Predicting an Unpredictable Future

Obvious Secrecy


1 Month Later

Things weren’t going as smoothly as I thought they would be.

Seeing Ryeowook was harder than I thought, it just so happened. Things at the company were getting more and more hectic with the merging of our two companies. Everyone seems as if there is extra weight on their backs from the merger. With this merger, there is more paperwork and meetings for me to attend to. Things are getting so busy I can barely get home before midnight then I have to wake up at 5 the next morning.

It gets worse because Ji-Sung is always clinging to me the minute I step into the office. I know she can’t help it because we’re business partners now but she needs to off sometimes. I can never have a moment to myself and I can’t ever get the chance to call Ryeowook to check up on him during one of my breaks because she’s always around.

Ryeowook has been trying his best to keep me happy and sane during these busy times. He cooks dinner for me and always greets me with a kiss the minute I walk into the door. He doesn’t eat with me, sadly. He has the weirdest appetite these days. And when he does eat, he always seems to throw it up half an hour after eating it. His condition is worsening and I’m getting really worried.

And tonight was exactly one of those nights.


“Baby? I’m home.” I flicked on the hallway lights.

There was no answer.

“Wookie-ah?” I called out, looking around.

I traveled to the kitchen, only to find him missing. I looked in our bedroom and he was not there either. I heard violent coughing coming from our master bathroom and I quickly hurried through the door. I saw Ryeowook kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting once again.

“You okay, Wook?” I asked, rubbing his back.

“Yeah, just had dinner, but that’s obviously gone to waste.”

“I’m getting worried, Wookie-ah. What if you’re getting sick?”

“I’m doing just fine, Kyu. Did you eat yet?” he asked, getting up and gargling water to take the nasty taste of vomit out of his mouth.


“Good, I made bibimbap!”

“You made my favorite?”


“Yah, you never fail to make me happy after a long day, yeobo.” I gave him a back hug, wrapping my arms around his thin waist.

“Don’t call me that. Ji-Sung-ssi is your yeobo.”

I was a little hurt, “No, she isn’t. She’s a pretend yeobo. I want you to be my real yeobo.”

“Well unless you two divorce, then she is your yeobo.”

“Why are you so prissy today?” I ask, confused as to his sudden change in mood.

“To be honest, I don’t know. I’ve been moody all day...”

“Seriously, Wookie-ah, I think your sickness is becoming worse. Please go to the doctor, with Minnie, so that we can see what’s going on.”

“Kyu, I’m honestly fine. It’s just a bad case of a cold.”

“I insist, Wook.”

“...” he went silent for a while, “Alright. I’ll call Minnie now and get an appointment for tomorrow morning with Jungsoo.”

Park Jungsoo was a childhood friend of ours and is also our doctor. He is very good at his work and is a real angel when it comes to handling patients. He always favored Ryeowook when we were younger and that hasn’t changed.

“Good. It’s okay if you want to go make the call now, Wookie-ah. Just make sure you tell me what he says about your condition when you get back,” I told him.

“Of course.”

He got up from the table and got the house phone to go make the call. I heard him speaking with our doctor as I was finishing up my dinner.

Once I was done, I cleaned up my mess and went to go meet up with Ryeowook, who was on the phone with Minnie at the moment. I heard him say his good-byes to him and I interjected.

“Let me talk to him for a second.”

“Okay,” he turned to call out Min before he hung up, “Kyuhyun wants to talk to you.”

He handed me the phone, “Here.”


“Hello? Min?”


“Could you watch out for Ryeowook when he goes to the doctor? Just accompany him because sadly, I am unable to make it due to an important meeting I must attend tomorrow at 8.”

“Yeah, he told me. And sure, I’ll go. It’s with Dr. Park, at the hospital right?”


“Arasso,” he breathed a heavy sigh, “You know, Kyu? I kind of feel bad for Wookie. You say you love him and all that , but at the end of the day, you’re still married to Ji-Sung. You’re letting him expect a husbandly figure from you but deep down, he knows that because you’re married, no such thing can happen. You’re making him want someone – you  he can’t have. God-forbid, you get him pregnant and he has to raise the baby on his own because you can’t be there for them or you’re too busy attending to your real wife.”

“Ji-Sung means noth –”

“I know what you’re going to say, Kyuhyun. You’re going to say that she means nothing to you, that she’s just a business partner, and that you’re in love with him. I know you do, Kyuhyun; you love him with all your heart, everyone can see that. But like I said earlier, you know, deep down, that she’s your wife and there is not one thing you can do about it.”

“I could divorce her. I could divorce her and live with Ryeowook. And don’t you ever tell me that I will never be there for our child. If we were to have a child, I would be the best father I could be.”

“You’re all talk Kyuhyun. It sounds easier said than done, and when it’s all said and done, more will always be said than done.”

With that statement, Sungmin hung up on me, leaving me dead-panning with the call tone.


I sighed heavily, knowing that his words were truly inevitable. I walked into our room to find Ryeowook already falling asleep on our bed.

“Sleepy, yeobo?”

“Kind of. I’m too tired to yell at you for calling me yeobo that I’m just going to let it slide, just this once. Good night, Kyu.”

I kissed him on his forehead, nose, and then finally a lingering kiss on his lips.

“Good night, yeobo. Sleep tight, I love you.”

“I love you too.”


I lay on my side, an arm supporting my head as I admired the sleeping face of my lover as he fell asleep. I smiled wide when he groaned in his sleep and cuddled closer to me.

“You’re such a cutie. How come I didn’t realize my feelings for you before I got married?”

My smile turned neutral.

“If I had realized this sooner, then this moment would be much happier than it is right now. We would be happy, living together and spending time with each other. We could be planning a family right now, Wook. If only I didn’t get married. Please do not doubt my love for you, it’s real, baby. I just... I just realized it a little too late. Please, Ryeowook, wait for me. I’ll get this fixed up and everything will be okay. You won’t have to worry about me leaving you at night and... And we could have kids, Wook. We’ll have two kids in the future, a boy and girl. The boy will be smart and handsome like me and the girl will be just as cute and pretty as you. We’ll live happily.”

I smiled to myself again, but then it was wiped away by a fleeting thought.


“I just don’t know when that future will become present.”

This is officially the longest chapter I have ever written in my fanfiction career. I had to put half of it as my 6th chapter because it was jsut too long. This chapter  contained exactly 2,280 words. That's a first. Thanks to all the people subscribing and commenting on this fic. Trust me, your appreciation does not go unnoticed!


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Ch. 9 will probably be short, like 1.5k or less words.


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loveforsin #1
Chapter 11: Wah.. i am kyuwook hardcore fan.. And have been in aff since long *withanothername but never get a chance to read your stories till now.. and i completely in love with your stories..
I know this may be odd and such a burdensome, but cant you updated this fic?? Even after so long time that i think you may has forgot or lose interest to writing anymore.. i dont know you will writing again? But again can you answer me why you didnt write anymore? ☺☺☺
Chapter 11: Will you update!??? . I want moore T-T
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Now the proposal reminds me of the sims xD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 7: Lol at kyus ringtone.. Gee?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 6: O.o one thing that confuses me is hes pregnant 5 weeks and a half? Isnt that more than a month? Yet they had a month?
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 3: Uh ohhh.. Yesung is there 9+
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
DoKwangYeol #8
Chapter 11: Palli update !!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i enjoyed a lot please update soon
i really what to see how kyuhyun will win against the father of wookie
Chapter 11: Pls update sooon.... New reader heree ^^