
Obvious Secrecy

Cathedral – 17:27

“Kyuhyun, it’s time.”

I breathed a sigh of nervousness. Today, I am going to marry Park Ji-Sung. She’s a girl that my parents introduced to me about a year ago. Our parents are owners of big companies and they told us that our marriage would bring great happiness and income to all of us.

I was hesitant about it at first, I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted. But then I accepted. Ji-Sung wasn’t bad to look at. She was cute, skinny, and has a very nice personality. She told me that this marriage wouldn’t be so bad for the both of us and that she’d try to give us the best life possible. I accepted because I knew that it would benefit all of us and because she was too nice to pass up.

I strode out of the tall white door leading to the church aisle. I walked down the aisle with the proudest look I could muster. I stopped at the altar and faced the doorway I just came from to await the arrival of my bride.

Next to me, was my best man. He my best friend since kindergarten, Kim Ryeowook. He’s a few months older than me and we met when he told on me to the teacher for calling him short. He was wearing a black tuxedo and he looked handsome and cute, but a sad, about-to-cry expression was obvious on his face. I could tell he was holding it back and trying to look happy. I just knew him too well.

I did a double take on his face and figure. When we were younger, he used to be chubby, getting close to fat, with glasses. Now he was thin and pretty-looking for a boy, kind of girly, but charismatic. What sort of epic phenomenon had I missed?

When had he become so good-looking?

I shook these awkward thoughts from my head. I was dying to ask him what was wrong. Oh well. I’ll just talk to him at the reception...

Soon, the organ started playing the usual wedding song and I saw Ji-Sung start to make her way down the aisle. I had to say, she looked really pretty today. Her dress was white with turquoise accents on the lining and she wore turquoise jewelry. We smiled half-heartedly at each other and joined each other at the altar.

I could’ve sworn I heard Ryeowook stifle a sob but I just chose to ignore it.


A deep voice bellowed throughout the speakers of the large church. The priest turned me. He spoke,

“Do you, Cho Kyuhyun, take Park Ji-Sung to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to, ‘til death do you part?”

This is it, Cho.

“I do,” I said, a bit of hesitance and nervousness evident in my voice.

The priest then turned to Ji-Sung.

“And do you, Park Ji-Sung, take Cho Kyuhyun to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to, ‘til death do you part?”

“I do.”

“Good,” the priest said smiling, turning to the crowd, he pronounced, “Ladies and gentlemen, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Loud cheers and claps were heard from the crowd. We turned to face the crowd, seeing both of our parents nod approvingly. The priest looked at the two of them and smiled again.

“Now,” the priest said, looking at me, “You may kiss the bride.”

I turned and kissed her on the lips quickly. More loud cheers and claps came from the crowd. We smiled and waved at the large group of people and began to make our way down the aisle to the car that was waiting for us to take us to the banquet hall for the reception.




Banquet Hall – 22:47

I boringly stare into the crowd of people in the large area as I sip on my wine. I can see my new wife playfully dancing with a young child to a SHINee song that the DJ was playing.

I also saw Ryeowook sitting by himself, blankly staring at his phone on his lap. He had changed from his black tuxedo into a light-blue dress shirt with a white collar. He looked cute.


I was about to go see what was going on with him and talk to him, but I felt a light tap on my shoulder from behind. I turned around and I saw that it was my father-in-law, Mr. Park Jae Hyun.

“I am proud of you, for doing such a thing, Kyuhyun,” my father-in-law said to me, sipping on a glass of brandy, “This is going to be a great merger for the both of our families. I thank you for accepting to do such a favor for our family.”

“Thank you, Mr. Park Jae Hyun-ssi. That means a lot to me.”

He nodded, patting me shoulder approvingly and walked away. I turned to see if Ryeowook was at his table but he was gone. I frantically looked for him. For some odd reason (of which I am not aware), I was desperate to see him. I finally saw him walking towards the exit. I ran up to him.


He turned to see who had called him and then our eyes met. He smiled cutely at me, waving his tiny hands. My heart stopped beating for a second. His smile slowly faded and he stopped so I could catch up to him. There was a sad expression on his face now.

What the hell? Why did my heart get so excited?


“Hi, Kyu... Congratulations on getting married,” he said, I heard a bit of disappointment in his voice.

“I haven’t been able to talk to you all day, Wook! How’s the reception going for you? I hope the food’s good, I haven’t –”

“It’s going fine. Listen...... I have to go,” he interrupted.


“I have to go.”

“Now? But it’s only eleven, Wook! Don’t leave just yet!”

Please don’t leave me ...... Wait what?

“I have to go, Kyu.”

“But why?”

“I’m going to meet someone.”


“Yesung. I met him a few days ago. He’s taking me to dinner...”

Unexplainable jealousy burned in my throat.

“This late? Is he going to be staying with us at the apartment?”

Ryeowook and I share an apartment close to our work and old university. It’s kind of small, with only two bedrooms, one bathroom, a modest living room, and a small kitchen. It was perfect for the two of us. JUST the two of us. I didn’t need another person living with us. That apartment was ONLY for us.

“Yes. But don’t worry. He’ll sleep in my bedroom.”

“With you on the bed?”

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t thought that far into it yet. But he probably will be. We are dating.”



There were so many things I couldn’t explain at the moment.


One, I can’t explain why I get butterflies when I see Ryeowook.

Two, I’m confused as to why I wasn’t told about how these two were dating.

Three, I can’t explain why I am getting so friggin’ jealous about this “Yesung” thing that is going to be stay with us.


Hopefully, I’ll get this crap figured out.


Hi! First chapter's up! Let me know how it is by commenting/upvoting/subscribing!


Also, check out a new chaptered fic I recently started: 'A Little Piece of Heaven'

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Ch. 9 will probably be short, like 1.5k or less words.


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loveforsin #1
Chapter 11: Wah.. i am kyuwook hardcore fan.. And have been in aff since long *withanothername but never get a chance to read your stories till now.. and i completely in love with your stories..
I know this may be odd and such a burdensome, but cant you updated this fic?? Even after so long time that i think you may has forgot or lose interest to writing anymore.. i dont know you will writing again? But again can you answer me why you didnt write anymore? ☺☺☺
Chapter 11: Will you update!??? . I want moore T-T
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 8: Now the proposal reminds me of the sims xD
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 7: Lol at kyus ringtone.. Gee?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 6: O.o one thing that confuses me is hes pregnant 5 weeks and a half? Isnt that more than a month? Yet they had a month?
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 3: Uh ohhh.. Yesung is there 9+
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
DoKwangYeol #8
Chapter 11: Palli update !!!!!!!
Chapter 11: i enjoyed a lot please update soon
i really what to see how kyuhyun will win against the father of wookie
Chapter 11: Pls update sooon.... New reader heree ^^