The Dino

Remember Me?


Dongho's POV



Why did she need to go to a marriage meeting?

Did her parents not like me or my family?

Who was her fiance' and why didn't she tell me about this? 

Was i not good enough?




Questions bombarded my head. Questions that could not be answered with my knowledge. It just doesn't make any sense, why 

would she leave me so suddenly, we were happy, she promised to never leave me, she promised to love me forever, she 



Your POV

sigh. I turned his phone off and put it in my pocket. Poor Dongho, why did she have to break up with him through text message? I

looked around school until the bell rang.GOD, why? I headed to SCIENCE. Only two periods left.

(Hani is not taking English sorry i just do not feel like putting up 5 classes)

When i walked in i saw Jonghyun and Onew.G- R- E- A- T. What i just needed a dino-face and a chicken molestor near me . I

dropped in my seat, Dongho is one heck of a hider! i wonder where he is.


Oh great just my luck, dino-face was coming over, leaving the chicken molestor talking to a boy, probably about chicken.

"Hey my names Jonghyun, but you can call me Jjong"

"Hi i'm Ha Ni, just call me Hani"

"K, Hani wanna go somewhere afterschool?" he asked.

"Not with you,now leave, Dinohead." I was done talking to him.

"Heh, not easy are you" he whispered into my ear, sending shivers up my spine.


I smirked as he walked soon faded when he came back put his backpack on the seat next to mine.

"We'll see~", he smirked, "and my name is Jonghyun, you should remember it , you'll be screaming it soon."


Jjong POV

Heh, I give this girl a week. I look ahead as class started.


Your POV

What the heck is wrong with him. I could feel my face turning a bright shade of red, while that Dino-head was chuckling to himself. Oh

 he is going to pay for that!


Onew POV

Why is Jjong sitting with that girl? I feel bad for her, she is probably his next target. I decide to sit on the other side of Jjong, which

was already taken, i just shoved the kid off. He looked mad but once he saw who it was, he scrambled away. I smirked, being in

control was so much fun. I looked at Jjong he was smiling, like an idiot, i looked over to Hani, she was blushing, very hard. 

What did he say to her?


Dongho's POV

I went home. My umma and appa waeren't there, probably at work. I walked into my room. It was littered with things that reminded me

of her.SHI-zz.

I can't cry, stop it dongho, be stronger.

I started to clear my room of everything she owned and everything that reminded me of her. When i was done, i looked at my room.  



It was empty. Turns out... she was my everything.


Your POV

Science passed quickly because all i thought about was dongho. I hope he is alright.

Thank god dino-boy isn't like key. He didn't even look at me during the lesson, which brightened my day a little.

I'm soo tired why did today have to be so eventful? Only one more period left, P.E.


Jjong POV

She probably is wondering why i didn't look at her at all. It is just part of my plan to get her. I just have to be really patient.

HMMM. I wonder what the others are doing, Onew is obvioulsy thinking about chicken, because he always starts to do something

very annoying, without knowing. In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP.




Thank you, guys for subscribing i feel sooooooo loved.

sorry if it was a weird chappie

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exoticshawol125 #1
hiya~ before I started reading I just wanted to say I'm a new reader :)
QueenOfKyaa #2
Nice pic but I prefer the other one - IU's so pretty! Amazing story by the way! Please update real soon, K!?!?!
QueenOfKyaa #3
Yay! Truth or Dare! Let the fun begin...
QueenOfKyaa #4
Jesus Christ! Their dad's psycho!
QueenOfKyaa #5
"BELL RINGS: GO TO FOURTH PERIOD" - this seems like stage directions for a play, lol! You should try to write one, I'm sure you would be awesome at it! ^-^
QueenOfKyaa #6
"In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP." - I would kill him - annoying people, Boo!
QueenOfKyaa #7
"chicken molestor" - nice :D
QueenOfKyaa #8
"This idiot is still staring at me ! geez, look away!" -<br />
Lol! I love that last part! So funny! XD
QueenOfKyaa #9
I don't know grades - I'm from the UK - can you explain them to me please? :)<br />
I've just read the first chapter and already I can tell that I will like this story!
sorry guys im on a summer hiatus and have a little bit of writers block right now