the last text

Remember Me?

Your POV

 Key is pretty annoying all this time he's been trying to talk to me.This class is taking forever, wth and the teacher is

getting uglier by the second. i know i said he was hot but when they are talking about the bubonic plague and how

greusome it was you start to lose interest.

                                                         THE BELL RANG: NUTRITION BREAK


SALVATION! I sprinted out of the classroom, leaving key confused.whatever i need to go see dongho-oppa! While i

was running i hit someone .ooowwwwww!

"OWWWWW" ,the boy screamed. i saw that he had scraped his elbow and it was getting bloody.

"Oh my god, im so sorry, here i'll take you to the infirmary.",I felt really bad for him. Wait. Who was he first of all.

Taemin POV

owowowowow, my elbow hurts so much!!!!

"oh my god, i'm so sorry , here i'll take you to the infirmary ", i looked up.It was that noona from this

morning .HMMMMM. I think i'll make her feel a little bad and get her to be friends with me.Then we can start my

favorite game.

"owwwwwwwwwwwie, my elbow hurts!" i screamed. Maybe i should start crying.

"OMO, please don't cry,  we're almost at the infirmary" she sounded so worried.

she is such a stupid noona.


Your POV

 I know this is Taemin from the shinee but i don't remember him being bad.He was just a third grader at that

time and he only hung out with them, he might be o.k, but that was 6 years ago and a lot can happen.

We got into the nurse's office and he got a hello kitty band aid, which weirdly made him super happy.

"Thank you noona!"he said innocently.

"no problem, sorry for accidently hitting you. oh i gotta go see my oppa. bye!"

"WAIT, you have a boyfriend?"

"no he's my brother, k i have to go!"

Why is he soooooo cute. I just want to hug him!

When i went to see Dongho he was by the fountain, texting.


"..."he made the face.

"dongie whats wrong?"

"Jen... broke up with me" he dropped the phone and ran.

"WAIT", it was too late he was gone.

i opened the phone and saw her text.


Dear Dongho

 I'm so sorry but i found new love in the states. I'm sorry  for not answering or replying to your calls and texts, i was just ...confused. I'm sorry and I know I owe you an explanation for leaving so suddenly. Ok so here it is, my parents brought me to the U.S for a marriage meeting, and i fell in love, i hope you can understand but it is ok if you don't. This will be the last text from me so please, just don't text me anymore,don't make this harder for both of us.I'm sorry.



SORRY for the terrible chapter im so mad right now because the chapter was accidently deleted so i needed to rewrite the entire thing.! ow well im done now so im ok

i also applied for a graphic so if you are interested~

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exoticshawol125 #1
hiya~ before I started reading I just wanted to say I'm a new reader :)
QueenOfKyaa #2
Nice pic but I prefer the other one - IU's so pretty! Amazing story by the way! Please update real soon, K!?!?!
QueenOfKyaa #3
Yay! Truth or Dare! Let the fun begin...
QueenOfKyaa #4
Jesus Christ! Their dad's psycho!
QueenOfKyaa #5
"BELL RINGS: GO TO FOURTH PERIOD" - this seems like stage directions for a play, lol! You should try to write one, I'm sure you would be awesome at it! ^-^
QueenOfKyaa #6
"In this case, clicking his pen NONSTOP." - I would kill him - annoying people, Boo!
QueenOfKyaa #7
"chicken molestor" - nice :D
QueenOfKyaa #8
"This idiot is still staring at me ! geez, look away!" -<br />
Lol! I love that last part! So funny! XD
QueenOfKyaa #9
I don't know grades - I'm from the UK - can you explain them to me please? :)<br />
I've just read the first chapter and already I can tell that I will like this story!
sorry guys im on a summer hiatus and have a little bit of writers block right now