Perfect Holiday

Obvious Secrecy


Good News and Bad News: The Good News (Part 2)



“Hey, baby! You’ll never guess what happened!”

“What happened, Kyu?”

“Actually, I want to surprise you when I see you later. I get off at 16:00.”

“Um, okay,” Ryeowook said confused, “By the way, how long is your vacation?”

“Pretty long this year. I have tomorrow, the 24th, up to January 2nd off.”

“Wow, that’s the longest holiday vacation you've had yet...”

“I know! I’m so excited to spend the holiday with the both of you! I can’t wait, baby!”

“What do you mean ‘the both of us’? It’s just me and you, Kyu-ah.”

“You and the baby, of course!”

“Ah, jinjja? Aw that’s sweet, Kyu.”

“I can’t wait! I already have your presents, Wook!”

“Ah, that reminds me! Hurry home so we can decorate the tree! It’s been barren all week since you put it up...”

“Arasso, arasso. I’ll try to see if I can get out any earlier.”

“Okay, see you later!”

“Bye, babe. Love you.”

“Love you too.”


I hung up the phone and walked into my office. I filed some folders in their proper drawers before sitting down to work on a few documents. I my computer and pulled up the unfinished documents I had to work on. I also opened up my email and I noticed I had one instant message. It was from my personal assistant, Do Kyungsoo.

D.O.: Sir, you have one missed call from your eomonim regarding you filing for divorce with JiSung. She would like a call back as soon as possible.

Me: Alright. I’ll call her now.

D.O.: Okay.


I sighed. My mother was probably the only light of hope I had in convincing my father that I was serious with Ryeowook. Praying that she would understand my situation as much as JiSung did, I picked up the phone and dialed her extension. Putting the phone up to my ear, I awaited her greeting.


“Eomonim. It’s Kyuhyun.”

“Ah, Kyuhyun! I called earlier, where were you?”

“Lunch, ma. I’m always on lunch break from 12:30 to 13:45.”

“Oh, yes. Of course. I totally forgot.”

“Why did you call anyways?”

“Because JiSung called me today, around 11:00.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“What did she say?”

“She told me that you two are getting a divorce.”

“Did she say why?”

“Yes, she said that you two are filing for mutual separation.”

“Anything else?”

“She didn’t say anything else because she had a more important call on a different line. She also mentioned that her parents are completely fine with the divorce.”

“Oh, that’s good...”

“Young man, would you care to explain why you two have already filed for divorce when you two have barely even been married a month?” she asked sternly.

“Because we have found significant others. Well, at least I have,” I said meekly.

“And who is this ‘significant other’ you speak of?”

“Kim Ry-Ryeowook.”

“Your best man..?” she said, confusion evident in her voice.

“Yes, and roommate.”

“Are you talking about the Kim Ryeowook that has been your best friend since kindergarten?”

“Neh, eomonim.”

“Well, this is surely a surprise. I always had suspicions you might have swung both ways, but you really scored big this time.”

“What are you talking about, eomonim?”

“I’m saying you made a good choice. He’s sweet, funny, cute, loving, smart, and quite the looker these days if I may say so myself.”

“You really think so, eomonim?”

“Yes, Kyuhyun. Now, tell me when you two started seeing each other?”

“In what aspect, eomonim? Ryeowook and I have been living together since we started going to university.”

“In a romantic aspect, Kyuhyun. Oh gosh, you can be quite the dumb one sometimes,” she said sighing.

“Oh... I don’t know, like two days after I got married.”

“That was quick. And just how did you figure out that you loved him?”

“I don’t really know how to explain it, eomonim...”

“Try your best.”

“Well, he told me that he was going to his boyfriend’s, now his ex-boyfriend, brother’s wedding reception and I just got really jealous. Then he told me that he had to learn how to dance and I offered to teach him.”

“Then what happened?” I could hear her getting excited, as if she was some crazy fangirl.

“Well we were slow-dancing to ‘Marry Me’ by Train and –”

“OMO! That was me and your father’s wedding song!”

“Jinjja? Well we were dancing to that song and I don’t know what came over me... I just kissed him... and he kissed me back.”

“Wow. That sounds all cute and mushy...”

“I guess it was.”

“What happened after that?”

“I don’t really remember. We just fell asleep together and yeah.”


“I don’t know, eomonim! It just felt amazing to have him in my arms.”

“Well that’s nice. I guess I’m okay with this. I mean I knew you liked him and everything but I didn’t think it would take you such a long time to realize yourself.”

“Yah! It did not take me that long!”

“Son, it took you twenty years and your own marriage to realize that you loved him.”


“Kyuhyun...” she said in a scolding tone.

“FINE. It took me a long time. You’re my mother! You know I’m slow with these kinds of things!”

“Well, that is true,” she said, “Is there anything else you’d like to tell me?”

“Yeah, you’re going to have a grandchild.”

