
Remember Me?

' Dongho-oppa, are you...gay?'


Your POV

He sat there, saying nothing.


"are you?" i asked.

"I... don't know"

"but why were you kissing him this morning?"

"okay... I'll explain. My U-kiss hyungs and i were playing truth or dare with some of the SNSD cheerleaders, and when it came to me i

said dare. So they told me to kiss Kevin in the back of the school, they said it would't be gay because it was a dare and Kevin was like

a girl anyways, so i did it. But, when we kissed, we didn't stop we kept going. I didn't feel anything bad from the kiss, it felt... real, like i

wasn't kissing a guy... or kevin. He didn't know what he felt and just walked away."

"oh... Dongho-oppa?"

"yeh?" he said without taking his eyes off the road.

" You know i will always support you, right"


"umm... is all this because of Jen?"

" I don't know, i think so, but..."


The rest of the car ride was silent.

We finally reached Taemin's house. IT WAS HUGE! 

When we rang the doorbell, we were greeted by Taemin.


WoW, everyone was already here. Dongho went to greet his U-Kiss hyungs, while Taemin took my hand and dragged me across the

room to dance.

"Noona, you look so pretty!"he said eyeing my  jumpsuit and heels.


" Thanx you don't look too bad yourself."

When the song was over, i went to get something to drink, while Taemin was talking to Onew.

"Wow, you don't look terrible today" key said sarcastically he was wearing this


" hahaha, such a diva as always"

"hey, that's what im known for"

We continued to chat about whatever, Key was actually not bad. I thought he was a creeper in the beginning but he's cool, now that i

got to know him.

That erted Dino-face came over, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"hey yeobo~"

"YA! stop calling me that, Dino-face! Come on key let's dance." I grabbed Key's hand and started dancing, Jonghyun looked mad but

smirked, that made me a bit scared.


Jonghyun's POV


Your POV

When i was done dancing, i went to the restroom. When i turned the corner two hands grabbed me, one covering my eyes, the other

covering my mouth. The last thing i heard before everything went black was.

"Hey yeobo."

T-t-that. It couldn't be ...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAHA chappie is done

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exoticshawol125 #1
hiya~ before I started reading I just wanted to say I'm a new reader :)
QueenOfKyaa #2
Nice pic but I prefer the other one - IU's so pretty! Amazing story by the way! Please update real soon, K!?!?!
QueenOfKyaa #3
Yay! Truth or Dare! Let the fun begin...
QueenOfKyaa #4
Jesus Christ! Their dad's psycho!
QueenOfKyaa #5
"BELL RINGS: GO TO FOURTH PERIOD" - this seems like stage directions for a play, lol! You should try to write one, I'm sure you would be awesome at it! ^-^
QueenOfKyaa #6
"In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP." - I would kill him - annoying people, Boo!
QueenOfKyaa #7
"chicken molestor" - nice :D
QueenOfKyaa #8
"This idiot is still staring at me ! geez, look away!" -<br />
Lol! I love that last part! So funny! XD
QueenOfKyaa #9
I don't know grades - I'm from the UK - can you explain them to me please? :)<br />
I've just read the first chapter and already I can tell that I will like this story!
sorry guys im on a summer hiatus and have a little bit of writers block right now