Not Worth It.


*This is based on a true story*


Hey there. My name is Lynn.


Do not read on , you wouldn't wanna know about me , you can just go , and hangout with someone else , instead of wasting your time on me..


*This is based on my story*


Yes. Judge me as much as you want .. I'm used anyways ...


So you decided to read on ? Ok. I appreciate it alot. I'll be changing some names in this story , so here it is...



Kai/Jongin= My crush.

Sehun= Kai's BFF

Chaerin= My friend

Hyuna = Another friend of mine.


And anyone other will just be my classmates and stuff. I can't think right now, ugh.



I don't do plagiarism , or even inspiration , any similarities of YOUR story to MY story will pure coincidence or maybe your story just describes my life ..



Self Harm / Anorexia / Language / ual Blackmailing (Is this what you call it ?)



So I see that you still wanna read it ? you're actually welcomed . And I appreciate ALOT for you to actually wanna continue to read until where you've been reading . I don't blame you if you stop reading here , and go to another fic , or if you insult me in the comments. As I said , I'm already used(:



OMG sorreh D: Will update before the 10th so ppl bare with me eh ? I'm not sure how to put the whole thing up together because it just felt as if it's broken>


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Celestejustine #1
This is so sad. But it's definitely encouraging!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
songjungim #2
Be strong ok,hwaiting!!
Hollywood1999 #3
Chapter 4: I'm so sorry you have to suffer through this :(
hanyuloveskpop #4
Author, we're undergoing the same things.... just to let u know tht I will support u and befriend u!!
namdaee92 #5
Chapter 4: Life is a .
Stay strong, it's not always gonna be so bad.
And you write really well :)
oppaa2728 #7
Chapter 4: This is based on true story?!?! Ehm I hope they will be punished.I'm actually confused what will you get from bullies.its's useless. They've gone to far
Chapter 4: People say "be strong, tell your parents, and all that clean words and phrases avoiding there hands to get dirty. One time I was the only asian in my class, people called me "Asian face, tell me how smart you are, oh wait you can't speak "English"
My life was really , people made jokes, stealing stuff from me. But then I started to compliment what they were good at, I think they felt "guilt"? So thats when people started to look at me with different eyes.I became more positive. When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished beautifully. You will end up high, looking down on them and they can't even touch you again.
BluePhoenix #9
Chapter 4: You seem to be surrounded by a lot of miserable people... I would say to ignore them, but that seems as though that would be hard, so have you tried to talk to your parents about moving? Far away, nonetheless.