“OMO, JINJJA! Who’s child is it?”

“Me and Ryeowook’s.”

“OMO!!!!” she squealed. I flinched from the high pitch.

“Yeah, ma.”

“How far along is he?”

“Five or six weeks now, I guess.”

“OMO, congratulations! I can’t wait to see the baby!!”

“Thanks, umma.”

“Well, your umma has to go back to work now. But try not to worry about your father too much. He won’t take it as hard as you think he will. By the way, Kyuhyun, now that you two are having a child, are you planning to marry him once you’re divorced is finished?”

“Yes, umma, I do plan on marrying him. Hopefully your words are true so that I can. Bye, umma,” I said, hanging up on her.


 It’s 15:49. Time to go home to Ryeowook and our baby...

I picked up my cell phone.

“Phillip! Come pick me up please! I’m in Cho Enterprises’ lobby.”


After a few minutes, I saw Phillip pull up in front of our building. I approached him and he held the door open for me as I got in the limo. He closed the door and got in the driver’s seat.

“ Hello, sir! Where to?”

“Hey, Phillip. I’d like to go home.”

“Of course, sir.”

I should tell Ryeowook I’m coming home.

I’ll just text him.

K: Baby, I’m in the car now! See you in a few minutes. xx

W: Okay! I’m going to be cooking soon so hurry!

K: Don’t start eating without me!! I’m hungry!

W: Okay, okay just get here before 17:30. Otherwise, the baby and I will eat without you.

K: Arasso, arasso! I’m pulling up at the apartment now!


“Have a nice day, sir. You have the rest of the day up until January 2nd off. Enjoy your holiday, sir.”

“You too.” I tipped Phillip and walked into the apartment complex. I hit the up button on the elevator and waited for the doors to open. Once they did, I walked in and pressed the button for my floor.


“Wookie-ah? I’m home!” I yelled in the hallway as I removed my shoes. I closed and locked the door behind me before hanging up my coat.

“In the kitchen!” he yelled back. I hurriedly went to meet him.


He turned around from his cooking to smile at me, “Hi, how was work?”

“Good! I have good news to tell you!”

“Hold on. Kyu, could you bring these plates to the table?” he asked, handing me plates full of food to bring to the table.

“Sure.” I walked over to the table with Ryeowook behind me holding the rice and we placed the food on the table before sitting down.

“Yay, let’s eat!”

We started eating.

“What was it you wanted to tell me earlier, Kyu-ah?”

“Well... so you know how we had to tell JiSung and my parents about, you know, us?”


“Well I did that today and it went so well! I haven’t had the chance to tell my abeoji yet, but eomonim and JiSung’s parents are completely okay with it!”

“That’s great, Kyu! Wow, what a great outcome... I guess we were just lucky this one time.”

“I know, right?”

“Well hurry up and finish your food. After you’re done, we’ll decorate the tree.”

“I’m done now.”

“Then let’s get to decorating! The ornaments are in the closet over by the bathroom. They were too high up for me to get so I just figured I’d make you do it.”

“Okay, I’ll go get them now.”


Once I got the ornaments into the living room, we started decorating.


Now that we’re a couple, I couldn’t think of any other way to spend the holidays than to be with my family. Sure, it will be kind of empty with just me and Ryeowook here together, but that’s how I want to spend it. I want to spend it will the person I love the most. Maybe we could invite Jungsoo and Kangin, Sungmin, and Siwon for Christmas dinner tomorrow, just to add more Christmas spirit.

We played Christmas music on the speakers as we hung up handfuls of shining, little ornaments all over the tree. I placed most of mine near the top because I was taller and Ryeowook placed the ornaments he had near the bottom of the tree. Many presents could be seen under the tree, some with my name on it, some with Ryeowook’s name on them. I pulled out one last bag of ornaments and Ryeowook squealed with delight.

“Uwa! Kyu, look at these! These were the ornaments we made in kindergarten and first grade!” he yelled cutely.

“Oh yeah! Wow, you still have these?”

“Of course! That’s when we first met, remember?”

I went up behind him as he hung them up and gave him a warm back hug.

“Of course I remember, Wook. How could I forget when I first met my true love?”

“Y-Yah, stop being all mushy,” he said blushing.

“You like it.”


“Your tummy’s getting big...” I said as I put my hand on his ever-growing stomach.

“I know. I wonder what gender it is...”

“I know.” I placed a chaste kiss on his neck before regretfully releasing him of my embrace. I walked over to the telephone and started dialing our friend’s and family’s numbers.

“What are you doing?” he asked, confused.

“I’m calling KangTeuk, Sungmin-hyung, and Siwon-hyung to come over for Christmas dinner.”

“Oh. Okay. I’ll be cooking because KangTeuk misses my food.”

“I know,” I said smirking.


Next Day, Christmas morning


“Mmm, let me sleep...”


“Alright, alright. I’m up. Let’s go open presents.”


