As Sweet As Ever



“Sandy, can you sent me a cup of coffee?” Kyuhyun said to his subordinate with a very gentlemen manner.
“Yes sir.” She then left her seat to the tearoom.
“Thank you!” 
Kyuhyun owned this accounting agency. Every workers that worked under him were all elite. He treated every one like his friends and always had a smile that would melt all his female workers. His capability during work made his male workers impress and respected him. To use a word to describe - perfect.
“As admirable as ever.” Kyuhyun’s assistant, Jung Up walked up to him. “Here’s the report.” Jung Up handed him the report in a transparent file holder.
“Thanks for your hard work.” Kyuhyun went to his office after receiving the report.
“I wonder what made him this happy.” Jung Up crossed his arms in front of his chest as he slightly chuckled.
Meanwhile, Jung Up's hand phone rang. After seeing the caller ID, he ran out to the agency main door. Few minutes latter, he brought in a pretty and feminine looked man into the agency.
“Thanks for your help, Mr. Assistant.” The pretty man bowed to Jung Up politely.
“It’s nothing. Come, I’ll bring you to Mr.Cho’s office.” The man nodded and smiled gently and followed Jung Up.
Just when they almost reached Kyuhyun’s office, the man suddenly stopped, pulling Jung Up to stop together. “Wait, I can’t just go in like th-…” before he managed to finished his words, he saw a girl holding a mug that he gave Kyuhyun as a birthday present 2 years ago. 
His sight followed where the girl was going. Later on, he found out she was heading to a room that had a “Mr. Cho's office” tag on the door. Therefore, he went up to the girl immediately. 
“Erm… excused me, is this drink for Mr. Cho Kyuhyun?” he asked politely. The girl stunned for a while due to his sudden appearance as she nodded hesitantly few seconds later.
“Well then, I’ll take it from here. Thank you.” He flashed his best smile, took away the mug from Sandy, and opened Kyuhyun’s door.
The girl ran up to Jung Up and bombarded him lots of questions with a red face. Jung Up didn’t answer them as he just laugh, amused by the latter’s actions.
Kyuhyun was reading the report Jung Up handed him earlier. On the half way reading the report, he stopped and stared long at his door.
“Does it take that long to make a cup of coffee?” he slanted his head to a side. He lay back to his chair and rested his chin on his index finger. “Sandy is not the forgetting type…”
Just then, the door opened, the scent of coffee filled his office. He snapped out from his thought and looked at the person who brought in his coffee. Kyuhyun then grinned widely when as he saw the person’s face. 
“What are you thinking so deeply, hmm?” the feminine man put the coffee on Kyuhyun’s table.
“Can I say that I’m thinking about you?” Kyuhyun opened up his arms as a welcoming sign for his lover into his embrace.
“Yeah right, you’re just thinking bout your coffee…”he gladly accepted Kyuhyun’s welcoming arms as he sat on his lap.
“Then may I know why is my Sungmin doing in my agency?” Kyuhyun rested his chin on the latter’s shoulder, hugging him from behind.
“Hmm… to bring you coffee?” Sungmin said cutely.
“Come on, you’re my lover, not my butler. Just let the others do the work.” Kyuhyun kissed on Sungmin’s neck. He blew some hot breath beside Sungmin’s ear as it made Sungmin shivered.
“Stop it, it tickles!” Sungmin struggled. However, Kyuhyun hugged him more tightly to prevent Sungmin running away.
“Your coffee is getting cold!” Sungmin can’t stand the ticklish.
“I’ll reheat it if it turned cold.” Kyuhyun then peeked on Sungmin redden cheek.
Kyuhyun caressed Sungmin’s cheek and slightly turned his face to face his own. Their gaze met. How he like those mesmerizing eyes of Sungmin looking at him. He then bent forward, closing the gap between their lips.
Just when their lips touched, the phone on the table rang. Both of them jolted up and used their fastest speed to part away.
“Hello.” Kyuhyun answer the call quickly.
“Sir…” is Jung Up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Please don’t do that in the office.” A soft chuckled was herd.
Kyuhyun face turned dark immediately. He grabbed on the phone hard. He groaned in frustrated and hung up after hearing a bursting laugh from the other line.
“@#$%^&*……Moon Jung Up….”his body trembled from anger. He turned to Sungmin “baby, can you hold on for a while? There’s someone I need to kill.” His expression turned soft whenever he talked to Sungmin.
“It’s okay, kyu.” Sungmin caressed his face with his both palms. “There’s no need to do that. I’ll wait you at home. Come back early and we’ll make dinner together.” He smiled gently.
“You’re always the kind one. Okay!” he smiled back to Sungmin.
Sungmin then gave Kyuhyun a kiss on the lips before he left the agency.
After Sungmin gone, Kyuhyun had a dark smirk on his face. Holding his fist and headed to Jung Up’s office next door. “Now no one will save you… bloody Jung Up. How dare you spoil my moment!”


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aleihs19 #1
Chapter 5: WAAAAAAH! can't breathe! T_T
Chapter 4: Omg this can't be the end!!!! But this was amazing author-nim!!!!!
Poor kyu..... and minnie.... why couldn't you at least leave him some kind of note....
Hatxmin #3
NOOOOOOOO thats not the end!! I was sooo into the story!!you are not going to complete this fic ??!! Arrgh T.T
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 4: This just needs a sequel, and I think the other subbies agrees too...please make the sequel?
Mery89 #5
But..but.. is really finish???? i want the sequel!!! T^^T
tiyan_mute #6
Chapter 3: it's really good and written well i think... can you make kyumin happyly together again please.... I'd like to read an epilogue about their reunite.... please <puppy eyes>
Chapter 3: Aaah noOo! Angst!! But uuugh this looks so good!!
Poor Sungmin.
And I don't want to even think about Kyuhyun.
Chapter 3: OMO... im going to like this story!!! Keep up the good work. Please update and add more chapters! ^^