the hell up I’m hungry!”

“Alright, alright!” I quickly rushed up to him, “’Sup, Minnie?”

“ing hungry, thanks to you.”

“Aw, shut up I was like 5 minutes late.”


“Yah, you!” I yelled, attempting to lower my voice as we walked into Wu’s, our favorite Chinese restaurant. Changmin just sent me a glare as the ajumma waitress came to seat us.


“Hello, welcome to Wu’s. How may I take your order today?”

“I’ll just have the chicken and broccoli with white rice,” I said, pulling out my wallet.

“I’ll have the same.”

I turned to face Changmin, “Yo, guess what.”



“Order up! Two orders of chicken and broccoli with white rice?”

“Oh, over here!” I waved over to the server. We received our food and began to eat again.


“You were saying?”

“Oh, yeah. So you know how I had to tell JiSung about ... you know.”

“Yep,” he nodded, mouth full of chicken.

“She told me she was okay with the divorce! Heck, she even wants to meet the baby!”

“Jinjja!? Yah, that’s great man!! God, I was literally convinced she would refuse.”

“Same, bro! Thank God she didn’t. I couldn’t bear to leave Wookie. Especially when we’re having a baby...” I said pouting as I threw away our food and left the restaurant.

“I know, man. I would have considered you a douchebag if you left him now.”

“I would never!” I yelled, walking back into our building’s lobby.

“I know, I know. I was just busting your chops, Kyu. Well, I have to go check in at the office. See you,” he said walking in the direction to his own office.

“See you later, ,” I called out, waiting for the elevator doors to open before walking in.



I quickly closed the elevator door and laughed out loud when I heard him pounding against the door. Suddenly, I felt my phone ringing again. I fished it out of my pocket to check the caller ID.

Call from: Wookie-baby ♥

I smiled to myself and pressed answer,


“Hey, baby! You’ll never guess what happened!”



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Ch. 9 will probably be short, like 1.5k or less words.


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loveforsin #1
Chapter 11: Wah.. i am kyuwook hardcore fan.. And have been in aff since long *withanothername but never get a chance to read your stories till now.. and i completely in love with your stories..
I know this may be odd and such a burdensome, but cant you updated this fic?? Even after so long time that i think you may has forgot or lose interest to writing anymore.. i dont know you will writing again? But again can you answer me why you didnt write anymore? ☺☺☺
Chapter 11: Will you update!??? . I want moore T-T
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Now the proposal reminds me of the sims xD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 7: Lol at kyus ringtone.. Gee?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 6: O.o one thing that confuses me is hes pregnant 5 weeks and a half? Isnt that more than a month? Yet they had a month?
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 3: Uh ohhh.. Yesung is there 9+
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
DoKwangYeol #8
Chapter 11: Palli update !!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i enjoyed a lot please update soon
i really what to see how kyuhyun will win against the father of wookie
Chapter 11: Pls update sooon.... New reader heree ^^