I rushed to the tree and gathered me and Ryeowook’s gifts. Once I got them all, I separated which ones were mine and which ones were Ryeowook’s. After five minutes, Ryeowook came out fully dressed and sat down in front of the tree with me.

“Are you ready to open them, Kyu?”

“I was born ready!”

“Go ahead then.”


I ripped open the first of my four gifts and it was a new gaming laptop.

“JINJJA~? You got me this?! Aw, I love you, baby,” I said, crawling over and kissing him quickly.

“Love you too. Now open up your other gifts!”

I nodded and grabbed the second and third gift. I tore open the wrapping and smiled when I saw two new sweaters and new dress shoes from Ralph Lauren.

“You know, I’ve been meaning to buy new dress shoes,” I mentioned.

“I know,” he said, smirking.

I just chuckled to myself and opened my next present: Halo 4.


After a heated, “thank you for the presents” make-out session, I wanted Ryeowook to open his gifts too.


“I want you to open your gifts now, Wook.”

“Okay, Kyu. Be patient.”

I watched him as he carefully removed the wrapping and opened his first of two presents. I knew from the wrapping that it was the new coat I got for him. I had the same coat in navy so I thought it would be cute to get him the same coat but in brown.

“Uwa! Thank you, Kyu! Don’t you have the same coat in navy or blue, something like that?”

“Yeah, so I thought it would be cute if I got one for you.”

He flashed me his gorgeous smile, “Thanks.”

“Open your next one!”

“Okay, okay!”

He slowly removed the wrapping again. This present was a new pair of Beats by Dre in purple. He’s been complaining about his headphones being broken and his favorite color is purple so why not give him both at the same time?

“Omo, I love it!”

“I knew you would. They’re pretty aren’t they?”

“Yeah! Omo, this was all so thoughtful, Kyu. Thank you!”

“Merry Christmas, baby. But I have one last gift for you. Could you get up for a second? I think I placed it under the seat you’re sitting on.”

“Um, okay.”


Before Ryeowook woke up today, I placed my third present for him under the couch. I hurriedly put that in my sweatpants pocket and grabbed a mic, turning on the speakers again.

“This is your third gift, baby,” I said into the microphone, looking straight at him, “A song and a little more.”

I closed my eyes and started singing; it was the song that we danced before our first kiss – “Marry Me” by Train.


Forever can never be long enough for me, To feel like I've had long enough with you

Forget the world now we won't let them see, But there's one thing left to do


Now that the weight has lifted, Love has surely shifted my way

Marry Me, Today and every day

Marry Me, If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will, Mm-hmm

Say you will


Together can never be close enough for me, Feel like I am close enough to you

You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you" And "you're beautiful"

Now that the wait is over, And love and has finally shown her my way

Marry me, Today and every day

Marry me, If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will, Mm-hmm

Say you will


Promise me, You'll always be

Happy by my side, I promise to

Sing to you, When all the music dies


And marry me, Today and everyday

Marry me, If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe

Say you will Mm-hmm

Say you will, Marry me


“So, Kim Ryeowook,” I kneeled in front of him, pulling out the tiny box I had in my pocket, “Will you marry me?”

I opened up the red velvet box that contained the purple sapphire and diamond engagement ring, looking up into his eyes that were now filled with tears.

“Yes...” he gave me a wide smile, “YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!! I will!”

I grinned and stood up to envelope him in my arms. We pulled away and I slid the ring onto his left ring finger. It fit perfectly...

“I love you, Ryeowook-ah.”

“I love you too, Kyu. Now we need to clean up, because the hyungs will be here in a few hours!”

“Ah yes, that’s right... Wow, I forgot they were coming.”


As I was helping Ryeowook in the kitchen, I couldn’t think of how good the day was going so far. I was right. This really was all I needed, spending the holiday with Ryeowook and my best friends.


It was a perfect holiday.

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Ch. 9 will probably be short, like 1.5k or less words.


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loveforsin #1
Chapter 11: Wah.. i am kyuwook hardcore fan.. And have been in aff since long *withanothername but never get a chance to read your stories till now.. and i completely in love with your stories..
I know this may be odd and such a burdensome, but cant you updated this fic?? Even after so long time that i think you may has forgot or lose interest to writing anymore.. i dont know you will writing again? But again can you answer me why you didnt write anymore? ☺☺☺
Chapter 11: Will you update!??? . I want moore T-T
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Now the proposal reminds me of the sims xD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 7: Lol at kyus ringtone.. Gee?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 6: O.o one thing that confuses me is hes pregnant 5 weeks and a half? Isnt that more than a month? Yet they had a month?
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 3: Uh ohhh.. Yesung is there 9+
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
DoKwangYeol #8
Chapter 11: Palli update !!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i enjoyed a lot please update soon
i really what to see how kyuhyun will win against the father of wookie
Chapter 11: Pls update sooon.... New reader heree ^^